@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+;;; org-ctags.el - Integrate Emacs "tags" facility with org mode.
+;;; Author: Paul Sexton <eeeickythump@gmail.com>
+;;; Version: 1.0
+;;; Repository at http://bitbucket.org/eeeickythump/org-ctags/
+;;; Synopsis
+;;; ========
+;;; Allows org-mode to make use of the Emacs `etags' system. Defines tag
+;;; destinations in org-mode files as any text between <<double angled
+;;; brackets>>. This allows the tags-generation program `exuberant ctags' to
+;;; parse these files and create tag tables that record where these
+;;; destinations are found. Plain [[links]] in org mode files which do not have
+;;; <<matching destinations>> within the same file will then be interpreted as
+;;; links to these 'tagged' destinations, allowing seamless navigation between
+;;; multiple org-mode files. Topics can be created in any org mode file and
+;;; will always be found by plain links from other files. Other file types
+;;; recognised by ctags (source code files, latex files, etc) will also be
+;;; available as destinations for plain links, and similarly, org-mode links
+;;; will be available as tags from source files. Finally, the function
+;;; `org-ctags-find-tag-interactive' lets you choose any known tag, using
+;;; autocompletion, and quickly jump to it.
+;;; Installation
+;;; ============
+;;; Install org mode
+;;; Ensure org-ctags.el is somewhere in your emacs load path.
+;;; Download and install Exuberant ctags -- "http://ctags.sourceforge.net/"
+;;; Edit your .emacs file (see next section) and load emacs.
+;;; To put in your init file (.emacs):
+;;; ==================================
+;;; Assuming you already have org mode installed and set up:
+;;; (setq org-ctags-path-to-ctags "/path/to/ctags/executable")
+;;; (add-hook 'org-mode-hook
+;;; (lambda ()
+;;; (define-key org-mode-map "\C-co" 'org-ctags-find-tag-interactive)))
+;;; By default, with org-ctags loaded, org will first try and visit the tag
+;;; with the same name as the link; then, if unsuccessful, ask the user if
+;;; he/she wants to rebuild the 'TAGS' database and try again; then ask if
+;;; the user wishes to append 'tag' as a new toplevel heading at the end of
+;;; the buffer; and finally, defer to org's default behaviour which is to
+;;; search the entire text of the current buffer for 'tag'.
+;;; This behaviour can be modified by changing the value of
+;;; ORG-CTAGS-OPEN-LINK-FUNCTIONS. For example I have the following in my
+;;; .emacs, which describes the same behaviour as the above paragraph with
+;;; one difference:
+;;; (setq org-ctags-open-link-functions
+;;; '(org-ctags-find-tag
+;;; org-ctags-ask-rebuild-tags-file-then-find-tag
+;;; org-ctags-ask-append-topic
+;;; org-ctags-fail-silently)) ; <-- prevents org default behaviour
+;;; Usage
+;;; =====
+;;; When you click on a link "[[foo]]" and org cannot find a matching "<<foo>>"
+;;; in the current buffer, the tags facility will take over. The file TAGS in
+;;; the active directory is examined to see if the tags facility knows about
+;;; "<<foo>>" in any other files. If it does, the matching file will be opened
+;;; and the cursor will jump to the position of "<<foo>>" in that file.
+;;; User-visible functions:
+;;; - `org-ctags-find-tag-interactive': type a tag (plain link) name and visit
+;;; it. With autocompletion. Bound to ctrl-O in the above setup.
+;;; - All the etags functions should work. These include:
+;;; M-. `find-tag' -- finds the tag at point
+;;; C-M-. find-tag based on regular expression
+;;; M-x tags-search RET -- like C-M-. but searches through ENTIRE TEXT
+;;; of ALL the files referenced in the TAGS file. A quick way to
+;;; search through an entire 'project'.
+;;; M-* "go back" from a tag jump. Like `org-mark-ring-goto'.
