@@ -11,8 +11,16 @@ INSTSUB = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%)
ORG_MAKE_DOC ?= info html pdf
ORG_MAKE_DOC ?= info html pdf
ifneq ($(wildcard .git),)
ifneq ($(wildcard .git),)
- GITVERSION ?= $(shell git describe --match release\* --abbrev=6 HEAD)
ORGVERSION ?= $(subst release_,,$(shell git describe --match release\* --abbrev=0 HEAD))
ORGVERSION ?= $(subst release_,,$(shell git describe --match release\* --abbrev=0 HEAD))
+ ifeq ($(ORGVERSION),)
+ # In elpa.git, there are no tags available. Fall back to using
+ # the org.el header.
+ ORGVERSION := $(shell $(BATCH) --eval "(require 'lisp-mnt)" \
+ --visit lisp/org.el --eval '(princ (lm-header "version"))')
+ GITVERSION ?= $(ORGVERSION)-g$(shell git rev-parse --short=6 HEAD)
+ else
+ GITVERSION ?= $(shell git describe --match release\* --abbrev=6 HEAD)
+ endif
GITSTATUS ?= $(shell git status -uno --porcelain)
GITSTATUS ?= $(shell git status -uno --porcelain)
-include mk/version.mk
-include mk/version.mk