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Merge branch 'maint'

Achim Gratz 10 år sedan
2 ändrade filer med 264 tillägg och 264 borttagningar
  1. 115 115
  2. 149 149

+ 115 - 115

@@ -41,62 +41,62 @@
 (defvar org-babel-default-header-args:lilypond '()
   "Default header arguments for lilypond code blocks.
 NOTE: The arguments are determined at lilypond compile time.
-See (ly-set-header-args)")
+See (org-babel-lilypond-set-header-args)")
-(defvar ly-compile-post-tangle t
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-compile-post-tangle t
   "Following the org-babel-tangle (C-c C-v t) command,
-ly-compile-post-tangle determines whether ob-lilypond should
+org-babel-lilypond-compile-post-tangle determines whether ob-lilypond should
 automatically attempt to compile the resultant tangled file.
 If the value is nil, no automated compilation takes place.
 Default value is t")
-(defvar ly-display-pdf-post-tangle t
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle t
   "Following a successful LilyPond compilation
-ly-display-pdf-post-tangle determines whether to automate the
+org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle determines whether to automate the
 drawing / redrawing of the resultant pdf.  If the value is nil,
 the pdf is not automatically redrawn.  Default value is t")
-(defvar ly-play-midi-post-tangle t
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle t
   "Following a successful LilyPond compilation
-ly-play-midi-post-tangle determines whether to automate the
+org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle determines whether to automate the
 playing of the resultant midi file.  If the value is nil,
 the midi file is not automatically played.  Default value is t")
-(defvar ly-OSX-ly-path
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-OSX-ly-path
-(defvar ly-OSX-pdf-path "open")
-(defvar ly-OSX-midi-path "open")
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-OSX-pdf-path "open")
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-OSX-midi-path "open")
-(defvar ly-nix-ly-path "/usr/bin/lilypond")
-(defvar ly-nix-pdf-path "evince")
-(defvar ly-nix-midi-path "timidity")
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-nix-ly-path "/usr/bin/lilypond")
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-nix-pdf-path "evince")
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-nix-midi-path "timidity")
-(defvar ly-w32-ly-path "lilypond")
-(defvar ly-w32-pdf-path "")
-(defvar ly-w32-midi-path "")
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-w32-ly-path "lilypond")
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-w32-pdf-path "")
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-w32-midi-path "")
-(defvar ly-gen-png nil
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-gen-png nil
   "Image generation (png) can be turned on by default by setting
-LY-GEN-PNG to t")
-(defvar ly-gen-svg nil
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-gen-svg nil
   "Image generation (SVG) can be turned on by default by setting
-LY-GEN-SVG to t")
-(defvar ly-gen-html nil
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-gen-html nil
   "HTML generation can be turned on by default by setting
-LY-GEN-HTML to t")
-(defvar ly-gen-pdf nil
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf nil
   "PDF generation can be turned on by default by setting
-LY-GEN-PDF to t")
-(defvar ly-use-eps nil
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-use-eps nil
   "You can force the compiler to use the EPS backend by setting
-LY-USE-EPS to t")
-(defvar ly-arrange-mode nil
-  "Arrange mode is turned on by setting LY-ARRANGE-MODE
+(defvar org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode nil
+  "Arrange mode is turned on by setting ORG-BABEL-LILYPOND-ARRANGE-MODE
 to t.  In Arrange mode the following settings are altered
 from default...
 :tangle yes,    :noweb yes
@@ -125,20 +125,20 @@ Depending on whether we are in arrange mode either:
 1. Attempt to execute lilypond block according to header settings
   (This is the default basic mode)
 2. Tangle all lilypond blocks and process the result (arrange mode)"
-  (ly-set-header-args ly-arrange-mode)
-  (if ly-arrange-mode
-      (ly-tangle)
-    (ly-process-basic body params)))
+  (org-babel-lilypond-set-header-args org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode)
+  (if org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode
+      (org-babel-lilypond-tangle)
+    (org-babel-lilypond-process-basic body params)))
-(defun ly-tangle ()
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-tangle ()
   "ob-lilypond specific tangle, attempts to invoke
 =ly-execute-tangled-ly= if tangle is successful.  Also passes
 specific arguments to =org-babel-tangle="
   (if (org-babel-tangle nil "yes" "lilypond")
-      (ly-execute-tangled-ly) nil))
+      (org-babel-lilypond-execute-tangled-ly) nil))
-(defun ly-process-basic (body params)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-process-basic (body params)
   "Execute a lilypond block in basic mode."
