@@ -131,6 +131,23 @@ from maint with this command:
: make fixrelease TAG=7.13.01
+** Updating release files on orgmode.org server
+As of 2011-01-15, these directives of the Makefile are meant to be
+used /from orgmode.org server/ and will copy the release files to the
+webserver directory.
+- ~$ make makerelease :: creates a =RELEASE/= directory containing
+ manuals and release files (=org.tar.gz=, =org.zip=, etc.)
+- ~$ make sync_release :: copy the content of =RELEASE/= to the right
+ location on the server
+- ~$ make sync_manuals :: copy the manuals from =doc/= to the right
+ location on the server
+- ~$ make relup :: call the three directives described above.
** Between releases
While working on master between releases, I used to use something like