@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; org-mac-link.el --- Insert org-mode links to items selected in various Mac apps
-;; Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Anthony Lander <anthony.lander@gmail.com>
;; John Wiegley <johnw@gnu.org>
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
;; Author: Mike McLean <mike.mclean@pobox.com>
;; Add support for Microsoft Outlook for Mac as Org mode links
+;; Version: 1.3
+;; Author: Alan Schmitt <alan.schmitt@polytechnique.org>
+;; Consistently use `org-mac-paste-applescript-links'
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -299,15 +303,7 @@ The links are of the form <link>::split::<name>."
(defun org-mac-firefox-get-frontmost-url ()
(message "Applescript: Getting Firefox url...")
- (let* ((url-and-title (org-as-mac-firefox-get-frontmost-url))
- (split-link (split-string url-and-title "::split::"))
- (URL (car split-link))
- (description (cadr split-link))
- (org-link))
- (when (not (string= URL ""))
- (setq org-link (org-make-link-string URL description)))
- (kill-new org-link)
- org-link))
+ (org-mac-paste-applescript-links (org-as-mac-firefox-get-frontmost-url)))
(defun org-mac-firefox-insert-frontmost-url ()
@@ -345,15 +341,7 @@ The links are of the form <link>::split::<name>."
(defun org-mac-vimperator-get-frontmost-url ()
(message "Applescript: Getting Vimperator url...")
- (let* ((url-and-title (org-as-mac-vimperator-get-frontmost-url))
- (split-link (split-string url-and-title "::split::"))
- (URL (car split-link))
- (description (cadr split-link))
- (org-link))
- (when (not (string= URL ""))
- (setq org-link (org-make-link-string URL description)))
- (kill-new org-link)
- org-link))
+ (org-mac-paste-applescript-links (org-as-mac-vimperator-get-frontmost-url)))
(defun org-mac-vimperator-insert-frontmost-url ()
@@ -383,15 +371,7 @@ The links are of the form <link>::split::<name>."
(defun org-mac-chrome-get-frontmost-url ()
(message "Applescript: Getting Chrome url...")
- (let* ((url-and-title (org-as-mac-chrome-get-frontmost-url))
- (split-link (split-string url-and-title "::split::"))
- (URL (car split-link))
- (description (cadr split-link))
- (org-link))
- (when (not (string= URL ""))
- (setq org-link (org-make-link-string URL description)))
- (kill-new org-link)
- org-link))
+ (org-mac-paste-applescript-links (org-as-mac-chrome-get-frontmost-url)))
(defun org-mac-chrome-insert-frontmost-url ()
@@ -557,15 +537,7 @@ The links are of the form <link>::split::<name>."
(defun org-mac-skim-get-page ()
(message "Applescript: Getting Skim page link...")
- (let* ((link-and-descr (as-get-skim-page-link))
- (split-link (split-string link-and-descr "::split::"))
- (link (car split-link))
- (description (cadr split-link))
- (org-link))
- (when (not (string= link ""))
- (setq org-link (org-make-link-string link description)))
- (kill-new org-link)
- org-link))
+ (org-mac-paste-applescript-links (as-get-skim-page-link)))
(defun org-mac-skim-insert-page ()
@@ -640,27 +612,12 @@ The Org-syntax text will be pushed to the kill ring, and also returned."
(interactive "sLink to (s)elected or (f)lagged messages: ")
(setq select-or-flag (or select-or-flag "s"))
(message "Org Mac Outlook: searching mailboxes...")
- (let* ((as-link-list
- (if (string= select-or-flag "s")
- (org-as-get-selected-outlook-mail)
- (if (string= select-or-flag "f")
- (org-sh-get-flagged-outlook-mail)
- (error "Please select \"s\" or \"f\""))))
- (link-list
- (mapcar
- (lambda (x) (if (string-match "\\`\"\\(.*\\)\"\\'" x) (setq x (match-string 1 x))) x)
- (split-string as-link-list "[\r\n]+")))
- split-link URL description orglink orglink-insert rtn orglink-list)
- (while link-list
- (setq split-link (split-string (pop link-list) "::split::"))
- (setq URL (car split-link))
- (setq description (cadr split-link))
- (when (not (string= URL ""))
- (setq orglink (org-make-link-string URL description))
- (push orglink orglink-list)))
- (setq rtn (mapconcat 'identity orglink-list "\n"))
- (kill-new rtn)
- rtn))
+ (org-mac-paste-applescript-links
+ (if (string= select-or-flag "s")
+ (org-as-get-selected-outlook-mail)
+ (if (string= select-or-flag "f")
+ (org-sh-get-flagged-outlook-mail)
+ (error "Please select \"s\" or \"f\"")))))
(defun org-mac-outlook-message-insert-selected ()
"Insert a link to the messages currently selected in Microsoft Outlook.app.
@@ -734,25 +691,7 @@ selected items in DEVONthink Pro Office.app and make links out of
it/them. This function will push the Org-syntax text to the kill
ring, and also return it."
(message "Org Mac DEVONthink: looking for selected items...")
- (let* ((as-link-list (org-as-get-selected-devonthink-item))
- (link-list (if as-link-list
- (mapcar
- (lambda (x) (if (string-match "\\`\"\\(.*\\)\"\\'" x)
- (setq x (match-string 1 x)))
- x)
- (split-string as-link-list "[\r\n]+"))
- nil))
- orglink-list)
- (while link-list
- (let* ((current-item (pop link-list)))
- (message "current item: %s" current-item)
- (when (and current-item (not (string= current-item "")))
- (let* ((split-link (split-string current-item "::split::"))
- (orglink (org-make-link-string
- (url-encode-url (car split-link))
- (cadr split-link))))
- (push orglink orglink-list)))))
- (kill-new (mapconcat 'identity orglink-list "\n"))))
+ (org-mac-paste-applescript-links (org-as-get-selected-devonthink-item)))
(defun org-mac-devonthink-item-insert-selected ()
"Insert a link to the item(s) currently selected in DEVONthink Pro Office.