@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@
(declare-function diary-ordinal-suffix "diary-lib" (n))
(defvar date) ;; dynamically scoped from Org
-(defvar name) ;; dynamically scoped from Org
;; Customization
@@ -138,30 +137,31 @@
:require 'bbdb)
(defcustom org-bbdb-anniversary-format-alist
- '(("birthday" lambda
- (name years suffix)
- (concat "Birthday: [[bbdb:" name "][" name " ("
- (format "%s" years) ; handles numbers as well as strings
- suffix ")]]"))
- ("wedding" lambda
- (name years suffix)
- (concat "[[bbdb:" name "][" name "'s "
- (format "%s" years)
- suffix " wedding anniversary]]")))
+ '(("birthday" .
+ (lambda (name years suffix)
+ (concat "Birthday: [[bbdb:" name "][" name " ("
+ (format "%s" years) ; handles numbers as well as strings
+ suffix ")]]")))
+ ("wedding" .
+ (lambda (name years suffix)
+ (concat "[[bbdb:" name "][" name "'s "
+ (format "%s" years)
+ suffix " wedding anniversary]]"))))
"How different types of anniversaries should be formatted.
An alist of elements (STRING . FORMAT) where STRING is the name of an
anniversary class and format is either:
1) A format string with the following substitutions (in order):
- * the name of the record containing this anniversary
- * the number of years
- * an ordinal suffix (st, nd, rd, th) for the year
+ - the name of the record containing this anniversary
+ - the number of years
+ - an ordinal suffix (st, nd, rd, th) for the year
2) A function to be called with three arguments: NAME YEARS SUFFIX
(string int string) returning a string for the diary or nil.
3) An Emacs Lisp form that should evaluate to a string (or nil) in the
scope of variables NAME, YEARS and SUFFIX (among others)."
- :type 'sexp
+ :type '(alist :key-type (string :tag "Class")
+ :value-type (function :tag "Function"))
:group 'org-bbdb-anniversaries
:require 'bbdb)