@@ -1,11 +1,77 @@
# -*- mode:org -*-
-#+title: Maintainer tasks
-#+startup: noindent
+#+TITLE: Maintainer tasks
+#+STARTUP: noindent
This document describes the tasks the Org-mode maintainer has to do
and how they are performed.
+* Git workflow
+The git repository has two branches:
+- master :: for current development.
+- maint :: for bug fixes against latest major or minor release.
+Bug fixes always go on =maint= then are merged on =master=.
+New features always go on =master=.
+* Releasing
+** Major release
+The release number for main releases look like this: =7.13=
+Main releases are made whenever Org is in a state where the feature
+set is consistent and we feel that the features that are implemented
+is something we want to support in the future.
+A major release turns the current state of the master branch into a
+When doing a /major release/, make sure all changes from the maint
+branch are merged into the the master branch, then merge the master
+branch back into maint to synchronize the two.
+** Minor release
+The release number for minor releases look like this: =7.13.01=
+Minor releases are small amends to main releases. Usually they fix
+critical bugs discovered in a main release. Minor bugs are usually
+not fixed -- they will be adressed in the next main release.
+Only the fix to the bug is bundled into a release, without the main
+development work going on in the master branch. Since the bug fix
+will also be needed in the master branch, usually the fix is made in
+maint then merged in master.
+** Tagging the release
+When doing a major and a minor release, after all necessary merging
+is done, tag the _maint_ branch for the release with:
+ git tag -a "Adding release tag" release_7.9.1
+and push tags with
+ git push --tags
+** Uploading the release files from the orgmode.org server
+Log on the orgmode.org server as the emacs user and cd to
+From there do
+ make release
+ make upload
+to create the .tar.gz and .zip files, the documentation, and to
+upload everything at the right place.
* Working with patchwork
John Wiegley is running a patchwork server that looks at the
@@ -19,8 +85,8 @@ accepting it.
I have found that the best workflow for this is using the pw script by
Nate Case, with the modifications for Org-mode made by John Wiegley
and Carsten Dominik. The correct version of this script that should
-be used with Org mode is distributed in the =mk/= directory of the
-Org mode distribution. Here is the basic workflow for this.
+be used with Org mode is distributed in the =mk/= directory of the Org
+mode distribution. Here is the basic workflow for this.
** Access to the patchwork server
@@ -92,77 +158,6 @@ At some point you might then want to remove the topic branch
: git branch -d t/patchNNN
-* Releases
-** Main releases
-The release number for main releases look like this: =7.13=
-Main releases are made whenever Org is in a state where the feature
-set is consistent and we feel that the features that are implemented
-is something we want to support in the future.
-A major release turns the current state of the master branch into a
-release. The release process is a single make command:
-: make release TAG=7.13
-Before issuing this command, you should make sure that everything
-during the process will work right, you can do so by running
-: make testrelease TAG=7.13
-When this fails, make sure to clean up. =git reset --hard= if
-necessary, and check if there are unwanted files, directories, or
-branches left over from the testing.
-** Minor releases
-The release number for minor releases look like this: =7.13.01=
-Minor releases are small amends to main releases. Usually they fix
-critical bugs discovered in a main release. Minor bugs are not
-fixed - they will be adressed in the next main release. Only the fix
-to the bug is bundled into a release, without the main development
-work going on in the master branch. Since the bug fix will also be
-needed in the master branch, usually the fix is made in master and
-then cherry-picked into maint. When this is done, a release is made
-from maint with this command:
-: make fixrelease TAG=7.13.01
-** Updating release files on orgmode.org server
-As of 2011-01-15, these directives of the Makefile are meant to be
-used /from orgmode.org server/ and will copy the release files to the
-webserver directory.
-- ~$ make makerelease :: creates a =RELEASE/= directory containing
- manuals and release files (=org.tar.gz=, =org.zip=, etc.)
-- ~$ make sync_release :: copy the content of =RELEASE/= to the right
- location on the server
-- ~$ make sync_manuals :: copy the manuals from =doc/= to the right
- location on the server
-- ~$ make relup :: call the three directives described above.
-** Between releases
-While working on master between releases, I used to use something like
-7.02trans as the version string. I no longer do this. =M-x
-org-version= will spit ut complete version infor related to git, with
-the nearest commit and tag. I you ever need to set a special version
-number, use this:
-: mk/set_version 7.02trans
-and commit the result. Note that the above command does not change
-the version string in the file from which Org's homepage is generated.
-To change that as well, you would use a =--all= flag. To change only
-this file, use =--only=.
* Synchonization with Emacs
This is still a significant headache. Some hand work is needed here.
@@ -249,20 +244,21 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
developers often look throught the commit and make minor changes -
these need to be merged back into our own repo.
-* Updating the list of hooks on Worg
+* Updating the list of hooks/commands/options on Worg
+ Load the =mk/eldo.el= file then =M-x eldo-make-doc RET=.
+ This will produce an org file with the documentation.
+ Import this file into =worg/doc.org=, leaving the header untouched
+ (except for the release number).
- The file /org-configs/org-hooks.org/ contains a list of all hooks in
- Org. This list has to be updated after hooks have been added or
- removed. The perl script =mk/list-hooks.pl= creates the
- entire section "Hooks and Function variables", including its
- level-one headline. I guess babel code could be used to update this
- automatically, but I have not implemented this - I have been doing
- it by hand every few months.
+ Then commit and push the change on the =worg.git= repository.
* Copyright assignments
The maintainer needs to keep track of copyright assignments. Even
- better, find a volunteer to do this.
+ better, find a volunteer to do this.
The list of all contributors from who we have the papers is kept on
Worg at http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.php, so that
@@ -270,7 +266,7 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
The assignment process does not allways go smoothly, and it has
happened several times that it gets stuck or forgotten at the FSF.
- The contact at the FSF for this is: copyright-clerk@fsf.org
+ The contact at the FSF for this is: copyright-clerk@fsf.org
Emails from the paper submitter have been ignored in the past, but
an email from me (Carsten) as the maintainer of Org mode has usually