@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+;;; org-exp-blocks.el --- pre-process blocks when exporting org files
+;; Copyright (C) 2008 Eric Schulte
+;; Author: Eric Schulte
+;; This file is not currently part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program ; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is a utility for pre-processing blocks in org files before
+;; export using the `org-export-preprocess-hook'. It can be used for
+;; exporting new types of blocks from org-mode files and also for
+;; changing the default export behavior of existing org-mode blocks.
+;; The `org-export-blocks' and `org-export-interblocks' alist can be
+;; used to control how blocks and the spaces between blocks
+;; respectively are processed upon export.
+;; The type of a block is defined as the string following =#+begin_=,
+;; so for example the following block would be of type ditaa. Note
+;; that both upper or lower case are allowed in =#+BEGIN_= and
+;; =#+END_=.
+;; #+begin_ditaa blue.png -r -S
+;; +---------+
+;; | cBLU |
+;; | |
+;; | +----+
+;; | |cPNK|
+;; | | |
+;; +----+----+
+;; #+end_ditaa
+;;; Currently Implemented Block Types
+;; ditaa :: Convert ascii pictures to actual images using ditaa
+;; http://ditaa.sourceforge.net/. To use this set
+;; `org-ditaa-jar-path' to the path to ditaa.jar on your
+;; system (should be set automatically in most cases) .
+;; dot :: Convert graphs defined using the dot graphing language to
+;; images using the dot utility. For information on dot see
+;; http://www.graphviz.org/
+;; comment :: Wrap comments with titles and author information, in
+;; their own divs with author-specific ids allowing for css
+;; coloring of comments based on the author.
+;; R :: Implements Sweave type exporting, evaluates blocks of R code,
+;; and also replaces \R{} chunks in the file with their result
+;; when passed to R. This require the `R' command which is
+;; provided by ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics).
+(defcustom org-export-blocks
+ '((comment org-export-blocks-format-comment)
+ (ditaa org-export-blocks-format-ditaa)
+ (dot org-export-blocks-format-dot)
+ (r org-export-blocks-format-R)
+ (R org-export-blocks-format-R))
+ "Use this a-list to associate block types with block exporting
+functions. The type of a block is determined by the text
+immediately following the '#+BEGIN_' portion of the block header.
+Each block export function should accept three argumets..."
+ :group 'org-export-general
+ :type 'alist)
+(defcustom org-export-interblocks
+ '((r org-export-interblocks-format-R)
+ (R org-export-interblocks-format-R))
+ "Use this a-list to associate block types with block exporting
+functions. The type of a block is determined by the text
+immediately following the '#+BEGIN_' portion of the block header.
+Each block export function should accept three argumets..."
+ :group 'org-export-general
+ :type 'alist)
+(defcustom org-export-blocks-witheld
+ '(hidden)
+ "List of block types (see `org-export-blocks') which should not
+be exported."
+ :group 'org-export-general
+ :type 'list)
+(defvar org-export-blocks-postblock-hooks nil "")
+(defun org-export-blocks-html-quote (body &optional open close)
+ "Protext BODY from org html export. The optional OPEN and
+CLOSE tags will be inserted around BODY."
+ (concat
+ "\n#+BEGIN_HTML\n"
+ (or open "")
+ body (if (string-match "\n$" body) "" "\n")
+ (or close "")
+ "#+END_HTML\n"))
+(defun org-export-blocks-latex-quote (body &optional open close)
+ "Protext BODY from org latex export. The optional OPEN and
+CLOSE tags will be inserted around BODY."
+ (concat
+ "\n#+BEGIN_LaTeX\n"
+ (or open "")
+ body (if (string-match "\n$" body) "" "\n")
+ (or close "")
+ "#+END_LaTeX\n"))
+(defun org-export-blocks-preprocess ()
+ "Export all blocks acording to the `org-export-blocks' block
+exportation alist. Does not export block types specified in
+specified in BLOCKS which default to the value of
+ (interactive)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (let ((count 0)
+ (blocks org-export-blocks-witheld)
+ (case-fold-search t)
+ (types '())
+ type func start end)
+ (flet ((interblock (start end type)
+ (save-match-data
+ (when (setf func (cadr (assoc type org-export-interblocks)))
+ (funcall func start end)))))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setf start (point))
+ (while (re-search-forward
+ "^#\\+begin_\\(\\S-+\\)[ \t]*\\(.*\\)?[\r\n]\\([^\000]*?\\)#\\+end_\\S-*[\r\n]" nil t)
+ (save-match-data (setf type (intern (match-string 1))))
+ (unless (memq type types) (setf types (cons type types)))
+ (setf end (save-match-data (match-beginning 0)))
+ (interblock start end type)
+ (if (setf func (cadr (assoc type org-export-blocks)))
+ (replace-match (save-match-data
+ (if (memq type blocks)
+ ""
+ (apply func (match-string 3) (split-string (match-string 2) " ")))) t t))
+ (setf start (save-match-data (match-end 0))))
+ (mapcar (lambda (type)
+ (interblock start (point-max) type))
+ types)))))
+(add-hook 'org-export-preprocess-hook 'org-export-blocks-preprocess)
+;; type specific functions
+;; ditaa: create images from ASCII art using the ditaa utility
+(defvar org-ditaa-jar-path (expand-file-name
+ "ditaa.jar"
+ (file-name-as-directory
+ (expand-file-name
+ "scripts"
+ (file-name-as-directory
+ (expand-file-name
+ ".."
