@@ -722,10 +722,20 @@ version."
; collecting styles
- org-lparse-list-table-p
+ ;; list related vars
(org-lparse-list-level 0) ; list level starts at 1. A
; value of 0 implies we are
; outside of any list
+ (org-lparse-list-item-count 0)
+ org-lparse-list-stack
+ ;; list-table related vars
+ org-lparse-list-table-p
+ org-lparse-list-table:table-cell-open
+ org-lparse-list-table:table-row
+ org-lparse-list-table:lines
(org-lparse-latex-fragment-fallback ; currently used only by
; odt exporter
@@ -1267,7 +1277,7 @@ version."
;; kill collection buffer
(when org-lparse-collect-buffer
(kill-buffer org-lparse-collect-buffer))
(goto-char (point-min))
(or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring
(upcase (symbol-name org-lparse-backend)))
@@ -1389,6 +1399,8 @@ for formatting. This is required for the DocBook exporter."
(defun org-lparse-do-format-list-table (lines &optional splice
caption label attributes head
+ (or (featurep 'org-table) ; required for
+ (require 'org-table)) ; `org-table-number-regexp'
(let* ((org-lparse-table-rownum -1) org-lparse-table-ncols i (cnt 0)
tbopen fields line
@@ -2184,20 +2196,131 @@ When TITLE is nil, just close all open levels."
("u" . unordered)
("d" . description)))))
-(defvar org-lparse-list-level) ; dynamically bound in org-do-lparse
+;; following vars are bound during `org-do-lparse'
+(defvar org-lparse-list-level)
+(defvar org-lparse-list-item-count)
+(defvar org-lparse-list-stack)
+(defvar org-lparse-list-table:table-row)
+(defvar org-lparse-list-table:lines)
+;; Notes on LIST-TABLES
+;; ====================
+;; When `org-lparse-list-table-enable' is non-nil, the following list
+;; #+begin_list-table
+;; - Row 1
+;; - 1.1
+;; - 1.2
+;; - 1.3
+;; - Row 2
+;; - 2.1
+;; - 2.2
+;; - 2.3
+;; #+end_list-table
+;; will be exported as though it were a table as shown below.
+;; | Row 1 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
+;; | Row 2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 |
+;; Note that org-tables are NOT multi-line and each line is mapped to
+;; a unique row in the exported document. So if an exported table
+;; needs to contain a single paragraph (with copious text) it needs to
+;; be typed up in a single line. Editing such long lines using the
+;; table editor will be a cumbersome task. Furthermore inclusion of
+;; multi-paragraph text in a table cell is well-nigh impossible.
+;; LIST-TABLEs are meant to circumvent the above problems with
+;; org-tables.
+;; Note that in the example above the list items could be paragraphs
+;; themselves and the list can be arbitrarily deep.
+;; Inspired by following thread:
+;; https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-03/msg01101.html
(defun org-lparse-begin-list (ltype)
(incf org-lparse-list-level)
- (org-lparse-begin 'LIST ltype))
+ (push org-lparse-list-item-count org-lparse-list-stack)
+ (setq org-lparse-list-item-count 0)
+ (cond
+ ((not org-lparse-list-table-p)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST ltype))
+ ;; process LIST-TABLE
+ ((= 1 org-lparse-list-level)
+ ;; begin LIST-TABLE
+ (setq org-lparse-list-table:lines nil)
+ (setq org-lparse-list-table:table-row nil))
+ ((= 2 org-lparse-list-level)
+ (ignore))
+ (t
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST ltype))))
(defun org-lparse-end-list (ltype)
+ (setq org-lparse-list-item-count (pop org-lparse-list-stack))
(decf org-lparse-list-level)
- (org-lparse-end 'LIST ltype))
+ (cond
+ ((not org-lparse-list-table-p)
+ (org-lparse-end 'LIST ltype))
+ ;; process LIST-TABLE
+ ((= 0 org-lparse-list-level)
+ ;; end LIST-TABLE
+ (insert (org-lparse-format-list-table
+ (nreverse org-lparse-list-table:lines))))
+ ((= 1 org-lparse-list-level)
+ (ignore))
+ (t
+ (org-lparse-end 'LIST ltype))))
(defun org-lparse-begin-list-item (ltype &optional arg headline)
- (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM ltype arg headline))
+ (incf org-lparse-list-item-count)
+ (cond
+ ((not org-lparse-list-table-p)
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM ltype arg headline))
+ ;; process LIST-TABLE
+ ((and (= 1 org-lparse-list-level)
+ (= 1 org-lparse-list-item-count))
+ ;; begin TABLE-ROW for LIST-TABLE
+ (setq org-lparse-list-table:table-row nil)
+ (org-lparse-begin-list-table:table-cell))
+ ((and (= 2 org-lparse-list-level)
+ (= 1 org-lparse-list-item-count))
+ ;; begin TABLE-CELL for LIST-TABLE
+ (org-lparse-begin-list-table:table-cell))
+ (t
+ (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM ltype arg headline))))
(defun org-lparse-end-list-item (ltype)
- (org-lparse-end 'LIST-ITEM ltype))
+ (decf org-lparse-list-item-count)
+ (cond
+ ((not org-lparse-list-table-p)
+ (org-lparse-end 'LIST-ITEM ltype))
+ ;; process LIST-TABLE
+ ((and (= 1 org-lparse-list-level)
+ (= 0 org-lparse-list-item-count))
+ (org-lparse-end-list-table:table-cell)
+ (push (nreverse org-lparse-list-table:table-row)
+ org-lparse-list-table:lines))
+ ((= 2 org-lparse-list-level)
+ (org-lparse-end-list-table:table-cell))
+ (t
+ (org-lparse-end 'LIST-ITEM ltype))))
+(defvar org-lparse-list-table:table-cell-open)
+(defun org-lparse-begin-list-table:table-cell ()
+ (org-lparse-end-list-table:table-cell)
+ (setq org-lparse-list-table:table-cell-open t)
+ (org-lparse-begin-collect)
+ (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))
+(defun org-lparse-end-list-table:table-cell ()
+ (when org-lparse-list-table:table-cell-open
+ (setq org-lparse-list-table:table-cell-open nil)
+ (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
+ (push (org-lparse-end-collect)
+ org-lparse-list-table:table-row)))
(defvar org-lparse-table-rowgrp-info)
(defun org-lparse-begin-table-rowgroup (&optional is-header-row)