@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+$commitrange = shift @ARGV;
+if (!$commitrange) {
+ print STDERR "Enter commitrange: ";
+ $commitrange = <>;
+ $commitrange =~ s/\s*(.*?)\s+/$1/;
+$syncdate = shift @ARGV;
+if (!$syncdate) {
+ print STDERR "Enter syncdate YYYY-MM-DD: ";
+ $syncdate = <>;
+ $syncdate =~ s/\s*(.*?)\s+/$1/;
+# Run git log to get the commits the messages
+open IN,"git log $commitrange|";
+undef $/;
+$log = <IN>;
+@commits = split(/^(?=commit)/m,$log);
+for $i (0..$#commits) {
+ $entry = 0; $tiny = 0;
+ $commit = $commits[$i];
+ $author = $1 if $commit=~/^Author: ([^\n]+)/m;
+ $date = $1 if $commit=~/^Date: ([^\n]+)/m;
+ $entry = $1 if $commit=~/^([ \t]*\* [^\f]*?)(\n[ \t]*\n|\Z)/m;
+ $tiny = " (tiny change)" if $commit =~ /TINYCHANGE/;
+ # split author into name and address
+ if ($author =~ /(.*?)\s+(<.*?>)/) {
+ $name = $1;
+ $address = $2;
+ } else {
+ warn "No name/address";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($entry) {
+ # indent each line by 1 TAB
+ $entry =~ s/^[ \t]*/\t/gm;
+ # Add empty lines if there are several files in there
+ $entry =~ s/(\n[ \t]+\* )/\n$1/g;
+ # remove the lisp part of the path
+ $entry =~ s/^([ \t]+\* )lisp\//$1/mg;
+ print "$syncdate $name $address\n\n$entry\n\n";
+ }