   (let* ((result-params (cdr (assoc :result-params params)))
 	 (out-file (cdr (assoc :file params)))
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ specific arguments to =org-babel-tangle="
       (insert (org-babel-expand-body:generic body params)))
-      (ly-determine-ly-path)
+      (org-babel-lilypond-determine-ly-path)
       " -dbackend=eps "
       "-dno-gs-load-fonts "
       "-dinclude-eps-fonts "
@@ -169,45 +169,45 @@ specific arguments to =org-babel-tangle="
   "Return an error because LilyPond exporter does not support sessions."
   (error "Sorry, LilyPond does not currently support sessions!"))
-(defun ly-execute-tangled-ly ()
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-execute-tangled-ly ()
   "Compile result of block tangle with lilypond.
 If error in compilation, attempt to mark the error in lilypond org file"
-  (when ly-compile-post-tangle
-    (let ((ly-tangled-file (ly-switch-extension
+  (when org-babel-lilypond-compile-post-tangle
+    (let ((org-babel-lilypond-tangled-file (org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension
                             (buffer-file-name) ".lilypond"))
-          (ly-temp-file (ly-switch-extension
+          (org-babel-lilypond-temp-file (org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension
                          (buffer-file-name) ".ly")))
-      (if (file-exists-p ly-tangled-file)
+      (if (file-exists-p org-babel-lilypond-tangled-file)
-            (when (file-exists-p ly-temp-file)
-              (delete-file ly-temp-file))
-            (rename-file ly-tangled-file
-                         ly-temp-file))
+            (when (file-exists-p org-babel-lilypond-temp-file)
+              (delete-file org-babel-lilypond-temp-file))
+            (rename-file org-babel-lilypond-tangled-file
+                         org-babel-lilypond-temp-file))
         (error "Error: Tangle Failed!") t)
       (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*lilypond*")
-      (ly-compile-lilyfile ly-temp-file)
+      (org-babel-lilypond-compile-lilyfile org-babel-lilypond-temp-file)
       (goto-char (point-min))
-      (if (not (ly-check-for-compile-error ly-temp-file))
+      (if (not (org-babel-lilypond-check-for-compile-error org-babel-lilypond-temp-file))
             (other-window -1)
-            (ly-attempt-to-open-pdf ly-temp-file)
-            (ly-attempt-to-play-midi ly-temp-file))
+            (org-babel-lilypond-attempt-to-open-pdf org-babel-lilypond-temp-file)
+            (org-babel-lilypond-attempt-to-play-midi org-babel-lilypond-temp-file))
         (error "Error in Compilation!")))) nil)
-(defun ly-compile-lilyfile (file-name &optional test)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-compile-lilyfile (file-name &optional test)
   "Compile lilypond file and check for compile errors
 FILE-NAME is full path to lilypond (.ly) file"
   (message "Compiling LilyPond...")
-  (let ((arg-1 (ly-determine-ly-path)) ;program
+  (let ((arg-1 (org-babel-lilypond-determine-ly-path)) ;program
         (arg-2 nil)                    ;infile
         (arg-3 "*lilypond*")           ;buffer
 	(arg-4 t)                      ;display
-	(arg-5 (if ly-gen-png  "--png"  "")) ;&rest...
-	(arg-6 (if ly-gen-html "--html" ""))
-        (arg-7 (if ly-gen-pdf "--pdf" ""))
-        (arg-8 (if ly-use-eps  "-dbackend=eps" ""))
-        (arg-9 (if ly-gen-svg  "-dbackend=svg" ""))
+	(arg-5 (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-png  "--png"  "")) ;&rest...
+	(arg-6 (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-html "--html" ""))
+        (arg-7 (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf "--pdf" ""))
+        (arg-8 (if org-babel-lilypond-use-eps  "-dbackend=eps" ""))
+        (arg-9 (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-svg  "-dbackend=svg" ""))
         (arg-10 (concat "--output=" (file-name-sans-extension file-name)))
         (arg-11 file-name))
     (if test
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ FILE-NAME is full path to lilypond (.ly) file"
        arg-1 arg-2 arg-3 arg-4 arg-5 arg-6
        arg-7 arg-8 arg-9 arg-10 arg-11))))
-(defun ly-check-for-compile-error (file-name &optional test)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-check-for-compile-error (file-name &optional test)
   "Check for compile error.
