@@ -80,6 +80,30 @@
:group 'org-export-koma-letter
:type 'string)
+(defcustom org-koma-letter-author 'user-full-name
+ "The sender's name.
+This variable defaults to calling the function `user-full-name'
+which just returns the current `user-full-name'. Alternatively a
+string, nil or a function may be given. Functions must return a
+ :group 'org-export-koma-letter
+ :type '(radio (function-item user-full-name)
+ (string)
+ (function)
+ (const nil)))
+(defcustom org-koma-letter-email 'org-koma-letter-email
+ "The sender's email address.
+This variable defaults to the value `org-koma-letter-email' which
+returns `user-mail-address'. Alternatively a string, nil or a
+function may be given. Functions must return a string."
+ :group 'org-export-koma-letter
+ :type '(radio (function-item org-koma-letter-email)
+ (string)
+ (function)
+ (const nil)))
(defcustom org-koma-letter-from-address nil
"Sender's address, as a string."
@@ -153,10 +177,10 @@ Use `foldmarks:true' to activate default fold marks or
(org-export-define-derived-backend 'koma-letter 'latex
'((:lco "LCO" nil org-koma-letter-class-option-file)
- (:sender "AUTHOR" nil user-full-name t)
+ (:author "AUTHOR" nil (org-koma-letter--get-custom org-koma-letter-author) t)
(:from-address "FROM_ADDRESS" nil org-koma-letter-from-address newline)
(:phone-number "PHONE_NUMBER" nil org-koma-letter-phone-number)
- (:email "EMAIL" nil user-mail-address t)
+ (:email "EMAIL" nil (org-koma-letter--get-custom org-koma-letter-email) t)
(:to-address "TO_ADDRESS" nil nil newline)
(:place "PLACE" nil org-koma-letter-place)
(:opening "OPENING" nil org-koma-letter-opening)
@@ -184,6 +208,22 @@ Use `foldmarks:true' to activate default fold marks or
(org-open-file (org-koma-letter-export-to-pdf nil s v b))))))))
+;;; Helper functions
+(defun org-koma-letter-email ()
+ "Return the current `user-mail-address'"
+ user-mail-address)
+(defun org-koma-letter--get-custom (value)
+ "Determines whether a value is nil, a string or a
+function (a symobl). If it is a function it it evaluates it."
+ (when value
+ (cond ((stringp value) value)
+ ((functionp value) (funcall value))
+ ((symbolp value) (symbol-name value)))))
;;; Transcode Functions
;;;; Export Block
@@ -250,7 +290,7 @@ holding export options."
(plist-get info :latex-header-extra))))
(let ((lco (plist-get info :lco))
- (sender (plist-get info :sender))
+ (author (plist-get info :author))
(from-address (plist-get info :from-address))
(phone-number (plist-get info :phone-number))
(email (plist-get info :email))
@@ -264,8 +304,8 @@ holding export options."
(setq lco-def (format "%s\\LoadLetterOption{%s}\n" lco-def lco-file)))
;; Define "From" data.
- (when sender (format "\\setkomavar{fromname}{%s}\n"
- (org-export-data sender info)))
+ (when author (format "\\setkomavar{fromname}{%s}\n"
+ (org-export-data author info)))
(when from-address (format "\\setkomavar{fromaddress}{%s}\n" from-address))
(when phone-number (format "\\setkomavar{fromphone}{%s}\n" phone-number))
(when email (format "\\setkomavar{fromemail}{%s}\n" email))