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Move org-mac-message.el to contrib/.

* org-mac-message.el: Move to contrib/.

* org.el (org-modules): org-mac-message.el is now a
contributed package.
Bastien Guerry преди 12 години
променени са 3 файла, в които са добавени 33 реда и са изтрити 34 реда
  1. 20 20
  2. 5 4
  3. 8 10

+ 20 - 20

@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ org-bullets.el           --- Show bullets in org-mode as UTF-8 characters
 org-checklist.el         --- org functions for checklist handling
 org-choose.el            --- Use TODO keywords to mark decision states
 org-collector.el         --- Collect properties into tables
+org-colview-xemacs.el	 --- Column View in Org-mode, XEmacs-specific version
 org-contacts.el          --- Contacts management
 org-contribdir.el        --- Dummy file to mark the org contrib Lisp directory
 org-depend.el            --- TODO dependencies for Org-mode
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ org-eval-light.el        --- Evaluate in-buffer code on demand
 org-eval.el              --- The <lisp> tag, adapted from Muse
 org-expiry.el            --- Expiry mechanism for Org entries
 org-export-generic.el    --- Export framework for configurable backends
+org-favtable.el          --- Lookup table of favorite references and links
 org-git-link.el          --- Provide org links to specific file version
 org-interactive-query.el --- Interactive modification of tags query
 org-invoice.el           --- Help manage client invoices in OrgMode
@@ -36,8 +38,10 @@ org-jira.el              --- Add a jira:ticket protocol to Org
 org-learn.el             --- SuperMemo's incremental learning algorithm
 org-mac-iCal.el          --- Imports events from iCal.app to the Emacs diary
 org-mac-link-grabber.el  --- Grab links and URLs from various Mac applications
+org-mac-message.el	 --- Links to Apple Mail.app messages from within Org-mode
 org-mairix.el 	         --- Hook mairix search into Org for different MUAs
 org-man.el 	         --- Support for links to manpages in Org-mode
+org-mew.el		 --- Support for links to Mew messages
 org-mime.el              --- org html export for text/html MIME emails
 org-mtags.el 	         --- Support for some Muse-like tags in Org-mode
 org-notify.el            --- Notifications for Org-mode
@@ -51,47 +55,43 @@ org-sudoku.el            --- Create and solve SUDOKU puzzles in Org tables
 org-toc.el 	         --- Table of contents for Org-mode buffer
 org-track.el             --- Keep up with Org development
 org-velocity.el          --- something like Notational Velocity for Org
-org-wikinodes.el         --- CamelCase wiki-like links for Org
-org2rem.el               --- Convert org appointments into reminders
-orgtbl-sqlinsert.el      --- Convert Org-mode tables to SQL insertions
-org-favtable.el          --- Lookup table of favorite references and links
-org-mew.el		 --- Support for links to Mew messages
 org-vm.el		 --- Support for links to VM messages
-org-wl.el		 --- Support for links to Wanderlust messages
 org-w3m.el		 --- Support link/copy/paste from w3m to Org-mode
-org-colview-xemacs.el	 --- Column View in Org-mode, XEmacs-specific version
+org-wikinodes.el         --- CamelCase wiki-like links for Org
+org-wl.el		 --- Support for links to Wanderlust messages
+orgtbl-sqlinsert.el      --- Convert Org-mode tables to SQL insertions
 Org exporters
-ox-confluence.el         --- Confluence Wiki Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-deck.el               --- deck.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-groff.el              --- Groff Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-koma-letter.el        --- KOMA Scrlttr2 Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-s5.el                 --- S5 Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-taskjuggler.el        --- TaskJuggler Back-End for Org Export Engine
-ox-rss.el		 --- RSS 2.0 Back-End for Org Export Engine
+ox-confluence.el         --- Confluence Wiki exporter
+ox-deck.el               --- deck.js presentations exporter
+ox-groff.el              --- Groff exporter
+ox-koma-letter.el        --- KOMA Scrlttr2 exporter
+ox-rss.el		 --- RSS 2.0 exporter
+ox-s5.el                 --- S5 presentations exporter
+ox-taskjuggler.el        --- TaskJuggler exporter
 Org Babel languages
+ob-eukleides.el    	 --- Org-babel functions for eukleides evaluation
 ob-fomus.el        	 --- Org-babel functions for fomus evaluation
-ob-oz.el           	 --- Org-babel functions for Oz evaluation
+ob-julia.el  	 	 --- Org-babel functions for julia evaluation
 ob-mathomatic.el   	 --- Org-babel functions for mathomatic evaluation
+ob-oz.el           	 --- Org-babel functions for Oz evaluation
 ob-tcl.el 		 --- Org-babel functions for tcl evaluation
-ob-eukleides.el    	 --- Org-babel functions for eukleides evaluation
-ob-julia.el  	 	 --- Org-babel functions for julia evaluation
 External libraries
 htmlize.el               --- Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML
 SCRIPTS (shell, bash, etc.)
+StartOzServer.oz     	 --- implements the Oz-side of the Org-babel Oz interface
 dir2org.zsh              --- Org compatible fs structure output
 ditaa.jar            	 --- ASCII to PNG converter by Stathis Sideris, GPL
-org2hpda             	 --- Generate hipster pda style printouts from Org-mode
 org-docco.org        	 --- docco side-by-side annotated code export to HTML
-StartOzServer.oz     	 --- implements the Oz-side of the Org-babel Oz interface
+org2hpda             	 --- Generate hipster pda style printouts from Org-mode
 staticmathjax        	 --- XULRunner application to process MathJax statically
 x11idle.c            	 --- get the idle time of your X session

