@@ -119,7 +119,63 @@
(require 'ob-tangle)
(require 'ob-comint)
(require 'ob-keys)
-(require 'ob-emacs-lisp)
+;; load languages based on value of `org-babel-load-languages'
+(defun org-babel-do-load-languages (sym value)
+ "Load the languages defined in `org-babel-load-languages'."
+ (set-default sym value)
+ (mapc (lambda (pair)
+ (let ((active (cdr pair)) (lang (symbol-name (car pair))))
+ (if active
+ (progn
+ (message "Activating %s..." lang)
+ (require (intern (concat "ob-" lang))))
+ (progn
+ (message "Disabling %s..." lang)
+ (funcall 'fmakunbound
+ (intern (concat "org-babel-execute:" lang)))
+ (funcall 'fmakunbound
+ (intern (concat "org-babel-expand-body:" lang)))))))
+ org-babel-load-languages))
+(defcustom org-babel-load-languages '((emacs-lisp . t))
+ "Languages which can be evaluated in Org-mode buffers. This
+list can be used to load support for any of the languages below,
+note that each language will depend on a different set of system
+executables and/or Emacs modes. When a language is \"loaded\",
+then code blocks in that language can be evaluated with
+`org-babel-execute-src-block' bound by default to C-c C-c (note
+the `org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' variable can be set to
+remove code block evaluation from the C-c C-c keybinding. By
+default only Emacs Lisp (which has no requirements) is loaded."
+ :group 'org-babel
+ :set 'org-babel-do-load-languages
+ :type '(alist :tag "Babel Languages"
+ :key-type
+ (choice
+ (const :tag "C" C)
+ (const :tag "R" R)
+ (const :tag "Asymptote" asymptote)
+ (const :tag "Clojure" clojure)
+ (const :tag "CSS" css)
+ (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa)
+ (const :tag "Dot" dot)
+ (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp)
+ (const :tag "Gnuplot" gnuplot)
+ (const :tag "Haskell" haskell)
+ (const :tag "Latex" latex)
+ (const :tag "Matlab" matlab)
+ (const :tag "Ocaml" ocaml)
+ (const :tag "Octave" octave)
+ (const :tag "Perl" perl)
+ (const :tag "Python" python)
+ (const :tag "Ruby" ruby)
+ (const :tag "Sass" sass)
+ (const :tag "Screen" screen)
+ (const :tag "Shell Script" sh)
+ (const :tag "Sql" sql)
+ (const :tag "Sqlite" sqlite))
+ :value-type (boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)))
;;;; Customization variables
(defcustom org-clone-delete-id nil