@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ release. The release process is a single make command:
: make release TAG=7.13
Before issuing this command, you should make sure that everything
-during the process will work right, you can do so my running
+during the process will work right, you can do so by running
: make testrelease TAG=7.13
@@ -133,15 +133,17 @@ from maint with this command:
** Between releases
-While working on master between releases, I use something like
-7.02trans as the version string. To set this version string in all
-relevant files, use
+While working on master between releases, I used to use something like
+7.02trans as the version string. I no longer do this. =M-x
+org-version= will spit ut complete version infor related to git, with
+the neares commit and tag. I you ever need to set a special version
+number, use this:
: UTILITIES/set_version 7.02trans
and commit the result. Note that the above command does not change
the version string in the file from which Org's homepage is
-generated. To change that as well, you would use a =--all= flag. TO
+generated. To change that as well, you would use a =--all= flag. To
change only this file, use =--only=.
* Synchonization with Emacs
@@ -185,9 +187,9 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
/org-colview-xemacs.el/ and /org-install.el/. The former does not
belong in Emacs. And the latter would actually be harmful because
Emacs generates its own autoloads. The Emacs distribution contains
- an empty org-install.el, so that users can have =(require
+ an empty /org-install.el/, so that users can have =(require
'org-install)= in .emacs with no ill effects. So if you were to
- copy org-install.el, you would overwrite that empty placeholder
+ copy /org-install.el/, you would overwrite that empty placeholder
4. Generate the ChangeLog entries
@@ -232,17 +234,23 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
* Updating the list of hooks on Worg
- The file org-configs/org-hooks.org contains a list of all hooks in
+ The file /org-configs/org-hooks.org/ contains a list of all hooks in
Org. This list has to be updated after hooks have been added or
- removed. The perl script UTILITIES/list-hooks.pl creates the entire
- section "Hooks and Function variables", including its level-one
- headline. I guess babel code could be used to update this
+ removed. The perl script /UTILITIES/list-hooks.pl/ creates the
+ entire section "Hooks and Function variables", including its
+ level-one headline. I guess babel code could be used to update this
automatically, but I have not implemented this - I have been doing
it by hand every few months.
* Copyright assignments
- The maintainer needs to keep track of copyright assignments. The
- list of all contributors from who we have the papers is kept on Worg
- at http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.php, so that committers
- can check if a patch can go into the core.
+ The maintainer needs to keep track of copyright assignments. Even
+ better, find a volunteer to do this. The list of all contributors
+ from who we have the papers is kept on Worg at
+ http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.php, so that committers can
+ check if a patch can go into the core. The assignment process does
+ not allways go smoothly, and it has happened several times that it
+ gets stuck or forgotten at the FSF. Emails from the paper submitter
+ have been ignored in the past, but an email from me as the
+ maintainer of Org mode has usually fixed such cases within a few
+ days.