@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ as a table in traditional Org-mode table syntax.
** remote files
+**** json
Read local or remote file in [[http://www.json.org/][json]] format into emacs-lisp objects.
#+srcname: json
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var file='() :var url='()
@@ -72,13 +72,81 @@ Read local or remote file in [[http://www.json.org/][json]] format into emacs-li
+**** Google docs
+The following code blocks make use of the [[http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/][googlecl]] Google command line
+tool. This tool provides functionality for accessing Google services
+from the command line, and the following code blocks use /googlecl/
+for reading from and writing to Google docs with Org-mode code blocks.
+****** read a document from Google docs
+The =google= command seems to be throwing "Moved Temporarily" errors
+when trying to download textual documents, but this is working fine
+for spreadsheets.
+#+source: gdoc-read
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var title="example"
+ (let* ((format (if (member "vector" result-params) "csv" "txt"))
+ (file (concat title "." format))
+ (cmd (format "google docs get --format %S --title %S" format title)))
+ (message cmd) (message (shell-command-to-string cmd))
+ (prog1 (if (string= format "csv")
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (org-table-import (shell-quote-argument file) nil)
+ (org-table-to-lisp))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents (shell-quote-argument file))
+ (buffer-string)))
+ (delete-file file)))
+For example, a line like the following can be used to read the
+contents of a spreadsheet named =num-cells= into a table.
+#+begin_src org
+ ,#+call: gdoc-read(title="num-cells"") :results vector
+A line like the following can be used to read the contents of a
+document as a string.
+#+begin_src org
+ ,#+call: gdoc-read(title="loremi") :results scalar
+****** write a document to a Google docs
+Write =data= to a google document named =title=. If =data= is tabular
+it will be saved to a spreadsheet, otherwise it will be saved as a
+normal document.
+#+source: gdoc-write
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var title="babel-upload" :var data=fibs(n=10) :results silent
+ (let* ((format (if (listp data) "csv" "txt"))
+ (tmp-file (make-temp-file "org-babel-google-doc" nil (concat "." format)))
+ (cmd (format "google docs upload --title %S %S" title tmp-file)))
+ (with-temp-file tmp-file
+ (insert
+ (if (listp data)
+ (orgtbl-to-csv
+ data '(:fmt (lambda (el) (if (stringp el) el (format "%S" el)))))
+ (if (stringp data) data (format "%S" data)))))
+ (message cmd)
+ (prog1 (shell-command-to-string cmd) (delete-file tmp-file)))
+example usage
+#+begin_src org
+ ,#+source: fibs
+ ,#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=8
+ , (flet ((fib (m) (if (< m 2) 1 (+ (fib (- m 1)) (fib (- m 2))))))
+ , (mapcar (lambda (el) (list el (fib el))) (number-sequence 0 (- n 1))))
+ ,#+end_src
+ ,#+call: gdoc-write(title="fibs", data=fibs(n=10))
* Plotting code
** R
Plot column 2 (y axis) against column 1 (x axis). Columns 3 and beyond, if present, are ignored.
#+srcname: R-plot(data=R-plot-example-data)
-#+begin_src R :session *R*
+#+begin_src R