@@ -65,44 +65,150 @@
(should-not (file-exists-p (concat org-test-link-in-heading-file "::")))
(when (file-exists-p html-file) (delete-file html-file))))
-;; TODO
-;; (ert-deftest ob-exp/noweb-on-export ()
-;; "Noweb header arguments export correctly.
-;; - yes expand on both export and tangle
-;; - no expand on neither export or tangle
-;; - tangle expand on only tangle not export"
-;; (let (html)
-;; (org-test-at-id "eb1f6498-5bd9-45e0-9c56-50717053e7b7"
-;; (org-narrow-to-subtree)
-;; (let ((arg nil)
-;; )
-;; (mapcar (lambda (x)
-;; (should (equal ""
-;; (org-export-as-html nil
-;; nil
-;; nil
-;; 'string))))
-;; '("yes" "no" "tangle"))))))
-;; TODO Test broken (args-out-of-range 1927 3462)
-;; (ert-deftest ob-exp/exports-both ()
-;; "Test the :exports both header argument.
-;; The code block should create both <pre></pre> and <table></table>
-;; elements in the final html."
-;; (let (html)
-;; (org-test-at-id "92518f2a-a46a-4205-a3ab-bcce1008a4bb"
-;; (org-narrow-to-subtree)
-;; (setq html (org-export-as-html nil nil nil 'string))
-;; (should (string-match "<pre.*>[^\000]*</pre>" html))
-;; (should (string-match "<table.*>[^\000]*</table>" html)))))
-;; TODO Test Broken - causes ert to go off into the weeds
-;; (ert-deftest ob-exp/export-subtree ()
-;; (org-test-at-id "5daa4d03-e3ea-46b7-b093-62c1b7632df3"
-;; (org-mark-subtree)
-;; (org-export-as-latex nil)))
+(ert-deftest ob-exp/noweb-on-export ()
+ "Noweb header arguments export correctly.
+- yes expand on both export and tangle
+- no expand on neither export or tangle
+- tangle expand on only tangle not export"
+ (org-test-at-id "eb1f6498-5bd9-45e0-9c56-50717053e7b7"
+ (org-narrow-to-subtree)
+ (let ((exported-html
+ (org-export-as-html nil nil nil 'string))
+ (test-point 0))
+ (org-test-with-temp-text-in-file
+ exported-html
+ ;; check following ouput exists and in order
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (should (< test-point
+ (re-search-forward
+ x
+ nil t)))
+ (setq test-point (point)))
+ '("<head>" "</head>" "<body>"
+ "<code>:noweb</code> header argument expansion"
+ "<code>:noweb</code> header argument expansion"
+ "message" "expanded1"
+ "message" "expanded2"
+ "noweb-1-yes-start"
+ "message" "expanded1"
+ "noweb-no-start"
+ "<<noweb-example1>>"
+ "noweb-2-yes-start"
+ "message" "expanded2"
+ "noweb-tangle-start"
+ "<<noweb-example1>>"
+ "<<noweb-example2>>"
+ "</body>"))))))
+(ert-deftest ob-exp/noweb-on-export-with-exports-results ()
+ "Noweb header arguments export correctly using :exports results.
+- yes expand on both export and tangle
+- no expand on neither export or tangle
+- tangle expand on only tangle not export"
+ (org-test-at-id "8701beb4-13d9-468c-997a-8e63e8b66f8d"
+ (org-narrow-to-subtree)
+ (let ((exported-html
+ (org-export-as-html nil nil nil 'string))
+ (test-point 0))
+ (org-test-with-temp-text-in-file
+ exported-html
+ ;; check following ouput exists and in order
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (should (< test-point
+ (re-search-forward
+ x
+ nil t)))
+ (setq test-point (point)))
+ '("<head>" "</head>" "<body>"
+ "<code>:noweb</code> header argument expansion using :exports results"
+ "<code>:noweb</code> header argument expansion using :exports results"
+ "expanded1"
+ "expanded2"
+ "expanded1"
+ "noweb-no-start"
+ "<<noweb-example1>>"
+ "expanded2"
+ "<<noweb-example1>>"
+ "<<noweb-example2>>"
+ "</body>"))))))
+(ert-deftest ob-exp/exports-both ()
+ "Test the :exports both header argument.
+The code block should create both <pre></pre> and <table></table>
+elements in the final html."
+ (org-test-at-id "92518f2a-a46a-4205-a3ab-bcce1008a4bb"
+ (org-narrow-to-subtree)
+ (let ((exported-html
+ (org-export-as-html nil nil nil 'string))
+ (test-point 0))
+ (org-test-with-temp-text-in-file
+ exported-html
+ ;; check following ouput exists and in order
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (should (< test-point
+ (re-search-forward
+ x
+ nil t)))
+ (setq test-point (point)))
+ '("<head>" "</head>" "<body>"
+ "Pascal's Triangle – exports both test"
+ "Pascal's Triangle – exports both test"
+ "<pre"
+ "defun" "pascals-triangle"
+ "if""list""list""let*""prev-triangle"
+ "pascals-triangle""prev-row""car""reverse""prev-triangle"
+ "append""prev-triangle""list""map""list"
+ "append""prev-row""append""prev-row""pascals-triangle"
+ "</pre>"
+ "<table""<tbody>"
+ "<tr>"">1<""</tr>"
+ "<tr>"">1<"">1<""</tr>"
+ "<tr>"">1<"">2<"">1<""</tr>"
+ "<tr>"">1<"">3<"">3<"">1<""</tr>"
+ "<tr>"">1<"">4<"">6<"">4<"">1<""</tr>"
+ "<tr>"">1<"">5<"">10<"">10<"">5<"">1<""</tr>"
+ "</tbody>""</table>"
+ "</body>"))))))
+(ert-deftest ob-exp/mixed-blocks-with-exports-both ()
+ (org-test-at-id "5daa4d03-e3ea-46b7-b093-62c1b7632df3"
+ (org-narrow-to-subtree)
+ (let ((exported-html
+ (org-export-as-html nil nil nil 'string))
+ (test-point 0))
+ (org-test-with-temp-text-in-file
+ exported-html
+ ;; check following ouput exists and in order
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (should (< test-point
+ (re-search-forward
+ x
+ nil t)))
+ (setq test-point (point)))
+ '("<head>" "</head>" "<body>"
+ "mixed blocks with exports both"
+ "mixed blocks with exports both"
+ "<ul>"
+ "<li>""a""</li>"
+ "<li>""b""</li>"
+ "<li>""c""</li>"
+ "</ul>"
+ "<pre"
+ "\"code block results\""
+ "</pre>"
+ "<pre class=\"example\">"
+ "code block results"
+ "</pre>"
+ "</body>"))))))
(provide 'test-ob-exp)
;;; test-ob-exp.el ends here