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org-macs.el: Introduce a helper for `encode-time'

* lisp/org-macs.el (org-encode-time): New compatibility and convenience
helper macro to allow a list for time components or separate arguments
independently of Emacs version.
* testing/lisp/test-org.el (org-test-with-timezone): New macro to ensure
that some code is executed with certain TZ environment value and thus
particular daylight saving time or other time shift rules are active.
* testing/lisp/test-org.el (test-org/org-encode-time): Tests for various
ways to call `org-encode-time'.

Ensure recommended way to call `encode-time' for Emacs-27 and newer with
hope to avoid bugs due to attempts to modernize the code similar to
bug#54731.  6-elements list may be allowed as `encode-time' argument
since Emacs-29, see bug#54764.
Max Nikulin 2 years ago
2 changed files with 106 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 35 0
  2. 71 0

+ 35 - 0

@@ -1392,6 +1392,41 @@ nil, just return 0."
 	(b (org-2ft b)))
     (and (> a 0) (> b 0) (\= a b))))
+(if (version< emacs-version "27.1")
+    (defmacro org-encode-time (&rest time)
+      (if (cdr time)
+          `(encode-time ,@time)
+        `(apply #'encode-time ,@time)))
+  (if (ignore-errors (with-no-warnings (encode-time '(0 0 0 1 1 1971))))
+      (defmacro org-encode-time (&rest time)
+        (pcase (length time) ; Emacs-29 since d75e2c12eb
+          (1 `(encode-time ,@time))
+          ((or 6 9) `(encode-time (list ,@time)))
+          (_ (error "`org-encode-time' may be called with 1, 6, or 9 arguments but %d given"
+                    (length time)))))
+    (defmacro org-encode-time (&rest time)
+      (pcase (length time)
+        (1 `(encode-time ,@time))
+        (6 `(encode-time (list ,@time nil -1 nil)))
+        (9 `(encode-time (list ,@time)))
+        (_ (error "`org-encode-time' may be called with 1, 6, or 9 arguments but %d given"
+                  (length time)))))))
+(put 'org-encode-time 'function-documentation
+     "Compatibility and convenience helper for `encode-time'.
+May be called with 9 components list (SECONDS ... YEAR IGNORED DST ZONE)
+as the recommended way since Emacs-27 or with 6 or 9 separate arguments
+similar to the only possible variant for Emacs-26 and earlier.
+6 elements list as the only argument causes wrong type argument till Emacs-29.
+Warning: use -1 for DST to guess the actual value, nil means no
+daylight saving time and may be wrong at particular time.
+DST value is ignored prior to Emacs-27.  Since Emacs-27 DST value matters
+even when multiple arguments is passed to this macro and such
+behavior is different from `encode-time'. See
+Info node `(elisp)Time Conversion' for details and caveats,
+preferably the latest version.")
 (defun org-parse-time-string (s &optional nodefault)
   "Parse Org time string S.

+ 71 - 0

@@ -24,6 +24,20 @@
 (eval-and-compile (require 'cl-lib))
+;;; Helpers
+(defmacro org-test-with-timezone (tz &rest body)
+  "Evaluate BODY with TZ environment temporary set to the passed value."
+  (declare (indent 1))
+  (org-with-gensyms (tz-saved)
+    `(let ((,tz-saved (getenv "TZ")))
+       (unwind-protect
+           (progn
+             (setenv "TZ" ,tz)
+             ,@body)
+             (setenv "TZ" ,tz-saved)))))
 ;;; Comments
@@ -179,6 +193,63 @@
 ;;; Date and time analysis
+(ert-deftest test-org/org-encode-time ()
+  "Test various ways to call `org-encode-time'"
+  (org-test-with-timezone "UTC"
+    ;; list as the sole argument
+    (should (string-equal
+             "2022-03-24 23:30:01"
+             (format-time-string
+              "%F %T"
+              (org-encode-time '(1 30 23 24 3 2022 nil -1 nil)))))
+    ;; SECOND...YEAR
+    (should (string-equal
+             "2022-03-24 23:30:02"
+             (format-time-string
+              "%F %T"
+              (org-encode-time 2 30 23 24 3 2022))))
+    (should (string-equal
+             "2022-03-24 23:30:03"
+             (format-time-string
+              "%F %T"
+              (org-encode-time 3 30 23 24 3 2022 nil -1 nil))))
+    ;; function call
+    (should (string-equal
+             "2022-03-24 23:30:04"
+             (format-time-string
+              "%F %T"
+              (org-encode-time (apply #'list 4 30 23 '(24 3 2022 nil -1 nil))))))
+    ;; wrong number of arguments
+    (if (not (version< emacs-version "27.1"))
+        (should-error (string-equal
+                       "2022-03-24 23:30:05"
+                       (format-time-string
+                        "%F %T"
+                        (org-encode-time 5 30 23 24 3 2022 nil))))))
+  ;; daylight saving time
+  (if (not (version< emacs-version "27.1"))
+      ;; DST value is not ignored for multiple arguments unlike for `encode-time'
+      (should (string-equal
+               "2022-04-01 00:30:06 +0200 CEST"
+               (format-time-string
+                "%F %T %z %Z"
+                (org-encode-time 6 30 23 31 3 2022 nil nil "Europe/Madrid")
+                "Europe/Madrid")))
+    (should (string-equal
+             "2022-03-31 23:30:07 +0200 CEST"
+             (format-time-string
+              "%F %T %z %Z"
+              (org-encode-time 7 30 23 31 3 2022 nil t "Europe/Madrid")
+              "Europe/Madrid"))))
+  (org-test-with-timezone "Europe/Madrid"
+    ;; Standard time is not forced when DST is not specified
+    (should (string-equal
+             "2022-03-31 23:30:08"
+             (format-time-string
+              "%F %T"
+              (org-encode-time 8 30 23 31 3 2022))))))
 (ert-deftest test-org/org-read-date ()
   "Test `org-read-date' specifications."
   ;; Parse ISO date with abbreviated year and month.