@@ -1654,34 +1654,41 @@ The template may still contain \"%?\" for cursor positioning."
(delete-region pos end)
(set-marker pos nil)
(set-marker end nil)
- (let ((replacement
- (pcase (string-to-char value)
- (?< (format-time-string time-string))
- (?:
- (or (plist-get org-store-link-plist (intern value))
- ""))
- (?i (let ((lead (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (let* ((inside-sexp? (org-capture-inside-embedded-elisp-p))
+ (replacement
+ (pcase (string-to-char value)
+ (?< (format-time-string time-string))
+ (?:
+ (or (plist-get org-store-link-plist (intern value))
+ ""))
+ (?i
+ (if inside-sexp? v-i
+ ;; Outside embedded Lisp, repeat leading
+ ;; characters before initial place holder
+ ;; every line.
+ (let ((lead (buffer-substring-no-properties
(line-beginning-position) (point))))
- (mapconcat #'identity
- (split-string v-i "\n")
- (concat "\n" lead))))
- (?a v-a)
- (?A v-A)
- (?c v-c)
- (?f v-f)
- (?F v-F)
- (?k v-k)
- (?K v-K)
- (?l v-l)
- (?n v-n)
- (?t v-t)
- (?T v-T)
- (?u v-u)
- (?U v-U)
- (?x v-x))))
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "\n\\(.\\)"
+ (concat lead "\\1")
+ v-i nil nil 1))))
+ (?a v-a)
+ (?A v-A)
+ (?c v-c)
+ (?f v-f)
+ (?F v-F)
+ (?k v-k)
+ (?K v-K)
+ (?l v-l)
+ (?n v-n)
+ (?t v-t)
+ (?T v-T)
+ (?u v-u)
+ (?U v-U)
+ (?x v-x))))
- (if (org-capture-inside-embedded-elisp-p)
- (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "\\\\\"" replacement)
+ (if inside-sexp?
+ ;; Escape sensitive characters.
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "[\\\"]" "\\\\\\&" replacement)
;; Expand %() embedded Elisp. Limit to Sexp originally marked.