@@ -1,314 +1,314 @@
-;;; org-plot.el --- Support for plotting from Org-mode
-;; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Eric Schulte <schulte dot eric at gmail dot com>
-;; Keywords: tables, plotting
-;; Homepage: http://orgmode.org
-;; Version: 6.06b
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Borrows ideas and a couple of lines of code from org-exp.el.
-;; Thanks to the org-mode mailing list for testing and implementation
-;; and feature suggestions
-;;; Code:
-(require 'org)
-(require 'org-exp)
-(require 'org-table)
- (require 'cl))
-(declare-function gnuplot-delchar-or-maybe-eof "ext:gnuplot" (arg))
-(declare-function gnuplot-mode "ext:gnuplot" ())
-(declare-function gnuplot-send-buffer-to-gnuplot "ext:gnuplot" ())
-(defvar org-plot/gnuplot-default-options
- '((:plot-type . 2d)
- (:with . lines)
- (:ind . 0))
- "Default options to gnuplot used by `org-plot/gnuplot'")
-(defun org-plot/add-options-to-plist (p options)
- "Parse an OPTIONS line and set values in the property list P.
-Returns the resulting property list."
- (let (o)
- (when options
- (let ((op '(("type" . :plot-type)
- ("script" . :script)
- ("line" . :line)
- ("set" . :set)
- ("title" . :title)
- ("ind" . :ind)
- ("deps" . :deps)
- ("with" . :with)
- ("file" . :file)
- ("labels" . :labels)
- ("map" . :map)))
- (multiples '("set" "line"))
- (regexp ":\\([\"][^\"]+?[\"]\\|[(][^)]+?[)]\\|[^ \t\n\r;,.]*\\)")
- (start 0)
- o)
- (while (setq o (pop op))
- (if (member (car o) multiples) ;; keys with multiple values
- (while (string-match
- (concat (regexp-quote (car o)) regexp)
- options start)
- (setq start (match-end 0))
- (setq p (plist-put p (cdr o)
- (cons (car (read-from-string
- (match-string 1 options)))
- (plist-get p (cdr o)))))
- p)
- (if (string-match (concat (regexp-quote (car o)) regexp)
- options)
- (setq p (plist-put p (cdr o)
- (car (read-from-string
- (match-string 1 options)))))))))))
- p)
-(defun org-plot/goto-nearest-table ()
- "Move the point forward to the beginning of nearest table.
-Return value is the point at the beginning of the table."
- (interactive) (move-beginning-of-line 1)
- (while (not (or (org-at-table-p) (< 0 (forward-line 1)))))
- (goto-char (org-table-begin)))
-(defun org-plot/collect-options (&optional params)
- "Collect options from an org-plot '#+Plot:' line.
-Accepts an optional property list PARAMS, to which the options
-will be added. Returns the resulting property list."
- (interactive)
- (let ((line (thing-at-point 'line)))
- (if (string-match "#\\+PLOT: +\\(.*\\)$" line)
- (org-plot/add-options-to-plist params (match-string 1 line))
- params)))
-(defun org-plot-quote-tsv-field (s)
- "Quote field S for export to gnuplot."
- (if (string-match org-table-number-regexp s) s
- (concat "\"" (mapconcat 'identity (split-string s "\"") "\"\"") "\"")))
-(defun org-plot/gnuplot-to-data (table data-file params)
- "Export TABLE to DATA-FILE in a format readable by gnuplot.
-Pass PARAMS through to `orgtbl-to-generic' when exporting TABLE."
- (with-temp-file
- data-file (insert (orgtbl-to-generic
- table
- (org-combine-plists
- '(:sep "\t" :fmt org-plot-quote-tsv-field)
- params))))
- nil)
-(defun org-plot/gnuplot-to-grid-data (table data-file params)
- "Export the data in TABLE to DATA-FILE for gnuplot.
-This means, in a format appropriate for grid plotting by gnuplot.
-PARAMS specifies which columns of TABLE should be plotted as independant
-and dependant variables."