 This is performed by parsing the *lilypond* buffer
 containing the output message from the compilation.
@@ -228,24 +228,24 @@ nil as file-name since it is unused in this context"
     (if (not test)
         (if (not is-error)
-          (ly-process-compile-error file-name))
+          (org-babel-lilypond-process-compile-error file-name))
-(defun ly-process-compile-error (file-name)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-process-compile-error (file-name)
   "Process the compilation error that has occurred.
 FILE-NAME is full path to lilypond file"
-  (let ((line-num (ly-parse-line-num)))
-    (let ((error-lines (ly-parse-error-line file-name line-num)))
-      (ly-mark-error-line file-name error-lines)
+  (let ((line-num (org-babel-lilypond-parse-line-num)))
+    (let ((error-lines (org-babel-lilypond-parse-error-line file-name line-num)))
+      (org-babel-lilypond-mark-error-line file-name error-lines)
       (error "Error: Compilation Failed!"))))
-(defun ly-mark-error-line (file-name line)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-mark-error-line (file-name line)
   "Mark the erroneous lines in the lilypond org buffer.
 FILE-NAME is full path to lilypond file.
 LINE is the erroneous line"
    (concat (file-name-nondirectory
-            (ly-switch-extension file-name ".org"))))
+            (org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension file-name ".org"))))
   (let ((temp (point)))
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (setq case-fold-search nil)
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ LINE is the erroneous line"
           (goto-char (- (point) (length line))))
       (goto-char temp))))
-(defun ly-parse-line-num (&optional buffer)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-parse-line-num (&optional buffer)
   "Extract error line number."
   (when buffer
     (set-buffer buffer))
@@ -278,12 +278,12 @@ LINE is the erroneous line"
-(defun ly-parse-error-line (file-name lineNo)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-parse-error-line (file-name lineNo)
   "Extract the erroneous line from the tangled .ly file
 FILE-NAME is full path to lilypond file.
 LINENO is the number of the erroneous line"
-    (insert-file-contents (ly-switch-extension file-name ".ly")
+    (insert-file-contents (org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension file-name ".ly")
 			  nil nil nil t)
     (if (> lineNo 0)
@@ -292,128 +292,128 @@ LINENO is the number of the erroneous line"
 	  (buffer-substring (point) (point-at-eol)))
-(defun ly-attempt-to-open-pdf (file-name &optional test)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-attempt-to-open-pdf (file-name &optional test)
   "Attempt to display the generated pdf file
 FILE-NAME is full path to lilypond file
 If TEST is non-nil, the shell command is returned and is not run"
-  (when ly-display-pdf-post-tangle
-    (let ((pdf-file (ly-switch-extension file-name ".pdf")))
+  (when org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle
+    (let ((pdf-file (org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension file-name ".pdf")))
       (if (file-exists-p pdf-file)
           (let ((cmd-string
-                 (concat (ly-determine-pdf-path) " " pdf-file)))
+                 (concat (org-babel-lilypond-determine-pdf-path) " " pdf-file)))
             (if test
 	       "\"Audition pdf\""
-	       (ly-determine-pdf-path)
+	       (org-babel-lilypond-determine-pdf-path)
 	(message  "No pdf file generated so can't display!")))))
-(defun ly-attempt-to-play-midi (file-name &optional test)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-attempt-to-play-midi (file-name &optional test)
   "Attempt to play the generated MIDI file
 FILE-NAME is full path to lilypond file
 If TEST is non-nil, the shell command is returned and is not run"
-  (when ly-play-midi-post-tangle
-    (let ((midi-file (ly-switch-extension file-name ".midi")))
+  (when org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle
+    (let ((midi-file (org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension file-name ".midi")))
       (if (file-exists-p midi-file)
           (let ((cmd-string
-                 (concat (ly-determine-midi-path) " " midi-file)))
+                 (concat (org-babel-lilypond-determine-midi-path) " " midi-file)))
             (if test
                "\"Audition midi\""
-               (ly-determine-midi-path)
+               (org-babel-lilypond-determine-midi-path)
         (message "No midi file generated so can't play!")))))
