@@ -101,12 +101,17 @@
;; - obsolete QUOTE section
;; - obsolete "file+application" link
;; - spurious colons in tags
+;; - non-existent bibliography file
+;; - missing "print_bibliography" keyword
+;; - invalid "cite_export" value
+;; - incomplete citation object
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'ob)
+(require 'oc)
(require 'ol)
(require 'org-attach)
(require 'org-macro)
@@ -296,7 +301,24 @@
:name 'spurious-colons
:description "Report spurious colons in tags"
- :categories '(tags)))
+ :categories '(tags))
+ (make-org-lint-checker
+ :name 'non-existent-bibliography
+ :description "Report invalid bibliography file"
+ :categories '(cite))
+ (make-org-lint-checker
+ :name 'missing-print-bibliography
+ :description "Report missing \"print_bibliography\" keyword"
+ :categories '(cite))
+ (make-org-lint-checker
+ :name 'invalid-cite-export-declaration
+ :description "Report invalid value for \"cite_export\" keyword"
+ :categories '(cite))
+ (make-org-lint-checker
+ :name 'incomplete-citation
+ :description "Report incomplete citation object"
+ :categories '(cite)
+ :trust 'low))
"List of all available checkers.")
(defun org-lint--collect-duplicates
@@ -1121,6 +1143,55 @@ Use \"export %s\" instead"
(list (org-element-property :begin h)
"Tags contain a spurious colon")))))
+(defun org-lint-non-existent-bibliography (ast)
+ (org-element-map ast 'keyword
+ (lambda (k)
+ (when (equal "BIBLIOGRAPHY" (org-element-property :key k))
+ (let ((file (org-strip-quotes (org-element-property :value k))))
+ (and (not (file-remote-p file))
+ (not (file-exists-p file))
+ (list (org-element-property :begin k)
+ (format "Non-existent bibliography %S" file))))))))
+(defun org-lint-missing-print-bibliography (ast)
+ (and (org-element-map ast 'citation #'identity nil t)
+ (not (org-element-map ast 'keyword
+ (lambda (k)
+ (equal "PRINT_BIBLIOGRAPHY" (org-element-property :key k)))
+ nil t))
+ (list
+ (list (point-max) "Possibly missing \"PRINT_BIBLIOGRAPHY\" keyword"))))
+(defun org-lint-invalid-cite-export-declaration (ast)
+ (org-element-map ast 'keyword
+ (lambda (k)
+ (when (equal "CITE_EXPORT" (org-element-property :key k))
+ (let ((value (org-element-property :value k))
+ (source (org-element-property :begin k)))
+ (if (equal value "")
+ (list source "Missing export processor name")
+ (condition-case _
+ (pcase (org-cite-read-processor-declaration value)
+ (`(,(and (pred symbolp) name)
+ ,(pred string-or-null-p)
+ ,(pred string-or-null-p))
+ (unless (org-cite-get-processor name)
+ (list source "Unknown cite export processor %S" name)))
+ (_
+ (list source "Invalid cite export processor declaration")))
+ (error
+ (list source "Invalid cite export processor declaration")))))))))
+(defun org-lint-incomplete-citation (ast)
+ (org-element-map ast 'plain-text
+ (lambda (text)
+ (and (string-match-p org-element-citation-prefix-re text)
+ ;; XXX: The code below signals the error at the beginning
+ ;; of the paragraph containing the faulty object. It is
+ ;; not very accurate but may be enough for now.
+ (list (org-element-property :contents-begin
+ (org-element-property :parent text))
+ "Possibly incomplete citation markup")))))
;;; Reports UI