@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
The remember buffers created with Org's extensions are in
Org-mode, which is nice to prepare snippets that will
- actually be sotred in Org-mode files. However, this makes it
+ actually be stored in Org-mode files. However, this makes it
hard to configure key bindings without modifying the Org-mode
keymap. There is now a minor mode active in these buffers,
`org-remember-mode', and its keymap org-remember-mode-map can
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
binding (by binding this key to nil in the minor mode map),
so that you can use =C-c C-c= again to set tags.
+ This modification is based on a request by Tim O'Callaghan.
*** Support for ido completion
You can now get the completion interface from /ido.el/ for
@@ -51,6 +53,8 @@
variable =org-completion-use-ido=. =ido=mode= must also be
active before you can use this.
+ This change is based upon a request by Samuel Wales.
*** New face for date lines in agenda column view
When column view is active in the agenda, and when you have
@@ -59,6 +63,8 @@
harder to see. If this bothers you, you can now customize
the face =org-agenda-column-dateline=.
+ This is based on a request by George Pearson.
*** Invisible targets become now anchors in headlines.
These anchors can be used to jump to a directly with an HTML
@@ -71,6 +77,8 @@
,*** a headline
+ This is based on a request by Matt Lundin.
*** New contributed file /org-exp-blocks.el/
This new file implements special export behavior of
@@ -86,11 +94,12 @@
Kudos to Eric Schulte for this new functionality, after
- org-plot.el already his second major contribution. Thanks to
- Stathis for this excellent program, and for allowing us to
+ /org-plot.el/ already his second major contribution. Thanks
+ to Stathis for this excellent program, and for allowing us to
bundle it with Org-mode.
*** New contributed file /org-eval-light.el/
This module gives contrib over execution Emacs Lisp code
blocks included in a file.
@@ -113,11 +122,7 @@
- This will work for pretty much all links where Org does
- support the same or a similar protocol. However, the
- translator is a quick hack, and maybe we need to refine it.
- I guess a similar translator could be written and integrated
+ I guess an inverse translator could be written and integrated
into Planner.
*** BBDB links may use regular expressions.
@@ -126,6 +131,11 @@
*** =yank-pop= works again after yanking an outline tree
+ Samuel Wales had noticed that org-yank did mess up this
+ functionality. Now you can use =yank-pop= again, the only
+ restriction is that the so-yanked text will not be
+ pro/demoted or folded.
*** Link abbreviations can use %h to insert a url-encoded target value
Thanks to Steve Purcell for a patch to this effect.
@@ -135,7 +145,7 @@
Thanks to Sebastian Rose for pushing this.
*** Many bug fixes again.
* Version 6.12
** Overview