@@ -1268,38 +1268,28 @@ MAY-INLINE-P allows inlining it as an image."
;; (when par-open (org-odt-open-par))
-;; xml files generated on-the-fly
-(defconst org-export-odt-save-list
- '("mimetype" "META-INF/manifest.xml" "content.xml" "meta.xml" "styles.xml"))
-;; xml files that contribute to the final odt file
-(defvar org-export-odt-file-list nil)
-(defun org-odt-copy-image-file (path &optional target-file)
+(defvar org-odt-embedded-images-count 0)
+(defun org-odt-copy-image-file (path)
"Returns the internal name of the file"
(let* ((image-type (file-name-extension path))
(media-type (format "image/%s" image-type))
(src-file (expand-file-name
path (file-name-directory org-current-export-file)))
- (target-file (or target-file (org-odt-get-image-name src-file)))
- ;; FIXME
- (body-only nil))
+ (target-dir "Images/")
+ (target-file
+ (format "%s%04d.%s" target-dir
+ (incf org-odt-embedded-images-count) image-type)))
(when (not org-lparse-to-buffer)
(message "Embedding %s as %s ..."
(substring-no-properties path) target-file)
- ;; create Pictures dir if needed
- (let ((pictures-dir (file-name-directory target-file)))
- (unless (file-directory-p pictures-dir)
- (make-directory pictures-dir)
- (org-odt-create-manifest-file-entry "" pictures-dir)))
+ (when (= 1 org-odt-embedded-images-count)
+ (make-directory target-dir)
+ (org-odt-create-manifest-file-entry "" target-dir))
- ;; copy image file
- (unless (file-readable-p target-file)
- (copy-file src-file target-file 'overwrite)
- (org-odt-create-manifest-file-entry media-type target-file)
- (push target-file org-export-odt-file-list))) target-file))
+ (copy-file src-file target-file 'overwrite)
+ (org-odt-create-manifest-file-entry media-type target-file))
+ target-file))
(defun org-odt-image-attrs-from-size (&optional width height)
@@ -1393,28 +1383,17 @@ MAY-INLINE-P allows inlining it as an image."
(defun org-odt-init-outfile (filename)
(unless (executable-find "zip")
;; Not at all OSes ship with zip by default
- (error "Executable \"zip\" needed for creating OpenDocument files. Aborting."))
+ (error "Executable \"zip\" needed for creating OpenDocument files"))
(let* ((outdir (make-temp-file org-export-odt-tmpdir-prefix t))
- (mimetype-file (expand-file-name "mimetype" outdir))
- (content-file (expand-file-name "content.xml" outdir))
- (manifest-file (expand-file-name "META-INF/manifest.xml" outdir))
- (meta-file (expand-file-name "meta.xml" outdir))
- (styles-file (expand-file-name "styles.xml" outdir))
- (pictures-dir (expand-file-name "Pictures" outdir))
- (body-only nil))
- ;; content file
- (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect content-file t)
- (erase-buffer))
- ;; FIXME: How to factor in body-only here
- (unless body-only
- ;; initialize list of files that contribute to the odt file
- (setq org-export-odt-file-list org-export-odt-save-list))
- ;; no manifest file entries for now
- (setq org-odt-manifest-file-entries nil)
+ (content-file (expand-file-name "content.xml" outdir)))
+ ;; init conten.xml
+ (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect content-file t))
+ ;; reset variables
+ (setq org-odt-manifest-file-entries nil
+ org-odt-embedded-images-count 0)
@@ -1474,7 +1453,9 @@ visually."
;; write out the manifest entries before zipping
- (let ((zipdir default-directory))
+ (let ((xml-files '("mimetype" "META-INF/manifest.xml" "content.xml"
+ "meta.xml" "styles.xml"))
+ (zipdir default-directory))
(message "Switching to directory %s" (expand-file-name zipdir))
;; save all xml files
@@ -1485,7 +1466,7 @@ visually."
(when org-export-odt-prettify-xml
(indent-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(save-buffer 0)))
- org-export-odt-save-list)
+ xml-files)
(let* ((target-name (file-name-nondirectory target))
(target-dir (file-name-directory target))
@@ -1513,7 +1494,7 @@ visually."
(mapc (lambda (file)
(find-file-noselect (expand-file-name file zipdir) t)))
- org-export-odt-save-list)
+ xml-files)
(delete-directory zipdir)))