+;;; You may need to bind this key yourself with (eg)
+;;; (global-set-key (kbd "<M-kp-multiply>") 'pop-tag-mark)
+;;; (see etags chapter in Emacs manual for more)
+;;; Keeping the TAGS file up to date
+;;; ================================
+;;; Tags mode has no way of knowing that you have created new tags by typing in
+;;; your org-mode buffer. New tags make it into the TAGS file in 3 ways:
+;;; 1. You re-run (org-ctags-create-tags "directory") to rebuild the file.
+;;; 2. You put the function `org-ctags-ask-rebuild-tags-file-then-find-tag' in
+;;; your `org-open-link-functions' list, as is done in the setup
+;;; above. This will cause the TAGS file to be rebuilt whenever a link
+;;; cannot be found. This may be slow with large file collections however.
+;;; 3. You run the following from the command line (all 1 line):
+;;; ctags --langdef=orgmode --langmap=orgmode:.org
+;;; --regex-orgmode="/<<([^>]+)>>/\1/d,definition/"
+;;; -f /your/path/TAGS -e -R /your/path/*.org
+;;; If you are paranoid, you might want to run (org-ctags-create-tags
+;;; "/path/to/org/files") at startup, by including the following toplevel form
+;;; in .emacs. However this can cause a pause of several seconds if ctags has
+;;; to scan lots of files.
+;;; (progn
+;;; (message "-- rebuilding tags tables...")
+;;; (mapc 'org-create-tags tags-table-list))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'org)
+(defgroup org-ctags nil
+ "Options concerning use of ctags within org mode."
+ :tag "Org-Ctags"
+ :group 'org-link)
+(defvar org-ctags-enabled-p t
+ "Activate ctags support in org mode?")
+(defvar org-ctags-tag-regexp "/<<([^>]+)>>/\\1/d,definition/"
+ "Regexp expression used by ctags external program, that matches
+tag destinations in org-mode files.
+See the ctags documentation for more information.")
+(defcustom org-ctags-path-to-ctags
+ (case (operating-system)
+ (windows "ctags.exe")
+ (unix "ctags-exuberant"))
+ "Full path to the ctags executable file."
+ :group 'org-ctags
+ :type 'file)
+(defcustom org-ctags-open-link-functions
+ '(org-ctags-find-tag
+ org-ctags-ask-rebuild-tags-file-then-find-tag
+ org-ctags-ask-append-topic)
+ "List of functions to be prepended to ORG-OPEN-LINK-FUNCTIONS when
+ORG-CTAGS is active."
+ :group 'org-ctags
+ :type 'hook
+ :options '(org-ctags-find-tag
+ org-ctags-ask-rebuild-tags-file-then-find-tag
+ org-ctags-rebuild-tags-file-then-find-tag
+ org-ctags-ask-append-topic
+ org-ctags-append-topic
+ org-ctags-ask-visit-buffer-or-file
+ org-ctags-visit-buffer-or-file
+ org-ctags-fail-silently))
+(defvar org-ctags-tag-list nil
+ "List of all tags in the active TAGS file. Created as a local
+variable in each buffer.")
+(defcustom org-ctags-new-topic-template
+ "* <<%t>>\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+ "Text to insert when creating a new org file via opening a hyperlink.
+The following patterns are replaced in the string:
+ `%t' - replaced with the capitalized title of the hyperlink"
+ :group 'org-ctags
+ :type 'string)
+(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
+ (lambda ()
+ (when (and org-ctags-enabled-p
+ (buffer-file-name))
+ ;; Make sure this file's directory is added to default
+ ;; directories in which to search for tags.