-(defun ly-determine-ly-path (&optional test)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-determine-ly-path (&optional test)
   "Return correct path to ly binary depending on OS
 If TEST is non-nil, it contains a simulation of the OS for test purposes"
   (let ((sys-type
          (or test system-type)))
     (cond ((string= sys-type  "darwin")
-           ly-OSX-ly-path)
+           org-babel-lilypond-OSX-ly-path)
           ((string= sys-type "windows-nt")
-           ly-w32-ly-path)
-          (t ly-nix-ly-path))))
+           org-babel-lilypond-w32-ly-path)
+          (t org-babel-lilypond-nix-ly-path))))
-(defun ly-determine-pdf-path (&optional test)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-determine-pdf-path (&optional test)
   "Return correct path to pdf viewer depending on OS
 If TEST is non-nil, it contains a simulation of the OS for test purposes"
   (let ((sys-type
          (or test system-type)))
     (cond ((string= sys-type  "darwin")
-           ly-OSX-pdf-path)
+           org-babel-lilypond-OSX-pdf-path)
           ((string= sys-type "windows-nt")
-           ly-w32-pdf-path)
-          (t ly-nix-pdf-path))))
+           org-babel-lilypond-w32-pdf-path)
+          (t org-babel-lilypond-nix-pdf-path))))
-(defun ly-determine-midi-path (&optional test)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-determine-midi-path (&optional test)
   "Return correct path to midi player depending on OS
 If TEST is non-nil, it contains a simulation of the OS for test purposes"
   (let ((sys-type
          (or test test system-type)))
     (cond ((string= sys-type  "darwin")
-           ly-OSX-midi-path)
+           org-babel-lilypond-OSX-midi-path)
           ((string= sys-type "windows-nt")
-           ly-w32-midi-path)
-          (t ly-nix-midi-path))))
+           org-babel-lilypond-w32-midi-path)
+          (t org-babel-lilypond-nix-midi-path))))
-(defun ly-toggle-midi-play ()
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-toggle-midi-play ()
   "Toggle whether midi will be played following a successful compilation."
-  (setq ly-play-midi-post-tangle
-        (not ly-play-midi-post-tangle))
+  (setq org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle
+        (not org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle))
   (message (concat "Post-Tangle MIDI play has been "
-                   (if ly-play-midi-post-tangle
+                   (if org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle
                        "ENABLED." "DISABLED."))))
-(defun ly-toggle-pdf-display ()
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-toggle-pdf-display ()
   "Toggle whether pdf will be displayed following a successful compilation."
-  (setq ly-display-pdf-post-tangle
-        (not ly-display-pdf-post-tangle))
+  (setq org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle
+        (not org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle))
   (message (concat "Post-Tangle PDF display has been "
-                   (if ly-display-pdf-post-tangle
+                   (if org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle
                        "ENABLED." "DISABLED."))))
-(defun ly-toggle-png-generation ()
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-toggle-png-generation ()
   "Toggle whether png image will be generated by compilation."
-  (setq ly-gen-png (not ly-gen-png))
+  (setq org-babel-lilypond-gen-png (not org-babel-lilypond-gen-png))
   (message (concat "PNG image generation has been "
-                   (if ly-gen-png "ENABLED." "DISABLED."))))
+                   (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-png "ENABLED." "DISABLED."))))
-(defun ly-toggle-html-generation ()
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-toggle-html-generation ()
   "Toggle whether html will be generated by compilation."
-  (setq ly-gen-html (not ly-gen-html))
+  (setq org-babel-lilypond-gen-html (not org-babel-lilypond-gen-html))
   (message (concat "HTML generation has been "
-                   (if ly-gen-html "ENABLED." "DISABLED."))))
+                   (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-html "ENABLED." "DISABLED."))))
-(defun ly-toggle-pdf-generation ()
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-toggle-pdf-generation ()
   "Toggle whether pdf will be generated by compilation."
-  (setq ly-gen-pdf (not ly-gen-pdf))
+  (setq org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf (not org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf))
   (message (concat "PDF generation has been "
-                   (if ly-gen-pdf "ENABLED." "DISABLED."))))
+                   (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf "ENABLED." "DISABLED."))))
-(defun ly-toggle-arrange-mode ()
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-toggle-arrange-mode ()
   "Toggle whether in Arrange mode or Basic mode."
-  (setq ly-arrange-mode
-        (not ly-arrange-mode))
+  (setq org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode
+        (not org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode))
   (message (concat "Arrange mode has been "
-                   (if ly-arrange-mode "ENABLED." "DISABLED."))))
+                   (if org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode "ENABLED." "DISABLED."))))