- (interactive)
- (let* ((ind (- (plist-get params :ind) 1))
- (deps (if (plist-member params :deps)
- (mapcar (lambda (val) (- val 1)) (plist-get params :deps))
- (let (collector)
- (dotimes (col (length (first table)))
- (setf collector (cons col collector)))
- collector)))
- row-vals (counter 0))
- (when (>= ind 0) ;; collect values of ind col
- (setf row-vals (mapcar (lambda (row) (setf counter (+ 1 counter))
- (cons counter (nth ind row))) table)))
- (when (or deps (>= ind 0)) ;; remove non-plotting columns
- (setf deps (delq ind deps))
- (setf table (mapcar (lambda (row)
- (dotimes (col (length row))
- (unless (memq col deps)
- (setf (nth col row) nil)))
- (delq nil row))
- table)))
- ;; write table to gnuplot grid datafile format
- (with-temp-file data-file
- (let ((num-rows (length table)) (num-cols (length (first table)))
- front-edge back-edge)
- (flet ((gnuplot-row (col row value)
- (setf col (+ 1 col)) (setf row (+ 1 row))
- (format "%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n"
- col (- row 0.5) value ;; lower edge
- col (+ row 0.5) value))) ;; upper edge
- (dotimes (col num-cols)
- (dotimes (row num-rows)
- (setf back-edge
- (concat back-edge
- (gnuplot-row (- col 1) row (string-to-number
- (nth col (nth row table))))))
- (setf front-edge
- (concat front-edge
- (gnuplot-row col row (string-to-number
- (nth col (nth row table)))))))
- ;; only insert once per row
- (insert back-edge) (insert "\n") ;; back edge
- (insert front-edge) (insert "\n") ;; front edge
- (setf back-edge "") (setf front-edge "")))))
- row-vals))
-(defun org-plot/gnuplot-script (data-file num-cols params)
- "Write a gnuplot script to DATA-FILE respecting the options set in PARAMS.
-NUM-COLS controls the number of columns plotted in a 2-d plot."
- (let* ((type (plist-get params :plot-type))
- (with (if (equal type 'grid)
- 'pm3d
- (plist-get params :with)))
- (sets (plist-get params :set))
- (lines (plist-get params :line))
- (map (plist-get params :map))
- (title (plist-get params :title))
- (file (plist-get params :file))
- (ind (plist-get params :ind))
- (text-ind (plist-get params :textind))
- (deps (if (plist-member params :deps) (plist-get params :deps)))
- (col-labels (plist-get params :labels))
- (x-labels (plist-get params :xlabels))
- (y-labels (plist-get params :ylabels))
- (plot-str "'%s' using %s%d%s with %s title '%s'")
- (plot-cmd (case type
- ('2d "plot")
- ('3d "splot")
- ('grid "splot")))
- (script "reset") plot-lines)
- (flet ((add-to-script (line) (setf script (format "%s\n%s" script line))))
- (when file ;; output file
- (add-to-script (format "set term %s" (file-name-extension file)))
- (add-to-script (format "set output '%s'" file)))
- (case type ;; type
- ('2d ())
- ('3d (if map (add-to-script "set map")))
- ('grid (if map
- (add-to-script "set pm3d map")
- (add-to-script "set pm3d"))))
- (when title (add-to-script (format "set title '%s'" title))) ;; title
- (when lines (mapc (lambda (el) (add-to-script el)) lines)) ;; line
- (when sets ;; set
- (mapc (lambda (el) (add-to-script (format "set %s" el))) sets))
- (when x-labels ;; x labels (xtics)
- (add-to-script
- (format "set xtics (%s)"
- (mapconcat (lambda (pair)
- (format "\"%s\" %d" (cdr pair) (car pair)))
- x-labels ", "))))
- (when y-labels ;; y labels (ytics)
- (add-to-script
- (format "set ytics (%s)"
- (mapconcat (lambda (pair)
- (format "\"%s\" %d" (cdr pair) (car pair)))
- y-labels ", "))))
- (case type ;; plot command
- ('2d (dotimes (col num-cols)
- (unless (and (equal type '2d)
- (or (and ind (equal (+ 1 col) ind))
- (and deps (not (member (+ 1 col) deps)))))
- (setf plot-lines
- (cons
- (format plot-str data-file
- (or (and (not text-ind) ind
- (> ind 0) (format "%d:" ind)) "")
- (+ 1 col)
- (if text-ind (format ":xticlabel(%d)" ind) "")
- with
- (or (nth col col-labels) (format "%d" (+ 1 col))))
- plot-lines)))))
- ('3d
- (setq plot-lines (list (format "'%s' matrix with %s title ''"
- data-file with))))
- ('grid
- (setq plot-lines (list (format "'%s' with %s title ''"
- data-file with)))))
- (add-to-script
- (concat plot-cmd " " (mapconcat 'identity (reverse plot-lines) ",\\\n ")))
- script)))
-;; facade functions
-(defun org-plot/gnuplot (&optional params)
- "Plot table using gnuplot. Gnuplot options can be specified with PARAMS.