+ (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name)))))))
+ "Path to the ditaa jar executable")
+(defun org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (body &rest headers)
+ "Pass block BODY to the ditaa utility creating an image.
+Specify the path at which the image should be saved as the first
+element of headers, any additional elements of headers will be
+passed to the ditaa utility as command line arguments."
+ (message "ditaa-formatting...")
+ (let ((out-file (if headers (car headers)))
+ (args (if (cdr headers) (mapconcat 'identity (cdr headers) " ")))
+ (data-file (make-temp-file "org-ditaa")))
+ (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path)
+ (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path)))
+ (setq body (if (string-match "^\\([^:\\|:[^ ]\\)" body)
+ body
+ (mapconcat (lambda (x) (substring x 2))
+ (org-split-string body "\n")
+ "\n")))
+ (cond
+ ((or htmlp latexp)
+ (with-temp-file data-file (insert body))
+ (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " data-file " " out-file))
+ (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " data-file " " out-file))
+ (format "\n[[file:%s]]\n" out-file))
+ (t (concat
+ body (if (string-match "\n$" body) "" "\n")
+ "#+END_EXAMPLE\n")))))
+;; dot: create graphs using the dot graphing language
+;; (require the dot executable to be in your path)
+(defun org-export-blocks-format-dot (body &rest headers)
+ "Pass block BODY to the dot graphing utility creating an image.
+Specify the path at which the image should be saved as the first
+element of headers, any additional elements of headers will be
+passed to the dot utility as command line arguments. Don't
+forget to specify the output type for the dot command, so if you
+are exporting to a file with a name like 'image.png' you should
+include a '-Tpng' argument, and your block should look like the
+#+begin_dot models.png -Tpng
+digraph data_relationships {
+ \"data_requirement\" [shape=Mrecord, label=\"{DataRequirement|description\lformat\l}\"]
+ \"data_product\" [shape=Mrecord, label=\"{DataProduct|name\lversion\lpoc\lformat\l}\"]
+ \"data_requirement\" -> \"data_product\"
+ (message "dot-formatting...")
+ (let ((out-file (if headers (car headers)))
+ (args (if (cdr headers) (mapconcat 'identity (cdr headers) " ")))
+ (data-file (make-temp-file "org-ditaa")))
+ (cond
+ ((or htmlp latexp)
+ (with-temp-file data-file (insert body))
+ (message (concat "dot " data-file " " args " -o " out-file))
+ (shell-command (concat "dot " data-file " " args " -o " out-file))
+ (format "\n[[file:%s]]\n" out-file))
+ (t (concat
+ body (if (string-match "\n$" body) "" "\n")
+ "#+END_EXAMPLE\n")))))
+;; comment: export comments in author-specific css-stylable divs
+(defun org-export-blocks-format-comment (body &rest headers)
+ "Format comment BODY by OWNER and return it formatted for export.
+Currently, this only does something for HTML export, for all
+other backends, it converts the comment into an EXAMPLE segment."
+ (let ((owner (if headers (car headers)))
+ (title (if (cdr headers) (mapconcat 'identity (cdr headers) " "))))
+ (cond
+ (htmlp ;; We are exporting to HTML
+ (concat "#+BEGIN_HTML\n"
+ "<div class=\"org-comment\""
+ (if owner (format " id=\"org-comment-%s\" " owner))
+ ">\n"
+ (if owner (concat "<b>" owner "</b> ") "")
+ (if (and title (> (length title) 0)) (concat " -- " title "</br>\n") "</br>\n")
+ "<p>\n"
+ "#+END_HTML\n"
+ body
+ "#+BEGIN_HTML\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ "#+END_HTML\n"))
+ (t ;; This is not HTML, so just make it an example.
