@@ -87,12 +87,17 @@
;; pushes the browsers URL to the `kill-ring' for yanking. This handler is
;; triggered through the sub-protocol \"store-link\".
-;; * Call `org-protocol-remember' by using the sub-protocol \"remember\". If
-;; Org-mode is loaded, emacs will pop-up a remember buffer and fill the
+;; * Call `org-protocol-capture' by using the sub-protocol \"capture\". If
+;; Org-mode is loaded, emacs will pop-up a capture buffer and fill the
;; template with the data provided. I.e. the browser's URL is inserted as an
;; Org-link of which the page title will be the description part. If text
;; was select in the browser, that text will be the body of the entry.
+;; * Call `org-protocol-remember' by using the sub-protocol \"remember\".
+;; This is provided for backward compatibility.
+;; You may read `org-capture' as `org-remember' throughout this file if
+;; you still use `org-remember'.
;; You may use the same bookmark URL for all those standard handlers and just
;; adjust the sub-protocol used:
@@ -101,7 +106,7 @@
;; encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'/'+
;; encodeURIComponent(window.getSelection())
-;; The handler for the sub-protocol \"remember\" detects an optional template
+;; The handler for the sub-protocol \"capture\" detects an optional template
;; char that, if present, triggers the use of a special template.
;; Example:
@@ -143,6 +148,7 @@ for `org-protocol-the-protocol' and sub-procols defined in
(defconst org-protocol-protocol-alist-default
'(("org-remember" :protocol "remember" :function org-protocol-remember :kill-client t)
+ ("org-capture" :protocol "capture" :function org-protocol-capture :kill-client t)
("org-store-link" :protocol "store-link" :function org-protocol-store-link)
("org-open-source" :protocol "open-source" :function org-protocol-open-source))
"Default protocols to use.
@@ -260,7 +266,6 @@ Here is an example:
:group 'org-protocol
:type 'string)
;;; Helper functions:
(defun org-protocol-sanitize-uri (uri)
@@ -443,51 +448,73 @@ The sub-protocol used to reach this function is set in
(defun org-protocol-remember (info)
"Process an org-protocol://remember:// style url.
+The location for a browser's bookmark has to look like this:
+ javascript:location.href='org-protocol://remember://'+ \\
+ encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'/' \\
+ encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'/'+ \\
+ encodeURIComponent(window.getSelection())
+See the docs for `org-protocol-capture' for more information."
+ (if (and (boundp 'org-stored-links)
+ (or (fboundp 'org-capture))
+ (org-protocol-do-capture info 'org-remember))
+ (message "Org-mode not loaded."))
+ nil)
+(defun org-protocol-capture (info)
+ "Process an org-protocol://capture:// style url.
The sub-protocol used to reach this function is set in
This function detects an URL, title and optional text, separated by '/'
The location for a browser's bookmark has to look like this:
- javascript:location.href='org-protocol://remember://'+ \\
+ javascript:location.href='org-protocol://capture://'+ \\
encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'/' \\
encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'/'+ \\
By default, it uses the character `org-protocol-default-template-key',
-which should be associated with a template in `org-remember-templates'.
+which should be associated with a template in `org-capture-templates'.
But you may prepend the encoded URL with a character and a slash like so:
- javascript:location.href='org-protocol://org-store-link://b/'+ ...
+ javascript:location.href='org-protocol://capture://b/'+ ...
Now template ?b will be used."
(if (and (boundp 'org-stored-links)
- (fboundp 'org-remember))
- (let* ((parts (org-protocol-split-data info t))
- (template (or (and (= 1 (length (car parts))) (pop parts))
- org-protocol-default-template-key))
- (url (org-protocol-sanitize-uri (car parts)))
- (type (if (string-match "^\\([a-z]+\\):" url)
- (match-string 1 url)))
- (title (or (cadr parts) ""))
- (region (or (caddr parts) ""))
- (orglink (org-make-link-string
- url (if (string-match "[^[:space:]]" title) title url)))
- remember-annotation-functions)
- (setq org-stored-links
- (cons (list url title) org-stored-links))
- (kill-new orglink)
- (org-store-link-props :type type
- :link url
- :description title
- :initial region)
- (raise-frame)
- (org-remember nil (string-to-char template)))
- (message "Org-mode not loaded."))
+ (or (fboundp 'org-capture))
+ (org-protocol-do-capture info 'org-capture))
+ (message "Org-mode not loaded."))
+(defun org-protocol-do-capture (info capture-func)
+ "Support `org-capture' and `org-remember' alike.
+CAPTURE-FUNC is either the symbol `org-remember' or `org-capture'."
+ (let* ((parts (org-protocol-split-data info t))
+ (template (or (and (= 1 (length (car parts))) (pop parts))
+ org-protocol-default-template-key))
+ (url (org-protocol-sanitize-uri (car parts)))
+ (type (if (string-match "^\\([a-z]+\\):" url)
+ (match-string 1 url)))
+ (title(or (cadr parts) ""))
+ (region (or (caddr parts) ""))
+ (orglink (org-make-link-string
+ url (if (string-match "[^[:space:]]" title) title url)))
+ remember-annotation-functions)
+ (setq org-stored-links
+ (cons (list url title) org-stored-links))
+ (kill-new orglink)
+ (org-store-link-props :type type
+ :link url
+ :description title
+ :initial region)
+ (raise-frame)
+ (funcall capture-func nil template)))
(defun org-protocol-open-source (fname)
"Process an org-protocol://open-source:// style url.