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ox-latex: Extend LaTeX attributes and captions to "table.el" tables

* lisp/ox-latex.el (org-latex--decorate-table): New function.
(org-latex--org-table): Use new function.
(org-latex--table.el-table): Use new function.
Nicolas Goaziou hace 6 años
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 103 adiciones y 114 borrados
  1. 3 0
  2. 100 114

+ 3 - 0

@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ See [[git:3367ac9457]] for details.
 ** New features
 *** Babel
 **** Add LaTeX output support in PlantUML
+*** Allow LaTeX attributes and captions for "table.el" tables
+Supported LaTeX attributes are ~:float~, ~:center~, ~:font~ and
 *** Attach buffer contents to headline
 With =<b>= key from attachment dispatcher (=<C-c C-a>=), it is now
 possible to write the contents of a buffer to a file in the headline

+ 100 - 114

@@ -3184,6 +3184,58 @@ centered."
 	(apply 'concat (nreverse align)))))
+(defun org-latex--decorate-table (table attributes caption above? info)
+  "Decorate TABLE string with caption and float environment.
+ATTRIBUTES is the plist containing is LaTeX attributes.  CAPTION
+is its caption.  It is located above the table if ABOVE? is
+non-nil.  INFO is the plist containing current export parameters.
+Return new environment, as a string."
+  (let* ((float-environment
+	  (let ((float (plist-get attributes :float)))
+	    (cond ((and (not float) (plist-member attributes :float)) nil)
+		  ((member float '("sidewaystable" "sideways")) "sidewaystable")
+		  ((equal float "multicolumn") "table*")
+		  ((or float
+		       (org-element-property :caption table)
+		       (org-string-nw-p (plist-get attributes :caption)))
+		   "table")
+		  (t nil))))
+	 (placement
+	  (or (plist-get attributes :placement)
+	      (format "[%s]" (plist-get info :latex-default-figure-position))))
+	 (center? (if (plist-member attributes :center)
+		      (plist-get attributes :center)
+		    (plist-get info :latex-tables-centered)))
+	 (fontsize (let ((font (plist-get attributes :font)))
+		     (and font (concat font "\n")))))
+    (concat (cond
+	     (float-environment
+	      (concat (format "\\begin{%s}%s\n" float-environment placement)
+		      (if above? caption "")
+		      (when center? "\\centering\n")
+		      fontsize))
+	     (caption
+	      (concat (and center? "\\begin{center}\n" )
+		      (if above? caption "")
+		      (cond ((and fontsize center?) fontsize)
+			    (fontsize (concat "{" fontsize))
+			    (t nil))))
+	     (center? (concat "\\begin{center}\n" fontsize))
+	     (fontsize (concat "{" fontsize)))
+	    table
+	    (cond
+	     (float-environment
+	      (concat (if above? "" (concat "\n" caption))
+		      (format "\n\\end{%s}" float-environment)))
+	     (caption
+	      (concat (if above? "" (concat "\n" caption))
+		      (and center? "\n\\end{center}")
+		      (and fontsize (not center?) "}")))
+	     (center? "\n\\end{center}")
+	     (fontsize "}")))))
 (defun org-latex--org-table (table contents info)
   "Return appropriate LaTeX code for an Org table.
@@ -3193,109 +3245,44 @@ channel.
 This function assumes TABLE has `org' as its `:type' property and
 `table' as its `:mode' attribute."
-  (let* ((caption (org-latex--caption/label-string table info))
-	 (attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex table))
-	 ;; Determine alignment string.
+  (let* ((attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex table))
 	 (alignment (org-latex--align-string table info))
-	 ;; Determine environment for the table: longtable, tabular...
 	 (table-env (or (plist-get attr :environment)
 			(plist-get info :latex-default-table-environment)))
-	 ;; If table is a float, determine environment: table, table*
-	 ;; or sidewaystable.
-	 (float-env (unless (member table-env '("longtable" "longtabu"))
-		      (let ((float (plist-get attr :float)))
-			(cond
-			 ((and (not float) (plist-member attr :float)) nil)
-			 ((or (string= float "sidewaystable")
-			      (string= float "sideways")) "sidewaystable")
-			 ((string= float "multicolumn") "table*")
-			 ((or float
-			      (org-element-property :caption table)
-			      (org-string-nw-p (plist-get attr :caption)))
-			  "table")))))
-	 ;; Extract others display options.
-	 (fontsize (let ((font (plist-get attr :font)))
-		     (and font (concat font "\n"))))
-	 ;; "tabular" environment doesn't allow to define a width.
-	 (width (and (not (equal table-env "tabular")) (plist-get attr :width)))
-	 (spreadp (plist-get attr :spread))
-	 (placement
-	  (or (plist-get attr :placement)
-	      (format "[%s]" (plist-get info :latex-default-figure-position))))
-	 (centerp (if (plist-member attr :center) (plist-get attr :center)
-		    (plist-get info :latex-tables-centered)))
-	 (caption-above-p (org-latex--caption-above-p table info)))
-    ;; Prepare the final format string for the table.
+	 (width
+	  (let ((w (plist-get attr :width)))
+	    (cond ((not w) "")
+		  ((member table-env '("tabular" "longtable")) "")
+		  ((member table-env '("tabu" "longtabu"))
+		   (format (if (plist-get attr :spread) " spread %s "
+			     " to %s ")
+			   w))
+		  (t (format "{%s}" w)))))