-(defun ly-switch-extension (file-name ext)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension (file-name ext)
   "Utility command to swap current FILE-NAME extension with EXT"
   (concat (file-name-sans-extension
            file-name) ext))
-(defun ly-get-header-args (mode)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-get-header-args (mode)
   "Default arguments to use when evaluating a lilypond
 source block.  These depend upon whether we are in arrange
 mode i.e.  ARRANGE-MODE is t"
@@ -427,11 +427,11 @@ mode i.e.  ARRANGE-MODE is t"
          '((:results . "file")
            (:exports . "results")))))
-(defun ly-set-header-args (mode)
+(defun org-babel-lilypond-set-header-args (mode)
   "Set org-babel-default-header-args:lilypond
-dependent on LY-ARRANGE-MODE"
   (setq org-babel-default-header-args:lilypond
-        (ly-get-header-args mode)))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-get-header-args mode)))
 (provide 'ob-lilypond)

+ 149 - 149

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "test-ob-lilypond.el"))
-  (setq ly-here
+  (setq org-babel-lilypond-here
          (or load-file-name (buffer-file-name)))))
@@ -52,81 +52,81 @@
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-compile-lilyfile ()
   (should (equal
-           `(,(ly-determine-ly-path)    ;program
+           `(,(org-babel-lilypond-determine-ly-path)    ;program
              nil                        ;infile
              "*lilypond*"               ;buffer
              t                          ;display
-             ,(if ly-gen-png  "--png"  "") ;&rest...
-             ,(if ly-gen-html "--html" "")
-             ,(if ly-gen-pdf "--pdf" "")
-             ,(if ly-use-eps  "-dbackend=eps" "")
-             ,(if ly-gen-svg  "-dbackend=svg" "")
+             ,(if org-babel-lilypond-gen-png  "--png"  "") ;&rest...
+             ,(if org-babel-lilypond-gen-html "--html" "")
+             ,(if org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf "--pdf" "")
+             ,(if org-babel-lilypond-use-eps  "-dbackend=eps" "")
+             ,(if org-babel-lilypond-gen-svg  "-dbackend=svg" "")
-           (ly-compile-lilyfile "" t))))
+           (org-babel-lilypond-compile-lilyfile "" t))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-compile-post-tangle ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-compile-post-tangle)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-compile-post-tangle)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-display-pdf-post-tangle ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-display-pdf-post-tangle)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-play-midi-post-tangle ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-play-midi-post-tangle)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-OSX-ly-path ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-OSX-ly-path))
-  (should (stringp ly-OSX-ly-path)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-OSX-ly-path))
+  (should (stringp org-babel-lilypond-OSX-ly-path)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-OSX-pdf-path ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-OSX-pdf-path))
-  (should (stringp ly-OSX-pdf-path)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-OSX-pdf-path))
+  (should (stringp org-babel-lilypond-OSX-pdf-path)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-OSX-midi-path ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-OSX-midi-path))
-  (should (stringp ly-OSX-midi-path)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-OSX-midi-path))
+  (should (stringp org-babel-lilypond-OSX-midi-path)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-nix-ly-path ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-nix-ly-path))
-  (should (stringp ly-nix-ly-path)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-nix-ly-path))
+  (should (stringp org-babel-lilypond-nix-ly-path)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-nix-pdf-path ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-nix-pdf-path))
-  (should (stringp ly-nix-pdf-path)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-nix-pdf-path))
+  (should (stringp org-babel-lilypond-nix-pdf-path)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-nix-midi-path ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-nix-midi-path))
-  (should (stringp ly-nix-midi-path)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-nix-midi-path))
+  (should (stringp org-babel-lilypond-nix-midi-path)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-w32-ly-path ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-w32-ly-path))
-  (should (stringp ly-w32-ly-path)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-w32-ly-path))
+  (should (stringp org-babel-lilypond-w32-ly-path)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-w32-pdf-path ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-w32-pdf-path))
-  (should (stringp ly-w32-pdf-path)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-w32-pdf-path))
+  (should (stringp org-babel-lilypond-w32-pdf-path)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-w32-midi-path ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-w32-midi-path))
-  (should (stringp ly-w32-midi-path)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-w32-midi-path))