+ 5 - 4
lisp/org-mac-message.el → contrib/lisp/org-mac-message.el

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@
 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; This file implements links to Apple Mail.app messages from within Org-mode.
-;; Org-mode does not load this module by default - if you would actually like
-;; this to happen then configure the variable `org-modules'.
+;; This file implements links to Apple Mail.app messages from within
+;; Org-mode.  Org-mode does not load this module by default - if you
+;; would actually like this to happen then configure the variable
+;; `org-modules' and add Org's contrib/ directory to your `load-path'.
 ;; If you would like to create links to all flagged messages in an
 ;; Apple Mail.app account, please customize the variable

+ 8 - 10

@@ -363,16 +363,11 @@ For export specific modules, see also `org-export-backends'."
 	(const :tag "   habit:             Track your consistency with habits" org-habit)
 	(const :tag "   inlinetask:        Tasks independent of outline hierarchy" org-inlinetask)
 	(const :tag "   irc:               Links to IRC/ERC chat sessions" org-irc)
-	(const :tag "   mac-message:       Links to messages in Apple Mail" org-mac-message)
 	(const :tag "   mhe:               Links to MHE folders/messages" org-mhe)
 	(const :tag "   protocol:          Intercept calls from emacsclient" org-protocol)
 	(const :tag "   rmail:             Links to RMAIL folders/messages" org-rmail)
 	(const :tag "   mouse:             Additional mouse support" org-mouse)
-	(const :tag "C  vm:                Links to VM folders/messages" org-vm)
-	(const :tag "C  wl:                Links to Wanderlust folders/messages" org-wl)
-	(const :tag "C  w3m:               Special cut/paste from w3m to Org-mode." org-w3m)
-	(const :tag "C  mew:               Links to Mew folders/messages" org-mew)
 	(const :tag "C  annotate-file:     Annotate a file with org syntax" org-annotate-file)
 	(const :tag "C  bookmark:          Org-mode links to bookmarks" org-bookmark)
 	(const :tag "C  bullets:           Add overlays to headlines stars" org-bullets)
@@ -383,23 +378,23 @@ For export specific modules, see also `org-export-backends'."
 	(const :tag "C  drill:             Flashcards and spaced repetition for Org-mode" org-drill)
 	(const :tag "C  elisp-symbol:      Org-mode links to emacs-lisp symbols" org-elisp-symbol)
 	(const :tag "C  eshell             Support for links to working directories in eshell" org-eshell)
-	(const :tag "C  eval:              Include command output as text" org-eval)
 	(const :tag "C  eval-light:        Evaluate inbuffer-code on demand" org-eval-light)
+	(const :tag "C  eval:              Include command output as text" org-eval)
 	(const :tag "C  expiry:            Expiry mechanism for Org-mode entries" org-expiry)
 	(const :tag "C  favtable:          Lookup table of favorite references and links" org-favtable)
 	(const :tag "C  git-link:          Provide org links to specific file version" org-git-link)
 	(const :tag "C  interactive-query: Interactive modification of tags query\n\t\t\t(PARTIALLY OBSOLETE, see secondary filtering)" org-interactive-query)
         (const :tag "C  invoice:           Help manage client invoices in Org-mode" org-invoice)
 	(const :tag "C  jira:              Add a jira:ticket protocol to Org-mode" org-jira)
 	(const :tag "C  learn:             SuperMemo's incremental learning algorithm" org-learn)
-	(const :tag "C  mairix:            Hook mairix search into Org-mode for different MUAs" org-mairix)
-	(const :tag "C  notmuch:           Provide org links to notmuch searches or messages" org-notmuch)
 	(const :tag "C  mac-iCal           Imports events from iCal.app to the Emacs diary" org-mac-iCal)
 	(const :tag "C  mac-link-grabber   Grab links and URLs from various Mac applications" org-mac-link-grabber)
+	(const :tag "C  mac-message:       Links to messages in Apple Mail" org-mac-message)
+	(const :tag "C  mairix:            Hook mairix search into Org-mode for different MUAs" org-mairix)
 	(const :tag "C  man:               Support for links to manpages in Org-mode" org-man)
+	(const :tag "C  mew:               Links to Mew folders/messages" org-mew)
 	(const :tag "C  mtags:             Support for muse-like tags" org-mtags)
+	(const :tag "C  notmuch:           Provide org links to notmuch searches or messages" org-notmuch)
 	(const :tag "C  panel:             Simple routines for us with bad memory" org-panel)
 	(const :tag "C  registry:          A registry for Org-mode links" org-registry)
 	(const :tag "C  screen:            Visit screen sessions through Org-mode links" org-screen)
@@ -408,7 +403,10 @@ For export specific modules, see also `org-export-backends'."
 	(const :tag "C  toc:               Table of contents for Org-mode buffer" org-toc)
 	(const :tag "C  track:             Keep up with Org-mode development" org-track)
 	(const :tag "C  velocity           Something like Notational Velocity for Org" org-velocity)
+	(const :tag "C  vm:                Links to VM folders/messages" org-vm)
+	(const :tag "C  w3m:               Special cut/paste from w3m to Org-mode." org-w3m)
 	(const :tag "C  wikinodes:         CamelCase wiki-like links" org-wikinodes)
+	(const :tag "C  wl:                Links to Wanderlust folders/messages" org-wl)
 	(repeat :tag "External packages" :inline t (symbol :tag "Package"))))
 (defvar org-export-registered-backends)	; From ox.el