+ (let ((tags-filename
+ (expand-file-name
+ (concat (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))
+ "/TAGS"))))
+ (when (file-exists-p tags-filename)
+ (visit-tags-table tags-filename))))))
+(defadvice visit-tags-table (after org-ctags-load-tag-list activate compile)
+ (when (and org-ctags-enabled-p tags-file-name)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'org-ctags-tag-list)
+ (org-ctags-all-tags-in-current-tags-table))))
+(defun org-ctags-enable ()
+ (put 'org-mode 'find-tag-default-function 'org-ctags-find-tag-at-point)
+ (setq org-ctags-enabled-p t)
+ (dolist (fn (reverse org-ctags-open-link-functions))
+ (add-hook 'org-open-link-functions fn)))
+;;; General utility functions. ===============================================
+;;; These work outside org-ctags mode.
+(defun org-ctags-get-filename-for-tag (tag)
+ "TAG is a string. Search the active TAGS file for a matching tag,
+and if found, return a list containing the filename, line number, and
+buffer position where the tag is found."
+ (interactive "sTag: ")
+ (unless tags-file-name
+ (call-interactively (visit-tags-table)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (visit-tags-table-buffer 'same)
+ (when tags-file-name
+ (with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer tags-file-name)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (cond
+ ((re-search-forward (format "^.*%s\\([0-9]+\\),\\([0-9]+\\)$"
+ (regexp-quote tag)) nil t)
+ (let ((line (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
+ (pos (string-to-number (match-string 2))))
+ (cond
+ ((re-search-backward "\n\\(.*\\),[0-9]+\n")
+ (list (match-string 1) line pos))
+ (t ; can't find a file name preceding the matched
+ ; tag??
+ (error "Malformed TAGS file: %s" (buffer-name))))))
+ (t ; tag not found
+ nil))))))
+(defun org-ctags-all-tags-in-current-tags-table ()
+ "Read all tags defined in the active TAGS file, into a list of strings.
+Return the list."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((taglist nil))
+ (unless tags-file-name
+ (call-interactively (visit-tags-table)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (visit-tags-table-buffer 'same)
+ (with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer tags-file-name)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^.*\\(.*\\)\\([0-9]+\\),\\([0-9]+\\)$"
+ nil t)
+ (push (substring-no-properties (match-string 1)) taglist)))
+ taglist)))
+(defun org-ctags-string-search-and-replace (search replace string)
+ "Replace all instances of SEARCH with REPLACE in STRING."
+ (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote search) replace string t t))
+(defun y-or-n-minibuffer (prompt)
+ (let ((use-dialog-box nil))
+ (y-or-n-p prompt)))
+;;; Internal functions =======================================================
+(defun org-ctags-open-file (name &optional title)
+ "Visit or create a file called `NAME.org', and insert a new topic titled
+NAME (or TITLE if supplied)."
+ (interactive "sFile name: ")
+ (let ((filename (substitute-in-file-name (expand-file-name name))))
+ (condition-case v
+ (progn
+ (org-open-file name t)
+ (message "Opened file OK")
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert (org-ctags-string-search-and-replace
+ "%t" (capitalize (or title name))
+ org-ctags-new-topic-template))
+ (message "Inserted new file text OK")
+ (org-mode-restart))
+ (error (error "Error %S in org-ctags-open-file" v)))))
+;;;; Misc interoperability with etags system =================================
+(defadvice find-tag (before org-ctags-set-org-mark-before-finding-tag
+ activate compile)
+ "Before trying to find a tag, save our current position on org mark ring."
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (and (org-mode-p) org-ctags-enabled-p)
+ (org-mark-ring-push))))
+(defun org-ctags-find-tag-at-point ()
+ "Determine default tag to search for, based on text at point.
+If there is no plausible default, return nil."
+ (let (from to bound)
+ (when (or (ignore-errors
+ ;; Look for hyperlink around `point'.
+ (save-excursion
+ (search-backward "[[") (setq from (+ 2 (point))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char from)
+ (search-forward "]") (setq to (- (point) 1)))
+ (and (> to from) (>= (point) from) (<= (point) to)))
+ (progn
+ ;; Look at text around `point'.
+ (save-excursion
+ (skip-syntax-backward "w_") (setq from (point)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (skip-syntax-forward "w_") (setq to (point)))
+ (> to from))
+ ;; Look between `line-beginning-position' and `point'.