+  (should (stringp org-babel-lilypond-w32-midi-path)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-gen-png ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-gen-png)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-gen-png)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-gen-svg ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-gen-svg)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-gen-svg)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-gen-html ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-gen-html)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-gen-html)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-gen-html ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-gen-pdf)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/use-eps ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-use-eps)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-use-eps)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-arrange-mode ()
-  (should (boundp 'ly-arrange-mode)))
+  (should (boundp 'org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode)))
 ;; (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/org-babel-default-header-args:lilypond ()
 ;;   (should (equal  '((:tangle . "yes")
@@ -140,32 +140,32 @@
   (should (equal "This is a test"
                  (org-babel-expand-body:lilypond "This is a test" ()))))
-;;TODO (ert-deftest ly-test-org-babel-execute:lilypond ())
+;;TODO (ert-deftest org-babel-lilypond-test-org-babel-execute:lilypond ())
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-check-for-compile-error ()
   (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*lilypond*"))
-  (should (not (ly-check-for-compile-error nil t)))
-  (insert-file-contents (concat ly-here
+  (should (not (org-babel-lilypond-check-for-compile-error nil t)))
+  (insert-file-contents (concat org-babel-lilypond-here
                         nil nil nil t)
   (goto-char (point-min))
-  (should (ly-check-for-compile-error nil t))
+  (should (org-babel-lilypond-check-for-compile-error nil t))
   (kill-buffer "*lilypond*"))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-process-compile-error ()
   (find-file-other-window (concat
-                           ly-here
+                           org-babel-lilypond-here
   (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*lilypond*"))
   (insert-file-contents (concat
-                         ly-here
+                         org-babel-lilypond-here
                         nil nil nil t)
   (goto-char (point-min))
   (search-forward "error:" nil t)
-   (ly-process-compile-error (concat
-                              ly-here
+   (org-babel-lilypond-process-compile-error (concat
+                              org-babel-lilypond-here
    :type 'error)
   (set-buffer "")
@@ -177,13 +177,13 @@
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-mark-error-line ()
   (let ((file-name (concat
-                    ly-here
+                    org-babel-lilypond-here
         (expected-point-min 198)
         (expected-point-max 205)
         (line "line 20"))
     (find-file-other-window file-name)
-    (ly-mark-error-line file-name line)
+    (org-babel-lilypond-mark-error-line file-name line)
     (should (equal expected-point-min (point)))
@@ -193,174 +193,174 @@
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-parse-line-num ()
     (insert-file-contents (concat
-                           ly-here
+                           org-babel-lilypond-here
                           nil nil nil t)
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (search-forward "error:")
-    (should (equal 25 (ly-parse-line-num (current-buffer))))))
+    (should (equal 25 (org-babel-lilypond-parse-line-num (current-buffer))))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-parse-error-line ()
-  (let ((ly-file (concat
-                  ly-here
+  (let ((org-babel-lilypond-file (concat
+                  org-babel-lilypond-here
     (should (equal "line 20"
-                   (ly-parse-error-line ly-file 20)))
-    (should (not (ly-parse-error-line ly-file 0)))))
+                   (org-babel-lilypond-parse-error-line org-babel-lilypond-file 20)))
+    (should (not (org-babel-lilypond-parse-error-line org-babel-lilypond-file 0)))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-attempt-to-open-pdf ()
-  (let ((post-tangle ly-display-pdf-post-tangle)
-        (ly-file (concat
-                  ly-here
+  (let ((post-tangle org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle)
+        (org-babel-lilypond-file (concat
+                  org-babel-lilypond-here
         (pdf-file (concat
-                   ly-here
+                   org-babel-lilypond-here
-    (setq ly-display-pdf-post-tangle t)
+    (setq org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle t)
     (when (not (file-exists-p pdf-file))
       (set-buffer (get-buffer-create (file-name-nondirectory pdf-file)))
       (write-file pdf-file))
     (should (equal
-              (ly-determine-pdf-path) " " pdf-file)
-             (ly-attempt-to-open-pdf ly-file t)))
+              (org-babel-lilypond-determine-pdf-path) " " pdf-file)
+             (org-babel-lilypond-attempt-to-open-pdf org-babel-lilypond-file t)))
     (delete-file pdf-file)
     (kill-buffer (file-name-nondirectory pdf-file))
     (should (equal
              "No pdf file generated so can't display!"
