@@ -350,17 +350,20 @@ returned list."
-(defun org-protocol-flatten (list)
- "Transform LIST into a flat list.
+(if (fboundp 'flatten-tree)
+ (defalias 'org-protocol-flatten 'flatten-tree)
+ (defun org-protocol-flatten (list)
+ "Transform LIST into a flat list.
Greedy handlers might receive a list like this from emacsclient:
\((\"/dir/org-protocol:/greedy:/~/path1\" (23 . 12)) (\"/dir/param\"))
where \"/dir/\" is the absolute path to emacsclients working directory.
This function transforms it into a flat list."
- (if (null list) ()
- (if (listp list)
- (append (org-protocol-flatten (car list)) (org-protocol-flatten (cdr list)))
- (list list))))
+ (if (null list) ()
+ (if (listp list)
+ (append (org-protocol-flatten (car list))
+ (org-protocol-flatten (cdr list)))
+ (list list)))))
(defun org-protocol-parse-parameters (info &optional new-style default-order)
"Return a property list of parameters from INFO.