-If not given options will be taken from the +PLOT
-line directly before or after the table."
- (interactive)
- (require 'gnuplot)
- (save-window-excursion
- (delete-other-windows)
- (when (get-buffer "*gnuplot*") ;; reset *gnuplot* if it already running
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer "*gnuplot*") (goto-char (point-max))
- (gnuplot-delchar-or-maybe-eof nil)))
- (org-plot/goto-nearest-table)
- ;; set default options
- (mapc
- (lambda (pair)
- (unless (plist-member params (car pair))
- (setf params (plist-put params (car pair) (cdr pair)))))
- org-plot/gnuplot-default-options)
- ;; collect table and table information
- (let* ((data-file (make-temp-file "org-plot"))
- (table (org-table-to-lisp))
- (num-cols (length (if (eq (first table) 'hline) (second table)
- (first table)))))
- (while (equal 'hline (first table)) (setf table (cdr table)))
- (when (equal (second table) 'hline)
- (setf params (plist-put params :labels (first table))) ;; headers to labels
- (setf table (delq 'hline (cdr table)))) ;; clean non-data from table
- ;; collect options
- (save-excursion (while (and (equal 0 (forward-line -1))
- (looking-at "#\\+"))
- (setf params (org-plot/collect-options params))))
- ;; dump table to datafile (very different for grid)
- (case (plist-get params :plot-type)
- ('2d (org-plot/gnuplot-to-data table data-file params))
- ('3d (org-plot/gnuplot-to-data table data-file params))
- ('grid (let ((y-labels (org-plot/gnuplot-to-grid-data
- table data-file params)))
- (when y-labels (plist-put params :ylabels y-labels)))))
- ;; check for text ind column
- (let ((ind (- (plist-get params :ind) 1)))
- (when (and (>= ind 0) (equal '2d (plist-get params :plot-type)))
- (if (> (length
- (delq 0 (mapcar
- (lambda (el)
- (if (string-match org-table-number-regexp el)
- 0 1))
- (mapcar (lambda (row) (nth ind row)) table)))) 0)
- (plist-put params :textind t))))
- ;; write script
- (with-temp-buffer
- (if (plist-get params :script) ;; user script
- (progn (insert-file-contents (plist-get params :script))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward "$datafile" nil t)
- (replace-match data-file nil nil)))
- (insert
- (org-plot/gnuplot-script data-file num-cols params)))
- ;; graph table
- (gnuplot-mode)
- (gnuplot-send-buffer-to-gnuplot))
- ;; cleanup
- (bury-buffer (get-buffer "*gnuplot*"))(delete-file data-file))))
-(provide 'org-plot)
-;;; org-plot.el ends here
+;;; org-plot.el --- Support for plotting from Org-mode
+;; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Eric Schulte <schulte dot eric at gmail dot com>
+;; Keywords: tables, plotting
+;; Homepage: http://orgmode.org
+;; Version: 6.06b
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Borrows ideas and a couple of lines of code from org-exp.el.
