@@ -6,6 +6,48 @@
#+STARTUP: indent hidestars
+* Version 7.02
+** Incompatible Changes
+*** Code block hashes
+Due to changes in the code resolving code block header arguments
+hashing of code block results should now re-run a code block when
+an argument to the code block has changed. As a result of this
+change *all* code blocks with cached results will be re-run after
+upgrading to the latest version.
+** Details
+*** Multi-line header arguments to code blocks
+Code block header arguments can now span multiple lines using the
+new =#+header:= or =#+headers:= lines preceding a code block or
+nested in between the name and body of a named code block.
+Examples are given below.
+- multi-line header arguments on an un-named code block
+ : #+headers: :var data1=1
+ : #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data2=2
+ : (message "data1:%S, data2:%S" data1 data2)
+ : #+end_src
+ :
+ : #+results:
+ : : data1:1, data2:2
+- multi-line header arguments on a named code block
+ : #+source: named-block
+ : #+header: :var data=2
+ : #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ : (message "data:%S" data)
+ : #+end_src
+ :
+ : #+results: named-block
+ : : data:2
+*** Unified handling of variable expansion for code blocks
+The code used to resolve variable references in code block header
+arguments has now been consolidated. This both simplifies the
+code base (especially the language-specific files), and ensures
+that the arguments to a code block will not be evaluated multiple
+times. This change should not be externally visible to the
+Org-mode user.
* Version 7.01
:VISIBILITY: content
@@ -445,7 +487,6 @@ Org-babel now supports three new header arguments, and new
default behavior for handling horizontal lines in tables
(hlines), column names, and rownames across all languages.
* Version 6.35
:CUSTOM_ID: v6.35
@@ -1043,7 +1084,6 @@ around org-babel.
- Allow pdf/png generation directly from latex source blocks
with :file header argument.
* Version 6.34
:CUSTOM_ID: v6.34