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ox-s5: Update to work with refactored HTML backend

* contrib/lisp/ox-s5.el (org-s5-template): Adapt to changes introduced
by c9ca0b6d in the way :html-divs/org-html-divs are passed to ox-html.
Łukasz Stelmach 7 năm trước cách đây
mục cha
1 tập tin đã thay đổi với 8 bổ sung6 xóa
  1. 8 6

+ 8 - 6

@@ -304,13 +304,15 @@ holding export options."
   "Return complete document string after HTML conversion.
 CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string.  INFO is a plist
 holding export options."
-  (let ((org-html-divs
-	 (if (equal (plist-get info :html-container) "li")
-	     (append '((content "ol" "content")) org-s5--divs)
-	   org-s5--divs))
-	 (info (plist-put
+  (let ((info (plist-put
+	       (plist-put
 		(plist-put info :html-preamble (plist-get info :s5-preamble))
-		:html-postamble (plist-get info :s5-postamble))))
+		:html-postamble
+		(plist-get info :s5-postamble))
+	       :html-divs
+	       (if (equal "li" (plist-get info :html-container))
+		   (cons '(content "ol" "content") org-s5--divs)
+		 org-s5--divs))))