@@ -108,23 +108,29 @@ a variable of the same value."
((stringp val)
(format "string %S=\"%s\";" var val))
((listp val)
- (let* ((dimension-2-p (not (null (cdr val))))
+ (let* ((dimension-2-p (cdr val))
(dim (if dimension-2-p "[][]" "[]"))
(type (org-babel-asymptote-define-type val))
(array (org-babel-asymptote-table-to-array
- val
+ val type
(if dimension-2-p '(:lstart "{" :lend "}," :llend "}")))))
(format "%S%s %S=%s;" type dim var array))))))
-(defun org-babel-asymptote-table-to-array (table params)
- "Convert values of an elisp table into a string of an asymptote array.
+(defun org-babel-asymptote-table-to-array (table type params)
+ "Convert values of TABLE into a string of an asymptote array.
+TABLE is a list whose atoms are assumed to be of type
+TYPE. PARAMS is a plist of parameters that can influence the
Empty cells are ignored."
(labels ((atom-to-string (table)
((null table) '())
((not (listp (car table)))
- (cons (if (and (stringp (car table))
- (not (string= (car table) "")))
+ (cons (if (or (eq type 'string)
+ (and (stringp (car table))
+ (not (string= (car table) ""))))
(format "\"%s\"" (car table))
(format "%s" (car table)))
(atom-to-string (cdr table))))
@@ -140,22 +146,22 @@ Empty cells are ignored."
(defun org-babel-asymptote-define-type (data)
"Determine type of DATA.
-DATA is a list. Type symbol is returned as 'symbol. The type is
-usually the type of the first atom encountered, except for arrays
-of int, where every cell must be of int type."
- (labels ((anything-but-int (el)
- (cond
- ((null el) nil)
- ((not (listp (car el)))
- (cond
- ((floatp (car el)) 'real)
- ((stringp (car el)) 'string)
- (t
- (anything-but-int (cdr el)))))
- (t
- (or (anything-but-int (car el))
- (anything-but-int (cdr el)))))))
- (or (anything-but-int data) 'int)))
+DATA is a list. Return type as a symbol.
+The type is `string' if any element in DATA is
+a string. Otherwise, it is either `float', if some elements are
+floats, or `int'."
+ (let* ((type 'int)
+ (find-type
+ (lambda (row)
+ (catch 'exit
+ (mapc (lambda (el)
+ (cond ((listp el) (funcall find-type el))
+ ((stringp el) (throw 'exit (setq type 'string)))
+ ((floatp el) (setq type 'float))))
+ row)))))
+ (funcall find-type data) type))
(provide 'ob-asymptote)