@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ MyCompiler = Emacs.condSend.compiler
{MyCompiler enqueue(setSwitch(expression true))}
{MyCompiler enqueue(feedVirtualString(
- {LUtils.accum ["try\n"
+ {Accum ["try\n"
% "skip\n" % do something in any case..
"1 div 0" % my code
% "1" % my code
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ thread
proc {$ Code}
%% Catch any exception (so the will not cause blocking) and return nil in that case
- FullCode = {LUtils.accum ["try\n"
+ FullCode = {Accum ["try\n"
% "skip\n" % do something in any case..
"\ncatch E then {Error.printException E}\n"
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ thread
%% ?? Should I make setting switches etc atomic?
{MyCompiler enqueue(setSwitch(expression true))}
- Result = {MyCompiler enqueue(feedVirtualString(FullCode return(result: $)))}
+ {MyCompiler enqueue(feedVirtualString(FullCode return(result: ?Result)))}
{MyCompiler enqueue(setSwitch(expression false))}
{Wait Result}
@@ -212,6 +212,17 @@ end
+%% Aux defs
+/** %% Binds the accumulation of the binary function Fn on all neighbors in Xs to Y. E.g., Accum returns the sum in Xs if Fn is Number.'+'.
+%% */
+proc {Accum Xs Fn Y}
+ {List.foldL Xs.2 Fn Xs.1 Y}