@@ -241,12 +241,17 @@ the ATTACH_DIR property) their own attachment directory."
"Commit changes to git if `org-attach-directory' is properly initialized.
This checks for the existence of a \".git\" directory in that directory."
(let ((dir (expand-file-name org-attach-directory)))
- (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name ".git" dir))
- (shell-command
- (concat "(cd " dir "; "
- " git add .; "
- " git ls-files --deleted -z | xargs -0 git rm; "
- " git commit -m 'Synchronized attachments')")))))
+ (when (file-exists-p (expand-file-name ".git" dir))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (cd dir)
+ (shell-command "git add .")
+ (shell-command "git ls-files --deleted -z" t)
+ (mapc '(lambda (file)
+ (unless (string= file "")
+ (shell-command
+ (concat "git rm \"" file "\""))))
+ (split-string (buffer-string) ""))
+ (shell-command "git commit -m 'Synchronized attachments'")))))
(defun org-attach-tag (&optional off)
"Turn the autotag on or (if OFF is set) off."