+	 (caption (org-latex--caption/label-string table info))
+	 (above? (org-latex--caption-above-p table info)))
-     ;; Longtable.
-     ((equal "longtable" table-env)
-      (concat (and fontsize (concat "{" fontsize))
-	      (format "\\begin{longtable}{%s}\n" alignment)
-	      (and caption-above-p
-		   (org-string-nw-p caption)
-		   (concat caption "\\\\\n"))
-	      contents
-	      (and (not caption-above-p)
-		   (org-string-nw-p caption)
-		   (concat caption "\\\\\n"))
-	      "\\end{longtable}\n"
-	      (and fontsize "}")))
-     ;; Longtabu
-     ((equal "longtabu" table-env)
-      (concat (and fontsize (concat "{" fontsize))
-	      (format "\\begin{longtabu}%s{%s}\n"
-		      (if width
-			  (format " %s %s "
-				  (if spreadp "spread" "to") width) "")
-		      alignment)
-	      (and caption-above-p
-		   (org-string-nw-p caption)
-		   (concat caption "\\\\\n"))
-	      contents
-	      (and (not caption-above-p)
-		   (org-string-nw-p caption)
-		   (concat caption "\\\\\n"))
-	      "\\end{longtabu}\n"
-	      (and fontsize "}")))
-     ;; Others.
-     (t (concat (cond
-		 (float-env
-		  (concat (format "\\begin{%s}%s\n" float-env placement)
-			  (if caption-above-p caption "")
-			  (when centerp "\\centering\n")
-			  fontsize))
-		 ((and (not float-env) caption)
-		  (concat
-		   (and centerp "\\begin{center}\n" )
-		   (if caption-above-p caption "")
-		   (cond ((and fontsize centerp) fontsize)
-			 (fontsize (concat "{" fontsize)))))
-		 (centerp (concat "\\begin{center}\n" fontsize))
-		 (fontsize (concat "{" fontsize)))
-		(cond ((equal "tabu" table-env)
-		       (format "\\begin{tabu}%s{%s}\n%s\\end{tabu}"
-			       (if width (format
-					  (if spreadp " spread %s " " to %s ")
-					  width) "")
-			       alignment
-			       contents))
-		      (t (format "\\begin{%s}%s{%s}\n%s\\end{%s}"
-				 table-env
-				 (if width (format "{%s}" width) "")
-				 alignment
-				 contents
-				 table-env)))
-		(cond
-		 (float-env
-		  (concat (if caption-above-p "" (concat "\n" caption))
-			  (format "\n\\end{%s}" float-env)))
-		 ((and (not float-env) caption)
-		  (concat
-		   (if caption-above-p "" (concat "\n" caption))
-		   (and centerp "\n\\end{center}")
-		   (and fontsize (not centerp) "}")))
-		 (centerp "\n\\end{center}")
-		 (fontsize "}")))))))
+     ((member table-env '("longtable" "longtabu"))
+      (let ((fontsize (let ((font (plist-get attr :font)))
+			(and font (concat font "\n")))))
+	(concat (and fontsize (concat "{" fontsize))
+		(format "\\begin{%s}%s{%s}\n" table-env width alignment)
+		(and above?
+		     (org-string-nw-p caption)
+		     (concat caption "\\\\\n"))
+		contents
+		(and (not above?)
+		     (org-string-nw-p caption)
+		     (concat caption "\\\\\n"))
+		(format "\\end{%s}" table-env)
+		(and fontsize "}"))))
+     (t
+      (let ((output (format "\\begin{%s}%s{%s}\n%s\\end{%s}"
+			    table-env
+			    width
+			    alignment
+			    contents
+			    table-env)))
+	(org-latex--decorate-table output attr caption above? info))))))
 (defun org-latex--table.el-table (table info)
   "Return appropriate LaTeX code for a table.el table.
@@ -3309,18 +3296,20 @@ property."
   ;; Ensure "*org-export-table*" buffer is empty.
   (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*org-export-table*")
-  (let ((output (with-temp-buffer
-		  (insert (org-element-property :value table))
-		  (goto-char 1)
-		  (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*|[^|]" nil t)
-		  (table-generate-source 'latex "*org-export-table*")
-		  (with-current-buffer "*org-export-table*"
-		    (org-trim (buffer-string))))))
+  (let ((output
+	 (replace-regexp-in-string
+	  "^%.*\n" ""			;remove comments
+	  (with-temp-buffer
+	    (save-excursion (insert (org-element-property :value table)))
+	    (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*|[^|]" nil t)
+	    (table-generate-source 'latex "*org-export-table*")
+	    (with-current-buffer "*org-export-table*"
+	      (org-trim (buffer-string))))
+	  t t)))
     (kill-buffer (get-buffer "*org-export-table*"))
-    ;; Remove left out comments.
-    (while (string-match "^%.*\n" output)
-      (setq output (replace-match "" t t output)))
-    (let ((attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex table)))
+    (let ((attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex table))
+	  (caption (org-latex--caption/label-string table info))
+	  (above? (org-latex--caption-above-p table info)))
       (when (plist-get attr :rmlines)
 	;; When the "rmlines" attribute is provided, remove all hlines
 	;; but the the one separating heading from the table body.
@@ -3329,10 +3318,7 @@ property."
 		      (setq pos (string-match "^\\\\hline\n?" output pos)))
 	    (cl-incf n)
 	    (unless (= n 2) (setq output (replace-match "" nil nil output))))))
-      (let ((centerp (if (plist-member attr :center) (plist-get attr :center)
-		       (plist-get info :latex-tables-centered))))
-	(if (not centerp) output
-	  (format "\\begin{center}\n%s\n\\end{center}" output))))))
+      (org-latex--decorate-table output attr caption above? info))))
 (defun org-latex--math-table (table info)
   "Return appropriate LaTeX code for a matrix.