@@ -1726,6 +1726,35 @@ blindly applies a recipe that works for simple tables."
(replace-match "-+"))
(goto-char beg)))))
+(defun org-table-transpose-table-at-point ()
+ "Transpose orgmode table at point and eliminate hlines.
+So a table like
+| 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 |
+| a | b | c | d |
+| e | f | g | h |
+will be transposed as
+| 1 | a | e |
+| 2 | b | f |
+| 4 | c | g |
+| 5 | d | h |
+Note that horizontal lines disappeared."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((contents
+ (apply #'mapcar* #'list
+ ;; remove 'hline from list
+ (remove-if-not 'listp
+ ;; signals error if not table
+ (org-table-to-lisp)))))
+ (delete-region (org-table-begin) (org-table-end))
+ (insert (mapconcat (lambda(x) (concat "| " (mapconcat 'identity x " | " ) " |\n" ))
+ contents ""))
+ (org-table-align)))
(defun org-table-wrap-region (arg)
"Wrap several fields in a column like a paragraph.
This is useful if you'd like to spread the contents of a field over several