-             (ly-attempt-to-open-pdf pdf-file)))
-    (setq ly-display-pdf-post-tangle post-tangle)))
+             (org-babel-lilypond-attempt-to-open-pdf pdf-file)))
+    (setq org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle post-tangle)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-attempt-to-play-midi ()
-  (let ((post-tangle ly-play-midi-post-tangle)
-        (ly-file (concat
-                  ly-here
+  (let ((post-tangle org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle)
+        (org-babel-lilypond-file (concat
+                  org-babel-lilypond-here
         (midi-file (concat
-                    ly-here
+                    org-babel-lilypond-here
-    (setq ly-play-midi-post-tangle t)
+    (setq org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle t)
     (when (not (file-exists-p midi-file))
       (set-buffer (get-buffer-create (file-name-nondirectory midi-file)))
       (write-file midi-file))
     (should (equal
-              (ly-determine-midi-path) " " midi-file)
-             (ly-attempt-to-play-midi ly-file t)))
+              (org-babel-lilypond-determine-midi-path) " " midi-file)
+             (org-babel-lilypond-attempt-to-play-midi org-babel-lilypond-file t)))
     (delete-file midi-file)
     (kill-buffer (file-name-nondirectory midi-file))
     (should (equal
              "No midi file generated so can't play!"
-             (ly-attempt-to-play-midi midi-file)))
-    (setq ly-play-midi-post-tangle post-tangle)))
+             (org-babel-lilypond-attempt-to-play-midi midi-file)))
+    (setq org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle post-tangle)))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-determine-ly-path ()
-  (should (equal ly-OSX-ly-path
-                 (ly-determine-ly-path "darwin")))
-  (should (equal ly-w32-ly-path
-                 (ly-determine-ly-path "windows-nt")))
-  (should (equal ly-nix-ly-path
-                 (ly-determine-ly-path "nix"))))
+  (should (equal org-babel-lilypond-OSX-ly-path
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-determine-ly-path "darwin")))
+  (should (equal org-babel-lilypond-w32-ly-path
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-determine-ly-path "windows-nt")))
+  (should (equal org-babel-lilypond-nix-ly-path
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-determine-ly-path "nix"))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-determine-pdf-path ()
-  (should (equal ly-OSX-pdf-path
-                 (ly-determine-pdf-path "darwin")))
-  (should (equal ly-w32-pdf-path
-                 (ly-determine-pdf-path "windows-nt")))
-  (should (equal ly-nix-pdf-path
-                 (ly-determine-pdf-path "nix"))))
+  (should (equal org-babel-lilypond-OSX-pdf-path
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-determine-pdf-path "darwin")))
+  (should (equal org-babel-lilypond-w32-pdf-path
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-determine-pdf-path "windows-nt")))
+  (should (equal org-babel-lilypond-nix-pdf-path
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-determine-pdf-path "nix"))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-determine-midi-path ()
-  (should (equal ly-OSX-midi-path
-                 (ly-determine-midi-path "darwin")))
-  (should (equal ly-w32-midi-path
-                 (ly-determine-midi-path "windows-nt")))
-  (should (equal ly-nix-midi-path
-                 (ly-determine-midi-path "nix"))))
+  (should (equal org-babel-lilypond-OSX-midi-path
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-determine-midi-path "darwin")))
+  (should (equal org-babel-lilypond-w32-midi-path
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-determine-midi-path "windows-nt")))
+  (should (equal org-babel-lilypond-nix-midi-path
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-determine-midi-path "nix"))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-toggle-midi-play-toggles-flag ()
-  (if ly-play-midi-post-tangle
+  (if org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle
-        (ly-toggle-midi-play)
-         (should (not ly-play-midi-post-tangle))
-        (ly-toggle-midi-play)
-        (should ly-play-midi-post-tangle))
-    (ly-toggle-midi-play)
-    (should ly-play-midi-post-tangle)
-    (ly-toggle-midi-play)
-    (should (not ly-play-midi-post-tangle))))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-midi-play)
+         (should (not org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-midi-play)
+        (should org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle))
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-midi-play)
+    (should org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle)
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-midi-play)
+    (should (not org-babel-lilypond-play-midi-post-tangle))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-toggle-pdf-display-toggles-flag ()
-  (if ly-display-pdf-post-tangle
+  (if org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle
-        (ly-toggle-pdf-display)
-         (should (not ly-display-pdf-post-tangle))
-        (ly-toggle-pdf-display)
-        (should ly-display-pdf-post-tangle))
-    (ly-toggle-pdf-display)
-    (should ly-display-pdf-post-tangle)
-    (ly-toggle-pdf-display)
-    (should (not ly-display-pdf-post-tangle))))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-pdf-display)
+         (should (not org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-pdf-display)
+        (should org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle))
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-pdf-display)
