@@ -952,13 +952,28 @@ Return a list reflecting the document structure."
(defun org-export-latex-parse-subcontent (level odd)
"Extract the subcontent of a section at LEVEL.
If ODD Is non-nil, assume subcontent only contains odd sections."
- (if (not (org-re-search-forward-unprotected
- (concat "^\\(\\(?:\\*\\)\\{"
- (number-to-string (+ (if odd 4 2) level))
- "\\}\\) \\(.*\\)$")
- nil t))
- nil ; subcontent is nil
- (org-export-latex-parse-global (+ (if odd 2 1) level) odd)))
+ (let (nstars new-level)
+ ;; In the search, we should not assume there will be exactly
+ ;; LEVEL+1 stars in the next heading, as there may be more than
+ ;; that number of stars. hence the regexp should be \\*{N,}
+ ;; rather than just \\*{N} (i.e. no upper bound, but N is minimum
+ ;; number of stars to expect.)
+ ;; We then have to check how many stars were found, rather than
+ ;; assuming there were exactly N.
+ (when (org-re-search-forward-unprotected
+ (concat "^\\(\\(?:\\*\\)\\{"
+ (number-to-string (+ (if odd 4 2) level))
+ ",\\}\\) \\(.*\\)$")
+ nil t)
+ (setq nstars (1- (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1))))
+ (setq new-level (if odd
+ (/ (+ 3 nstars) 2);; not entirely sure why +3!
+ nstars)))
+ (if nstars
+ (org-export-latex-parse-global new-level odd)
+ nil) ; subcontent is nil
+ ))
;;; Rendering functions:
(defun org-export-latex-global (content)