@@ -5868,19 +5868,15 @@ updated before current modification are actually submitted."
(when (or (and org-element--cache-diagnostics-modifications
- ;; FIXME: Some more special cases when
- ;; non-latin input in Emacs <28 triggers
- ;; changes in `buffer-chars-modified-tick'
- ;; even though the buffer text remains
- ;; unchanged. We still reset the cache as
- ;; safety precaution, but do not show the
- ;; warning.
- (not (memq (- (buffer-modified-tick)
- (buffer-chars-modified-tick))
- ;; Note: 4 is a footprint for
- ;; (let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t))
- ;; (insert "blah"))
- '(1 3 6 7 8 9))))
+ ;; A number of Emacs internal operations in
+ ;; Emacs 26 and 27 alter
+ ;; `buffer-chars-modified-tick' (see
+ ;; https://list.orgmode.org/87ee7jdv70.fsf@localhost/T/#t).
+ ;; We have no way to distinguish them from
+ ;; dangerious silent edits. So, we can
+ ;; only reset the cache, but do not show
+ ;; warning to not irritate the users.)
+ (not (version< emacs-version "28")))
(and (boundp 'org-batch-test) org-batch-test))
(org-element--cache-warn "Unregistered buffer modifications detected. Resetting.
If this warning appears regularly, please report it to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report).