+;; Thanks to the org-mode mailing list for testing and implementation
+;; and feature suggestions
+;;; Code:
+(require 'org)
+(require 'org-exp)
+(require 'org-table)
+ (require 'cl))
+(declare-function gnuplot-delchar-or-maybe-eof "ext:gnuplot" (arg))
+(declare-function gnuplot-mode "ext:gnuplot" ())
+(declare-function gnuplot-send-buffer-to-gnuplot "ext:gnuplot" ())
+(defvar org-plot/gnuplot-default-options
+ '((:plot-type . 2d)
+ (:with . lines)
+ (:ind . 0))
+ "Default options to gnuplot used by `org-plot/gnuplot'")
+(defun org-plot/add-options-to-plist (p options)
+ "Parse an OPTIONS line and set values in the property list P.
+Returns the resulting property list."
+ (let (o)
+ (when options
+ (let ((op '(("type" . :plot-type)
+ ("script" . :script)
+ ("line" . :line)
+ ("set" . :set)
+ ("title" . :title)
+ ("ind" . :ind)
+ ("deps" . :deps)
+ ("with" . :with)
+ ("file" . :file)
+ ("labels" . :labels)
+ ("map" . :map)))
+ (multiples '("set" "line"))
+ (regexp ":\\([\"][^\"]+?[\"]\\|[(][^)]+?[)]\\|[^ \t\n\r;,.]*\\)")
+ (start 0)
+ o)
+ (while (setq o (pop op))
+ (if (member (car o) multiples) ;; keys with multiple values
+ (while (string-match
+ (concat (regexp-quote (car o)) regexp)
+ options start)
+ (setq start (match-end 0))
+ (setq p (plist-put p (cdr o)
+ (cons (car (read-from-string
+ (match-string 1 options)))
+ (plist-get p (cdr o)))))
+ p)
+ (if (string-match (concat (regexp-quote (car o)) regexp)
+ options)
+ (setq p (plist-put p (cdr o)
+ (car (read-from-string
+ (match-string 1 options)))))))))))
+ p)
+(defun org-plot/goto-nearest-table ()
+ "Move the point forward to the beginning of nearest table.
+Return value is the point at the beginning of the table."
+ (interactive) (move-beginning-of-line 1)
+ (while (not (or (org-at-table-p) (< 0 (forward-line 1)))))
+ (goto-char (org-table-begin)))
+(defun org-plot/collect-options (&optional params)
+ "Collect options from an org-plot '#+Plot:' line.
+Accepts an optional property list PARAMS, to which the options
+will be added. Returns the resulting property list."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((line (thing-at-point 'line)))
+ (if (string-match "#\\+PLOT: +\\(.*\\)$" line)
+ (org-plot/add-options-to-plist params (match-string 1 line))
+ params)))
+(defun org-plot-quote-tsv-field (s)
+ "Quote field S for export to gnuplot."
+ (if (string-match org-table-number-regexp s) s
+ (concat "\"" (mapconcat 'identity (split-string s "\"") "\"\"") "\"")))
+(defun org-plot/gnuplot-to-data (table data-file params)
+ "Export TABLE to DATA-FILE in a format readable by gnuplot.
+Pass PARAMS through to `orgtbl-to-generic' when exporting TABLE."
+ (with-temp-file
+ data-file (insert (orgtbl-to-generic
+ table
+ (org-combine-plists
+ '(:sep "\t" :fmt org-plot-quote-tsv-field)
+ params))))
+ nil)
+(defun org-plot/gnuplot-to-grid-data (table data-file params)
+ "Export the data in TABLE to DATA-FILE for gnuplot.
+This means, in a format appropriate for grid plotting by gnuplot.
