@@ -262,12 +262,16 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
* Copyright assignments
The maintainer needs to keep track of copyright assignments. Even
- better, find a volunteer to do this. The list of all contributors
- from who we have the papers is kept on Worg at
- http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.php, so that committers can
- check if a patch can go into the core. The assignment process does
- not allways go smoothly, and it has happened several times that it
- gets stuck or forgotten at the FSF. Emails from the paper submitter
- have been ignored in the past, but an email from me as the
- maintainer of Org mode has usually fixed such cases within a few
- days.
+ better, find a volunteer to do this.
+ The list of all contributors from who we have the papers is kept on
+ Worg at http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.php, so that
+ committers can check if a patch can go into the core.
+ The assignment process does not allways go smoothly, and it has
+ happened several times that it gets stuck or forgotten at the FSF.
+ The contact at the FSF for this is: copyright-clerk@fsf.org
+ Emails from the paper submitter have been ignored in the past, but
+ an email from me (Carsten) as the maintainer of Org mode has usually
+ fixed such cases within a few days.