@@ -16454,9 +16454,9 @@ extract, export, and publish source code blocks. Org can also compile
and execute a source code block, then capture the results. The Org
mode literature sometimes refers to source code blocks as /live code/
blocks because they can alter the content of the Org document or the
-material that it exports. Users can control how the "liveliness" of
-each source code block by tweaking the header arguments (see [[*Using
-Header Arguments]]) for compiling, execution, extraction, and exporting.
+material that it exports. Users can control the "liveliness" of each
+source code block by tweaking the header arguments (see [[*Using Header
+Arguments]]) for compiling, execution, extraction, and exporting.
For editing and formatting a source code block, Org uses an
appropriate Emacs major mode that includes features specifically