+PARAMS specifies which columns of TABLE should be plotted as independant
+and dependant variables."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((ind (- (plist-get params :ind) 1))
+ (deps (if (plist-member params :deps)
+ (mapcar (lambda (val) (- val 1)) (plist-get params :deps))
+ (let (collector)
+ (dotimes (col (length (first table)))
+ (setf collector (cons col collector)))
+ collector)))
+ row-vals (counter 0))
+ (when (>= ind 0) ;; collect values of ind col
+ (setf row-vals (mapcar (lambda (row) (setf counter (+ 1 counter))
+ (cons counter (nth ind row))) table)))
+ (when (or deps (>= ind 0)) ;; remove non-plotting columns
+ (setf deps (delq ind deps))
+ (setf table (mapcar (lambda (row)
+ (dotimes (col (length row))
+ (unless (memq col deps)
+ (setf (nth col row) nil)))
+ (delq nil row))
+ table)))
+ ;; write table to gnuplot grid datafile format
+ (with-temp-file data-file
+ (let ((num-rows (length table)) (num-cols (length (first table)))
+ front-edge back-edge)
+ (flet ((gnuplot-row (col row value)
+ (setf col (+ 1 col)) (setf row (+ 1 row))
+ (format "%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n"
+ col (- row 0.5) value ;; lower edge
+ col (+ row 0.5) value))) ;; upper edge
+ (dotimes (col num-cols)
+ (dotimes (row num-rows)
+ (setf back-edge
+ (concat back-edge
+ (gnuplot-row (- col 1) row (string-to-number
+ (nth col (nth row table))))))
+ (setf front-edge
+ (concat front-edge
+ (gnuplot-row col row (string-to-number
+ (nth col (nth row table)))))))
+ ;; only insert once per row
+ (insert back-edge) (insert "\n") ;; back edge
+ (insert front-edge) (insert "\n") ;; front edge
+ (setf back-edge "") (setf front-edge "")))))
+ row-vals))
+(defun org-plot/gnuplot-script (data-file num-cols params)
+ "Write a gnuplot script to DATA-FILE respecting the options set in PARAMS.
+NUM-COLS controls the number of columns plotted in a 2-d plot."
+ (let* ((type (plist-get params :plot-type))
+ (with (if (equal type 'grid)
+ 'pm3d
+ (plist-get params :with)))
+ (sets (plist-get params :set))
+ (lines (plist-get params :line))
+ (map (plist-get params :map))
+ (title (plist-get params :title))
+ (file (plist-get params :file))
+ (ind (plist-get params :ind))
+ (text-ind (plist-get params :textind))
+ (deps (if (plist-member params :deps) (plist-get params :deps)))
+ (col-labels (plist-get params :labels))
+ (x-labels (plist-get params :xlabels))
+ (y-labels (plist-get params :ylabels))
+ (plot-str "'%s' using %s%d%s with %s title '%s'")
+ (plot-cmd (case type
+ ('2d "plot")
+ ('3d "splot")
+ ('grid "splot")))
+ (script "reset") plot-lines)
+ (flet ((add-to-script (line) (setf script (format "%s\n%s" script line))))
+ (when file ;; output file
+ (add-to-script (format "set term %s" (file-name-extension file)))
+ (add-to-script (format "set output '%s'" file)))
+ (case type ;; type
+ ('2d ())
+ ('3d (if map (add-to-script "set map")))
+ ('grid (if map
+ (add-to-script "set pm3d map")
+ (add-to-script "set pm3d"))))
+ (when title (add-to-script (format "set title '%s'" title))) ;; title
+ (when lines (mapc (lambda (el) (add-to-script el)) lines)) ;; line
+ (when sets ;; set
+ (mapc (lambda (el) (add-to-script (format "set %s" el))) sets))
+ (when x-labels ;; x labels (xtics)
+ (add-to-script
+ (format "set xtics (%s)"
+ (mapconcat (lambda (pair)
+ (format "\"%s\" %d" (cdr pair) (car pair)))
+ x-labels ", "))))
+ (when y-labels ;; y labels (ytics)
+ (add-to-script
+ (format "set ytics (%s)"
+ (mapconcat (lambda (pair)