+ (concat "#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE\n"
+ (if title (concat "Title:" title "\n") "")
+ (if owner (concat "By:" owner "\n") "")
+ body
+ (if (string-match "\n\\'" body) "" "\n")
+ "#+END_EXAMPLE\n")))))
+;; R: Sweave-type functionality
+(defvar interblock-R-buffer nil
+ "Holds the buffer for the current R process")
+(defun org-export-blocks-format-R (body &rest headers)
+ "Process R blocks and replace \R{} forms outside the blocks
+with their values as determined by R."
+ (interactive)
+ (message "R processing...")
+ (let ((image-path (or (and (car headers)
+ (string-match "\\(.?\\)\.\\(EPS\\|eps\\)" (car headers))
+ (match-string 1 (car headers)))
+ (and (> (length (car headers)) 0)
+ (car headers))
+ ;; create the default filename
+ (format "Rplot-%03d" count)))
+ (plot (string-match "plot" body))
+ R-proc)
+ (setf count (+ count 1))
+ (interblock-initiate-R-buffer)
+ (setf R-proc (get-buffer-process interblock-R-buffer))
+ ;; send strings to the ESS process using `comint-send-string'
+ (setf body (mapconcat (lambda (line)
+ (interblock-R-input-command line) (concat "> " line))
+ (butlast (split-string body "[\r\n]"))
+ "\n"))
+ ;; if there is a plot command, then create the images
+ (when plot
+ (interblock-R-input-command (format "dev.copy2eps(file=\"%s.eps\")" image-path)))
+ (concat (cond
+ (htmlp (org-export-blocks-html-quote body
+ (format "<div id=\"R-%d\">\n<pre>\n" count)
+ "</pre>\n</div>\n"))
+ (latexp (org-export-blocks-latex-quote body
+ "\\begin{Schunk}\n\\begin{Sinput}\n"
+ "\\end{Sinput}\n\\end{Schunk}\n"))
+ (t (insert ;; default export
+ "#+begin_R " (mapconcat 'identity headers " ") "\n"
+ body (if (string-match "\n$" body) "" "\n")
+ "#+end_R\n")))
+ (if plot
+ (format "[[file:%s.eps]]\n" image-path)
+ ""))))
+(defun org-export-interblocks-format-R (start end)
+ "This is run over parts of the org-file which are between R
+blocks. It's main use is to expand the \R{stuff} chunks for
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char start)
+ (interblock-initiate-R-buffer)
+ (let (code replacement)
+ (while (and (< (point) end) (re-search-forward "\\\\R{\\(.*\\)}" end t))
+ (save-match-data (setf code (match-string 1)))
+ (setf replacement (interblock-R-command-to-string code))
+ (setf replacement (cond
+ (htmlp replacement)
+ (latexp replacement)
+ (t replacement)))
+ (setf end (+ end (- (length replacement) (length code))))
+ (replace-match replacement t t)))))
+(defun interblock-initiate-R-buffer ()
+ "If there is not a current R process then create one."
+ (unless (and (buffer-live-p interblock-R-buffer) (get-buffer interblock-R-buffer))
+ (save-excursion
+ (R)
+ (setf interblock-R-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (interblock-R-wait-for-output)
+ (interblock-R-input-command ""))))
+(defun interblock-R-command-to-string (command)
+ "Send a command to R, and return the results as a string."
+ (interblock-R-input-command command)
+ (interblock-R-last-output))
+(defun interblock-R-input-command (command)
+ "Pass COMMAND to the R process running in `interblock-R-buffer'."
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-match-data
+ (set-buffer interblock-R-buffer)
+ (goto-char (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+ (insert command)
+ (comint-send-input)
+ (interblock-R-wait-for-output))))
+(defun interblock-R-wait-for-output ()
+ "Wait until output arrives"
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-match-data
+ (set-buffer interblock-R-buffer)
+ (while (progn
+ (goto-char comint-last-input-end)
+ (not (re-search-forward comint-prompt-regexp nil t)))
+ (accept-process-output (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))))))
+(defun interblock-R-last-output ()
+ "Return the last R output as a string"
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-match-data
+ (set-buffer interblock-R-buffer)
+ (goto-char (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+ (forward-line 0)
+ (let ((raw (buffer-substring comint-last-input-end (- (point) 1))))
+ (if (string-match "\n" raw)
+ raw
+ (and (string-match "\\[[[:digit:]+]\\] *\\(.*\\)$" raw)
+ (message raw)
+ (message (match-string 1 raw))
+ (match-string 1 raw)))))))
+;;; org-exp-blocks.el ends here