@@ -402,28 +402,19 @@ The links are of the form <link>::split::<name>."
;; Grab the frontmost url from Safari.
(defun org-as-mac-safari-get-frontmost-url ()
- (let ((result
- (do-applescript
- (concat
- "tell application \"Safari\"\n"
- " set theUrl to URL of document 1\n"
- " set theName to the name of the document 1\n"
- " return theUrl & \"::split::\" & theName & \"\n\"\n"
- "end tell\n"))))
- (car (split-string result "[\r\n]+" t))))
+ (do-applescript
+ (concat
+ "tell application \"Safari\"\n"
+ " set theUrl to URL of document 1\n"
+ " set theName to the name of the document 1\n"
+ " return theUrl & \"::split::\" & theName & \"\n\"\n"
+ "end tell\n")))
(defun org-mac-safari-get-frontmost-url ()
(message "Applescript: Getting Safari url...")
- (let* ((url-and-title (org-as-mac-safari-get-frontmost-url))
- (split-link (split-string url-and-title "::split::"))
- (URL (car split-link))
- (description (cadr split-link))
- (org-link))
- (when (not (string= URL ""))
- (setq org-link (org-make-link-string URL description)))
- (kill-new org-link)
- org-link))
+ (org-mac-paste-applescript-links
+ (org-as-mac-safari-get-frontmost-url)))
(defun org-mac-safari-insert-frontmost-url ()