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (setq bound (line-beginning-position))
+ (skip-syntax-backward "^w_" bound)
+ (> (setq to (point)) bound)
+ (skip-syntax-backward "w_")
+ (setq from (point))))
+ ;; Look between `point' and `line-end-position'.
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (setq bound (line-end-position))
+ (skip-syntax-forward "^w_" bound)
+ (< (setq from (point)) bound)
+ (skip-syntax-forward "w_")
+ (setq to (point)))))
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties from to))))
+;;; Functions for use with 'org-open-link-functions' hook =================
+(defun org-ctags-find-tag (name)
+ "This function is intended to be used in ORG-OPEN-LINK-FUNCTIONS.
+Look for a tag called `NAME' in the current TAGS table. If it is found,
+visit the file and location where the tag is found."
+ (interactive "sTag: ")
+ (let ((old-buf (current-buffer))
+ (old-pnt (point-marker))
+ (old-mark (copy-marker (mark-marker))))
+ (condition-case nil
+ (progn (find-tag name)
+ t)
+ (error
+ ;; only restore old location if find-tag raises error
+ (set-buffer old-buf)
+ (goto-char old-pnt)
+ (set-marker (mark-marker) old-mark)
+ nil))))
+(defun org-ctags-visit-buffer-or-file (name &optional create)
+ "This function is intended to be used in ORG-OPEN-LINK-FUNCTIONS.
+Visit buffer named `NAME.org'. If there is no such buffer, visit the file
+with the same name if it exists. If the file does not exist, then behaviour
+depends on the value of CREATE.
+If CREATE is nil (default), then return nil. Do not create a new file.
+If CREATE is t, create the new file and visit it.
+If CREATE is the symbol `ask', then ask the user if they wish to create
+the new file."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((filename (concat (substitute-in-file-name
+ (expand-file-name name))
+ ".org")))
+ (cond
+ ((get-buffer (concat name ".org"))
+ ;; Buffer is already open
+ (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer (concat name ".org"))))
+ ((file-exists-p filename)
+ ;; File exists but is not open --> open it
+ (message "Opening existing org file `%S'..."
+ filename)
+ (org-open-file filename t))
+ ((or (eql create t)
+ (and (eql create 'ask)
+ (y-or-n-p (format "File `%s.org' not found; create?" name))))
+ (org-ctags-open-file filename name))
+ (t ;; File does not exist, and we don't want to create it.
+ nil))))
+(defun org-ctags-ask-visit-buffer-or-file (name)
+ "This function is intended to be used in ORG-OPEN-LINK-FUNCTIONS.
+Wrapper for org-ctags-visit-buffer-or-file, which ensures the user is
+asked before creating a new file."
+ (org-ctags-visit-buffer-or-file name 'ask))
+(defun org-ctags-append-topic (name &optional narrowp)
+ "This function is intended to be used in ORG-OPEN-LINK-FUNCTIONS.
+Append a new toplevel heading to the end of the current buffer. The
+heading contains NAME surrounded by <<angular brackets>>, thus making
+the heading a destination for the tag `NAME'."
+ (interactive "sTopic: ")
+ (widen)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (newline 2)
+ (message "Adding topic in buffer %s" (buffer-name))
+ (insert (org-ctags-string-search-and-replace
+ "%t" (capitalize name) org-ctags-new-topic-template))
+ (backward-char 4)
+ (org-update-radio-target-regexp)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (forward-line 2)
+ (when narrowp
+ ;;(org-tree-to-indirect-buffer 1) ;; opens new frame
+ (org-narrow-to-subtree))
+ t)
+(defun org-ctags-ask-append-topic (name &optional narrowp)
+ "This function is intended to be used in ORG-OPEN-LINK-FUNCTIONS.
+Wrapper for org-ctags-append-topic, which first asks the user if they want
+to append a new topic."