+    (should org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle)
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-pdf-display)
+    (should (not org-babel-lilypond-display-pdf-post-tangle))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-toggle-pdf-generation-toggles-flag ()
-  (if ly-gen-pdf
+  (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf
-        (ly-toggle-pdf-generation)
-         (should (not ly-gen-pdf))
-        (ly-toggle-pdf-generation)
-        (should ly-gen-pdf))
-    (ly-toggle-pdf-generation)
-    (should ly-gen-pdf)
-    (ly-toggle-pdf-generation)
-    (should (not ly-gen-pdf))))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-pdf-generation)
+         (should (not org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-pdf-generation)
+        (should org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf))
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-pdf-generation)
+    (should org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf)
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-pdf-generation)
+    (should (not org-babel-lilypond-gen-pdf))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-toggle-arrange-mode ()
-  (if ly-arrange-mode
+  (if org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode
-        (ly-toggle-arrange-mode)
-        (should (not ly-arrange-mode))
-        (ly-toggle-arrange-mode)
-        (should ly-arrange-mode))
-    (ly-toggle-arrange-mode)
-    (should ly-arrange-mode)
-    (ly-toggle-arrange-mode)
-    (should (not ly-arrange-mode))))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-arrange-mode)
+        (should (not org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-arrange-mode)
+        (should org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode))
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-arrange-mode)
+    (should org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode)
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-arrange-mode)
+    (should (not org-babel-lilypond-arrange-mode))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-toggle-png-generation-toggles-flag ()
-  (if ly-gen-png
+  (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-png
-        (ly-toggle-png-generation)
-         (should (not ly-gen-png))
-        (ly-toggle-png-generation)
-        (should ly-gen-png))
-    (ly-toggle-png-generation)
-    (should ly-gen-png)
-    (ly-toggle-png-generation)
-    (should (not ly-gen-png))))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-png-generation)
+         (should (not org-babel-lilypond-gen-png))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-png-generation)
+        (should org-babel-lilypond-gen-png))
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-png-generation)
+    (should org-babel-lilypond-gen-png)
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-png-generation)
+    (should (not org-babel-lilypond-gen-png))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-toggle-html-generation-toggles-flag ()
-  (if ly-gen-html
+  (if org-babel-lilypond-gen-html
-        (ly-toggle-html-generation)
-         (should (not ly-gen-html))
-        (ly-toggle-html-generation)
-        (should ly-gen-html))
-    (ly-toggle-html-generation)
-    (should ly-gen-html)
-    (ly-toggle-html-generation)
-    (should (not ly-gen-html))))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-html-generation)
+         (should (not org-babel-lilypond-gen-html))
+        (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-html-generation)
+        (should org-babel-lilypond-gen-html))
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-html-generation)
+    (should org-babel-lilypond-gen-html)
+    (org-babel-lilypond-toggle-html-generation)
+    (should (not org-babel-lilypond-gen-html))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-switch-extension-with-extensions ()
   (should (equal ""
-                 (ly-switch-extension "test-name" ".xyz")))
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension "test-name" ".xyz")))
   (should (equal ""
-                 (ly-switch-extension "" ".xyz")))
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension "" ".xyz")))
   (should (equal "test-name"
-                 (ly-switch-extension "" ""))))
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension "" ""))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-switch-extension-with-paths ()
   (should (equal "/some/path/to/"
-                  (ly-switch-extension "/some/path/to/test-name" ".xyz"))))
+                  (org-babel-lilypond-switch-extension "/some/path/to/test-name" ".xyz"))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-get-header-args ()
   (should (equal '((:tangle . "yes")
@@ -368,20 +368,20 @@
                    (:results . "silent")
                    (:cache . "yes")
                    (:comments . "yes"))
-                 (ly-set-header-args t)))
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-set-header-args t)))
   (should (equal '((:results . "file")
                    (:exports . "results"))
-                 (ly-set-header-args nil))))
+                 (org-babel-lilypond-set-header-args nil))))
 (ert-deftest ob-lilypond/ly-set-header-args ()
-  (ly-set-header-args t)
+  (org-babel-lilypond-set-header-args t)
   (should (equal '((:tangle . "yes")
                    (:noweb . "yes")
                    (:results . "silent")
                    (:cache . "yes")
                    (:comments . "yes"))
-  (ly-set-header-args nil)
+  (org-babel-lilypond-set-header-args nil)
   (should (equal '((:results . "file")
                    (:exports . "results"))