@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ org-bullets.el --- Show bullets in org-mode as UTF-8 characters
org-checklist.el --- org functions for checklist handling
org-choose.el --- Use TODO keywords to mark decision states
org-collector.el --- Collect properties into tables
+org-colview-xemacs.el --- Column View in Org-mode, XEmacs-specific version
org-contacts.el --- Contacts management
org-contribdir.el --- Dummy file to mark the org contrib Lisp directory
org-depend.el --- TODO dependencies for Org-mode
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ org-eval-light.el --- Evaluate in-buffer code on demand
org-eval.el --- The <lisp> tag, adapted from Muse
org-expiry.el --- Expiry mechanism for Org entries
org-export-generic.el --- Export framework for configurable backends
+org-favtable.el --- Lookup table of favorite references and links
org-git-link.el --- Provide org links to specific file version
org-interactive-query.el --- Interactive modification of tags query
org-invoice.el --- Help manage client invoices in OrgMode
@@ -36,8 +38,10 @@ org-jira.el --- Add a jira:ticket protocol to Org
org-learn.el --- SuperMemo's incremental learning algorithm
org-mac-iCal.el --- Imports events from iCal.app to the Emacs diary
org-mac-link-grabber.el --- Grab links and URLs from various Mac applications
+org-mac-message.el --- Links to Apple Mail.app messages from within Org-mode
org-mairix.el --- Hook mairix search into Org for different MUAs
org-man.el --- Support for links to manpages in Org-mode
+org-mew.el --- Support for links to Mew messages
org-mime.el --- org html export for text/html MIME emails
org-mtags.el --- Support for some Muse-like tags in Org-mode
org-notify.el --- Notifications for Org-mode
@@ -51,47 +55,43 @@ org-sudoku.el --- Create and solve SUDOKU puzzles in Org tables
org-toc.el --- Table of contents for Org-mode buffer
org-track.el --- Keep up with Org development
org-velocity.el --- something like Notational Velocity for Org
-org-wikinodes.el --- CamelCase wiki-like links for Org
-org2rem.el --- Convert org appointments into reminders
-orgtbl-sqlinsert.el --- Convert Org-mode tables to SQL insertions
-org-favtable.el --- Lookup table of favorite references and links
-org-mew.el --- Support for links to Mew messages
org-vm.el --- Support for links to VM messages
-org-wl.el --- Support for links to Wanderlust messages
org-w3m.el --- Support link/copy/paste from w3m to Org-mode
-org-colview-xemacs.el --- Column View in Org-mode, XEmacs-specific version
+org-wikinodes.el --- CamelCase wiki-like links for Org
+org-wl.el --- Support for links to Wanderlust messages
+orgtbl-sqlinsert.el --- Convert Org-mode tables to SQL insertions
Org exporters
-ox-confluence.el --- Confluence Wiki Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-deck.el --- deck.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-groff.el --- Groff Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-koma-letter.el --- KOMA Scrlttr2 Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-s5.el --- S5 Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-taskjuggler.el --- TaskJuggler Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-rss.el --- RSS 2.0 Back-End for Org Export Engine
+ox-confluence.el --- Confluence Wiki exporter
+ox-deck.el --- deck.js presentations exporter
+ox-groff.el --- Groff exporter
+ox-koma-letter.el --- KOMA Scrlttr2 exporter
+ox-rss.el --- RSS 2.0 exporter
+ox-s5.el --- S5 presentations exporter
+ox-taskjuggler.el --- TaskJuggler exporter
Org Babel languages
+ob-eukleides.el --- Org-babel functions for eukleides evaluation
ob-fomus.el --- Org-babel functions for fomus evaluation
-ob-oz.el --- Org-babel functions for Oz evaluation
+ob-julia.el --- Org-babel functions for julia evaluation
ob-mathomatic.el --- Org-babel functions for mathomatic evaluation
+ob-oz.el --- Org-babel functions for Oz evaluation
ob-tcl.el --- Org-babel functions for tcl evaluation
-ob-eukleides.el --- Org-babel functions for eukleides evaluation
-ob-julia.el --- Org-babel functions for julia evaluation
External libraries
htmlize.el --- Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML
SCRIPTS (shell, bash, etc.)
+StartOzServer.oz --- implements the Oz-side of the Org-babel Oz interface
dir2org.zsh --- Org compatible fs structure output
ditaa.jar --- ASCII to PNG converter by Stathis Sideris, GPL
-org2hpda --- Generate hipster pda style printouts from Org-mode
org-docco.org --- docco side-by-side annotated code export to HTML
-StartOzServer.oz --- implements the Oz-side of the Org-babel Oz interface
+org2hpda --- Generate hipster pda style printouts from Org-mode
staticmathjax --- XULRunner application to process MathJax statically
x11idle.c --- get the idle time of your X session