@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ on every major platform.
There is a website for Org which provides links to the newest version
of Org, as well as additional information, frequently asked questions
(FAQ), links to tutorials, etc. This page is located at
#+cindex: print edition
An earlier version (7.3) of this manual is available as a [[http://www.network-theory.co.uk/org/manual/][paperback
@@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@ text. Markers always start with =fn:=. For example:
The Org homepage[fn:1] now looks a lot better than it used to.
- [fn:1] The link is: http://orgmode.org
+ [fn:1] The link is: https://orgmode.org
Org mode extends the number-based syntax to /named/ footnotes and
@@ -7811,13 +7811,13 @@ The variable ~org-protocol-project-alist~ maps URLs to local file
names, by stripping URL parameters from the end and replacing the
~:base-url~ with ~:working-directory~ and ~:online-suffix~ with
~:working-suffix~. For example, assuming you own a local copy of
-=http://orgmode.org/worg/= contents at =/home/user/worg=, you can set
+=https://orgmode.org/worg/= contents at =/home/user/worg=, you can set
~org-protocol-project-alist~ to the following
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-protocol-project-alist
- :base-url "http://orgmode.org/worg/"
+ :base-url "https://orgmode.org/worg/"
:working-directory "/home/user/worg/"
:online-suffix ".html"
:working-suffix ".org")))
@@ -7825,7 +7825,7 @@ names, by stripping URL parameters from the end and replacing the
#+texinfo: @noindent
If you are now browsing
-=http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.html= and find
+=https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.html= and find
a typo or have an idea about how to enhance the documentation, simply
click the bookmark and start editing.
@@ -12468,7 +12468,7 @@ changing the link's title and style:
#+cindex: ATTR_HTML, keyword
,#+ATTR_HTML: :title The Org mode homepage :style color:red;
- [[http://orgmode.org]]
+ [[https://orgmode.org]]
*** Tables in HTML export
@@ -12749,9 +12749,9 @@ and navigation can be done with the {{{kbd(n)}}} and {{{kbd(p)}}}
keys, and some other keys as well, press {{{kbd(?)}}} for an overview
of the available keys. The second one has a /folding/ view, much like
Org provides inside Emacs. The script is available at
-http://orgmode.org/org-info.js and the documentation at
-http://orgmode.org/worg/code/org-info-js/. The script is hosted on
-http://orgmode.org, but for reliability, prefer installing it on your
+https://orgmode.org/org-info.js and the documentation at
+https://orgmode.org/worg/code/org-info-js/. The script is hosted on
+https://orgmode.org, but for reliability, prefer installing it on your
own web server.
To use this program, just add this line to the Org file:
@@ -12767,7 +12767,7 @@ options described below:
- =path:= ::
The path to the script. The default is to grab the script from
- [[http://orgmode.org/org-info.js]], but you might want to have
+ [[https://orgmode.org/org-info.js]], but you might want to have
a local copy and use a path like =../scripts/org-info.js=.
- =view:= ::
@@ -13792,10 +13792,10 @@ examples works:
For clickable images, provide a link whose description is another link
to an image file. For example, to embed a image
-=org-mode-unicorn.png= which when clicked jumps to http://orgmode.org
+=org-mode-unicorn.png= which when clicked jumps to https://orgmode.org
website, do the following
-: [[http://orgmode.org][./org-mode-unicorn.png]]
+: [[https://orgmode.org][./org-mode-unicorn.png]]
**** Sizing and scaling of embedded images
@@ -16128,7 +16128,7 @@ Each language can have separate default header arguments by
customizing the variable ~org-babel-default-header-args:<LANG>~, where
{{{var(<LANG>)}}} is the name of the language. For details, see the
language-specific online documentation at
*** Header arguments in Org mode properties
@@ -17498,7 +17498,7 @@ Code blocks in the following languages are supported.
| Vala | vala | | |
Additional documentation for some languages is at
#+vindex: org-babel-load-languages
By default, only Emacs Lisp is enabled for evaluation. To enable or
@@ -19094,7 +19094,7 @@ of Org.
Org has a large number of hook variables for adding functionality.
This appendix illustrates using a few. A complete list of hooks with
documentation is maintained by the Worg project at
** Add-on packages
@@ -19106,9 +19106,9 @@ Various authors wrote a large number of add-on packages for Org.
These packages are not part of Emacs, but they are distributed as
contributed packages with the separate release available at
-http://orgmode.org. See the =contrib/README= file in the source code
+https://orgmode.org. See the =contrib/README= file in the source code
directory for a list of contributed files. Worg page with more
-information is at: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/.
+information is at: https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/.
** Adding hyperlink types
@@ -20640,7 +20640,7 @@ modify this GNU manual."
#+texinfo_header: @set txicodequotebacktick
# Contact Info
-#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINERSITE @uref{http://orgmode.org,maintainers webpage}
+#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINERSITE @uref{https://orgmode.org,maintainers webpage}
#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINER Carsten Dominik
#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINEREMAIL @email{carsten at orgmode dot org}
#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINERCONTACT @uref{mailto:carsten at orgmode dot org,contact the maintainer}
@@ -20875,7 +20875,7 @@ line; it is wrapped here only because of formatting constraints.
[fn:58] Contributed packages are not part of Emacs, but are
distributed with the main distribution of Org---visit
[fn:59] The Org date format is inspired by the standard ISO 8601
date/time format. To use an alternative format, see [[*Custom time