+ (format "\"%s\" %d" (cdr pair) (car pair)))
+ y-labels ", "))))
+ (case type ;; plot command
+ ('2d (dotimes (col num-cols)
+ (unless (and (equal type '2d)
+ (or (and ind (equal (+ 1 col) ind))
+ (and deps (not (member (+ 1 col) deps)))))
+ (setf plot-lines
+ (cons
+ (format plot-str data-file
+ (or (and (not text-ind) ind
+ (> ind 0) (format "%d:" ind)) "")
+ (+ 1 col)
+ (if text-ind (format ":xticlabel(%d)" ind) "")
+ with
+ (or (nth col col-labels) (format "%d" (+ 1 col))))
+ plot-lines)))))
+ ('3d
+ (setq plot-lines (list (format "'%s' matrix with %s title ''"
+ data-file with))))
+ ('grid
+ (setq plot-lines (list (format "'%s' with %s title ''"
+ data-file with)))))
+ (add-to-script
+ (concat plot-cmd " " (mapconcat 'identity (reverse plot-lines) ",\\\n ")))
+ script)))
+;; facade functions
+(defun org-plot/gnuplot (&optional params)
+ "Plot table using gnuplot. Gnuplot options can be specified with PARAMS.
+If not given options will be taken from the +PLOT
+line directly before or after the table."
+ (interactive)
+ (require 'gnuplot)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (delete-other-windows)
+ (when (get-buffer "*gnuplot*") ;; reset *gnuplot* if it already running
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer "*gnuplot*") (goto-char (point-max))
+ (gnuplot-delchar-or-maybe-eof nil)))
+ (org-plot/goto-nearest-table)
+ ;; set default options
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (pair)
+ (unless (plist-member params (car pair))
+ (setf params (plist-put params (car pair) (cdr pair)))))
+ org-plot/gnuplot-default-options)
+ ;; collect table and table information
+ (let* ((data-file (make-temp-file "org-plot"))
+ (table (org-table-to-lisp))
+ (num-cols (length (if (eq (first table) 'hline) (second table)
+ (first table)))))
+ (while (equal 'hline (first table)) (setf table (cdr table)))
+ (when (equal (second table) 'hline)
+ (setf params (plist-put params :labels (first table))) ;; headers to labels
+ (setf table (delq 'hline (cdr table)))) ;; clean non-data from table
+ ;; collect options
+ (save-excursion (while (and (equal 0 (forward-line -1))
+ (looking-at "#\\+"))
+ (setf params (org-plot/collect-options params))))
+ ;; dump table to datafile (very different for grid)
+ (case (plist-get params :plot-type)
+ ('2d (org-plot/gnuplot-to-data table data-file params))
+ ('3d (org-plot/gnuplot-to-data table data-file params))
+ ('grid (let ((y-labels (org-plot/gnuplot-to-grid-data
+ table data-file params)))
+ (when y-labels (plist-put params :ylabels y-labels)))))
+ ;; check for text ind column
+ (let ((ind (- (plist-get params :ind) 1)))
+ (when (and (>= ind 0) (equal '2d (plist-get params :plot-type)))
+ (if (> (length
+ (delq 0 (mapcar
+ (lambda (el)
+ (if (string-match org-table-number-regexp el)
+ 0 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (row) (nth ind row)) table)))) 0)
+ (plist-put params :textind t))))
+ ;; write script
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (if (plist-get params :script) ;; user script
+ (progn (insert-file-contents (plist-get params :script))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "$datafile" nil t)
+ (replace-match data-file nil nil)))
+ (insert
+ (org-plot/gnuplot-script data-file num-cols params)))
+ ;; graph table
+ (gnuplot-mode)
+ (gnuplot-send-buffer-to-gnuplot))
+ ;; cleanup
+ (bury-buffer (get-buffer "*gnuplot*"))(delete-file data-file))))
+(provide 'org-plot)
+;;; org-plot.el ends here