@@ -33,13 +33,20 @@ BATCH = $(EMACS) -batch -Q \
--eval '(defconst org-release "$(ORGVERSION)-Make")' \
# How to run tests
-BTEST_EXTRA = # placeholder
-BTEST = $(EMACS) -batch \
- -L lisp/ \
+BTEST_PRE = # add options before standard load-path
+BTEST_POST = # add options after standard load path
+BTEST_OB_LANGUAGES = awk C fortran maxima lilypond octave python sh # R
+# R is not activated by default because it requires ess to be installed and configured
+req-ob-lang = --eval '(require '"'"'ob-$(ob-lang))'
+BTEST_EXTRA = # extra packages to require
+req-extra = --eval '(require '"'"'$(req))'
+BTEST = $(EMACS) -batch -Q \
+ $(BTEST_PRE) -L lisp/ -L testing/ $(BTEST_POST) \
--eval '(defconst org-release "$(ORGVERSION)-Test")' \
-l testing/org-test.el \
- -eval "(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)" \
+ $(foreach ob-lang,$(BTEST_OB_LANGUAGES),$(req-ob-lang)) \
+ $(foreach req,$(BTEST_EXTRA),$(req-extra)) \
+ --eval '(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)' \
-f org-test-run-batch-tests
# How to byte-compile the whole source directory