@@ -72,64 +72,65 @@ variable names and the value to be used in the gnuplot code."
"Execute a block of Gnuplot code with org-babel. This function is
called by `org-babel-execute-src-block' via multiple-value-bind."
(message "executing Gnuplot source code block")
- (let* ((vars (org-babel-gnuplot-process-vars params))
- (out-file (cdr (assoc :file params)))
- (term (or (cdr (assoc :term params))
- (when out-file (file-name-extension out-file))))
- (cmdline (cdr (assoc :cmdline params)))
- (in-file (make-temp-file "org-babel-ditaa"))
- (title (plist-get params :title))
- (lines (plist-get params :line))
- (sets (plist-get params :set))
- (x-labels (plist-get params :xlabels))
- (y-labels (plist-get params :ylabels))
- (timefmt (plist-get params :timefmt))
- (time-ind (or (plist-get params :timeind)
- (when timefmt 1))))
- (flet ((add-to-body (text)
- (setq body (concat text "\n" body))))
- ;; append header argument settings to body
- (when title (add-to-body (format "set title '%s'" title))) ;; title
- (when lines (mapc (lambda (el) (add-to-body el)) lines)) ;; line
- (when sets
- (mapc (lambda (el) (add-to-body (format "set %s" el))) sets))
- (when x-labels
- (add-to-body
- (format "set xtics (%s)"
- (mapconcat (lambda (pair)
- (format "\"%s\" %d" (cdr pair) (car pair)))
- x-labels ", "))))
- (when y-labels
- (add-to-body
- (format "set ytics (%s)"
- (mapconcat (lambda (pair)
- (format "\"%s\" %d" (cdr pair) (car pair)))
- y-labels ", "))))
- (when time-ind
- (add-to-body "set xdata time")
- (add-to-body (concat "set timefmt \""
- (or timefmt
- "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S") "\"")))
- (when out-file (add-to-body (format "set output \"%s\"" out-file)))
- (when term (add-to-body (format "set term %s" term)))
- ;; insert variables into code body: this should happen last
- ;; placing the variables at the *top* of the code in case their
- ;; values are used later
- (add-to-body (mapconcat
- (lambda (pair) (format "%s = \"%s\"" (car pair) (cdr pair)))
- vars "\n"))
- ;; evaluate the code body with gnuplot
- (if (string= session "none")
- (let ((script-file (make-temp-file "org-babel-gnuplot-script")))
- (with-temp-file script-file
- (insert (concat body "\n")))
- (message "gnuplot \"%s\"" script-file)
- (message (shell-command-to-string (format "gnuplot \"%s\"" script-file))))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert (concat body "\n"))
- (gnuplot-mode)
- (gnuplot-send-buffer-to-gnuplot)))
- out-file)))
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (let* ((vars (org-babel-gnuplot-process-vars params))
+ (out-file (cdr (assoc :file params)))
+ (term (or (cdr (assoc :term params))
+ (when out-file (file-name-extension out-file))))
+ (cmdline (cdr (assoc :cmdline params)))
+ (in-file (make-temp-file "org-babel-ditaa"))
+ (title (plist-get params :title))
+ (lines (plist-get params :line))
+ (sets (plist-get params :set))
+ (x-labels (plist-get params :xlabels))
+ (y-labels (plist-get params :ylabels))
+ (timefmt (plist-get params :timefmt))
+ (time-ind (or (plist-get params :timeind)
+ (when timefmt 1))))
+ (flet ((add-to-body (text)
+ (setq body (concat text "\n" body))))
+ ;; append header argument settings to body
+ (when title (add-to-body (format "set title '%s'" title))) ;; title
+ (when lines (mapc (lambda (el) (add-to-body el)) lines)) ;; line
+ (when sets
+ (mapc (lambda (el) (add-to-body (format "set %s" el))) sets))
+ (when x-labels
+ (add-to-body
+ (format "set xtics (%s)"
+ (mapconcat (lambda (pair)
+ (format "\"%s\" %d" (cdr pair) (car pair)))
+ x-labels ", "))))
+ (when y-labels
+ (add-to-body
+ (format "set ytics (%s)"
+ (mapconcat (lambda (pair)
+ (format "\"%s\" %d" (cdr pair) (car pair)))
+ y-labels ", "))))
+ (when time-ind
+ (add-to-body "set xdata time")
+ (add-to-body (concat "set timefmt \""
+ (or timefmt
+ "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S") "\"")))
+ (when out-file (add-to-body (format "set output \"%s\"" out-file)))
+ (when term (add-to-body (format "set term %s" term)))
+ ;; insert variables into code body: this should happen last
+ ;; placing the variables at the *top* of the code in case their
+ ;; values are used later
+ (add-to-body (mapconcat
+ (lambda (pair) (format "%s = \"%s\"" (car pair) (cdr pair)))
+ vars "\n"))
+ ;; evaluate the code body with gnuplot
+ (if (string= session "none")
+ (let ((script-file (make-temp-file "org-babel-gnuplot-script")))
+ (with-temp-file script-file
+ (insert (concat body "\n")))
+ (message "gnuplot \"%s\"" script-file)
+ (message (shell-command-to-string (format "gnuplot \"%s\"" script-file))))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert (concat body "\n"))
+ (gnuplot-mode)
+ (gnuplot-send-buffer-to-gnuplot)))
+ out-file))))
(defun org-babel-prep-session:gnuplot (session params)
"Prepare SESSION according to the header arguments specified in PARAMS."