+ (if (y-or-n-p (format "Topic `%s' not found; append to end of buffer?"
+ name))
+ (org-ctags-append-topic name narrowp)
+ nil))
+(defun org-ctags-rebuild-tags-file-then-find-tag (name)
+ "This function is intended to be used in ORG-OPEN-LINK-FUNCTIONS.
+Like ORG-CTAGS-FIND-TAG, but calls the external ctags program first,
+to rebuild (update) the TAGS file."
+ (unless tags-file-name
+ (call-interactively (visit-tags-table)))
+ (when (buffer-file-name)
+ (org-ctags-create-tags))
+ (org-ctags-find-tag name))
+(defun org-ctags-ask-rebuild-tags-file-then-find-tag (name)
+ "This function is intended to be used in ORG-OPEN-LINK-FUNCTIONS.
+Wrapper for org-ctags-rebuild-tags-file-then-find-tag."
+ (if (and (buffer-file-name)
+ (y-or-n-p
+ (format
+ "Tag `%s' not found. Rebuild table `%s/TAGS' and look again?"
+ name
+ (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))))
+ (org-ctags-rebuild-tags-file-then-find-tag name)
+ nil))
+(defun org-ctags-fail-silently (name)
+ "This function is intended to be used in ORG-OPEN-LINK-FUNCTIONS.
+Put as the last function in the list if you want to prevent org's default
+behaviour of free text search."
+ t)
+;;; User-visible functions ===================================================
+(defun org-ctags-create-tags (&optional directory-name)
+ "(Re)create tags file in the directory of the active buffer,
+containing tag definitions for all the files in the directory and its
+subdirectories which are recognised by ctags. This will include
+files ending in `.org' as well as most other source files (.C,
+.H, .EL, .LISP, etc). All the resulting tags end up in one file,
+called TAGS, located in the directory. This function
+may take several seconds to finish if the directory or its
+subdirectories contain large numbers of taggable files."
+ (interactive)
+ (assert (buffer-file-name))
+ (let ((dir-name (or directory-name
+ (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))))
+ (exitcode nil))
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq exitcode
+ (shell-command
+ (format (concat "%s --langdef=orgmode --langmap=orgmode:.org "
+ "--regex-orgmode=\"%s\" -f \"%s\" -e -R \"%s\"")
+ org-ctags-path-to-ctags
+ org-ctags-tag-regexp
+ (expand-file-name (concat dir-name "/TAGS"))
+ (expand-file-name (concat dir-name "/")))))
+ (cond
+ ((eql 0 exitcode)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'org-ctags-tag-list)
+ (org-ctags-all-tags-in-current-tags-table)))
+ (t
+ ;; This seems to behave differently on Linux, so just ignore
+ ;; error codes for now
+ ;;(error "Calling ctags executable resulted in error code: %s"
+ ;; exitcode)
+ nil)))))
+(defvar org-ctags-find-tag-history nil
+ "History of tags visited by org-ctags-find-tag-interactive.")
+(defun org-ctags-find-tag-interactive ()
+ "Prompt for the name of a tag, with autocompletion, then visit
+the named tag. Uses ido-mode if available.
+If the user enters a string that does not match an existing tag, create
+a new topic."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((completing-read-fn (if (fboundp 'ido-completing-read)
+ 'ido-completing-read
+ 'completing-read))
+ (tag (funcall completing-read-fn "Topic: " org-ctags-tag-list
+ nil 'confirm nil 'org-ctags-find-tag-history)))
+ (when tag
+ (cond
+ ((member tag org-ctags-tag-list)
+ ;; Existing tag
+ (push tag org-ctags-find-tag-history)
+ (find-tag tag))
+ (t
+ ;; New tag
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-success
+ 'org-open-link-functions tag))))))
+(provide 'org-ctags)
+;;; arch-tag: 4b1ddd5a-8529-4b17-bcde-96a922d26343
+;;; org-ctags.el ends here