@@ -297,87 +297,74 @@ Fraga. It was modified slightly by Tom Dye.
#+source: elispgantt
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=gantttest
-(defun esf/generate-gantt-chart (table)
(let ((dates "")
- (entries (nthcdr 2 table))
- (milestones "")
- (nmilestones 0)
- (ntasks 0)
- (projecttime 0)
- (tasks "")
- (xlength 1)
- )
+ (entries (nthcdr 2 table))
+ (milestones "")
+ (nmilestones 0)
+ (ntasks 0)
+ (projecttime 0)
+ (tasks "")
+ (xlength 1))
(message "Initial: %s\n" table)
(message "Entries: %s\n" entries)
(while entries
(let ((entry (first entries)))
- (if (listp entry)
- (let ((id (first entry))
- (type (nth 1 entry))
- (label (nth 2 entry))
- (task (nth 3 entry))
- (dependencies (nth 4 entry))
- (start (nth 5 entry))
- (duration (nth 6 entry))
- (end (nth 7 entry))
- (alignment (nth 8 entry))
- )
- (if (> start projecttime) (setq projecttime start))
- (if (string= type "task")
- (let ((end (+ start duration))
- (textposition (+ start (/ duration 2)))
- (flush "")
- )
- (if (string= alignment "left")
- (progn
- (setq textposition start)
- (setq flush "[left]"))
- (if (string= alignment "right")
- (progn
- (setq textposition end)
- (setq flush "[right]"))
- )
- )
- (setq tasks (format "%s \\gantttask{%s}{%s}{%d}{%d}{%d}{%s}\n" tasks label task start end textposition flush))
- (setq ntasks (+ 1 ntasks))
- (if (> end projecttime)
- (setq projecttime end))
- )
- (if (string= type "milestone")
- (progn
- (setq milestones (format "%s \\ganttmilestone{$\\begin{array}{c}\\mbox{%s}\\\\ \\mbox{%s}\\end{array}$}{%d}\n" milestones label task start))
- (setq nmilestones (+ 1 nmilestones)))
- (if (string= type "date")
- (setq dates (format "%s \\ganttdateline{%s}{%d}\n" dates label start))
- (message "Ignoring entry with type %s\n" type)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (message "Ignoring non-list entry %s\n" entry)
- ) ; end if list entry
- (setq entries (cdr entries))
- )
- ) ; end while entries left
+ (if (listp entry)
+ (let ((id (first entry))
+ (type (nth 1 entry))
+ (label (nth 2 entry))
+ (task (nth 3 entry))
+ (dependencies (nth 4 entry))
+ (start (nth 5 entry))
+ (duration (nth 6 entry))
+ (end (nth 7 entry))
+ (alignment (nth 8 entry)))
+ (if (> start projecttime) (setq projecttime start))
+ (if (string= type "task")
+ (let ((end (+ start duration))
+ (textposition (+ start (/ duration 2)))
+ (flush ""))
+ (if (string= alignment "left")
+ (progn
+ (setq textposition start)
+ (setq flush "[left]"))
+ (if (string= alignment "right")
+ (progn
+ (setq textposition end)
+ (setq flush "[right]"))))
+ (setq tasks
+ (format "%s \\gantttask{%s}{%s}{%d}{%d}{%d}{%s}\n"
+ tasks label task start end textposition flush))
+ (setq ntasks (+ 1 ntasks))
+ (if (> end projecttime)
+ (setq projecttime end)))
+ (if (string= type "milestone")
+ (progn
+ (setq milestones
+ (format
+ "%s \\ganttmilestone{$\\begin{array}{c}\\mbox{%s}\\\\ \\mbox{%s}\\end{array}$}{%d}\n"
+ milestones label task start))
+ (setq nmilestones (+ 1 nmilestones)))
+ (if (string= type "date")
+ (setq dates (format "%s \\ganttdateline{%s}{%d}\n"
+ dates label start))
+ (message "Ignoring entry with type %s\n" type)))))
+ (message "Ignoring non-list entry %s\n" entry)) ; end if list entry
+ (setq entries (cdr entries)))) ; end while entries left
(format "\\pgfdeclarelayer{background}
- \\begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
- \\draw[very thin, red!10!white] (0,1+\\ganttntasks) grid [ystep=0.75cm,xstep=1/\\ganttprojecttime] (1,0);
- \\draw[\\ganttdatelinecolour] (0,0) -- (1,0);
- \\draw[\\ganttdatelinecolour] (0,1+\\ganttntasks) -- (1,1+\\ganttntasks);
- \\end{pgfonlayer}
-\\end{tikzpicture}" projecttime ntasks tasks milestones dates)
- )
- )
-(esf/generate-gantt-chart table)
+ \\pgfdeclarelayer{foreground}
+ \\pgfsetlayers{background,foreground}
+ \\renewcommand{\\ganttprojecttime}{%d}
+ \\renewcommand{\\ganttntasks}{%d}
+ \\noindent
+ \\begin{tikzpicture}[y=-0.75cm,x=0.75\\textwidth]
+ \\begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
+ \\draw[very thin, red!10!white] (0,1+\\ganttntasks) grid [ystep=0.75cm,xstep=1/\\ganttprojecttime] (1,0);
+ \\draw[\\ganttdatelinecolour] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \\draw[\\ganttdatelinecolour] (0,1+\\ganttntasks) -- (1,1+\\ganttntasks);
+ \\end{pgfonlayer}
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ \\end{tikzpicture}" projecttime ntasks tasks milestones dates))