Kaynağa Gözat

Rename utils/ to mk/, move some files to mk/ and make the requisite changes throughout

* Makefile: Include default.mk and targets.mk from mk/ where they've
  been moved to.

* README_maintainer: Rename utils to make throughout.

* doc/Makefile: Rename utils to make throughout.

* doc/org.texi: Remove reference to utils/, x11idle.c is now in

* mk/make_emacs_changelog: Add mk/ to list of directories not to be
  reported in Emacs' ChangeLog.  Also retain utils/ and re-add
  UTILITIES; add a comment explaining why these need to stay.

* mk/default.mk: Rename utils to make throughout.  Include version.mk
  from mk/ where it's been moved to.

* mk/targets.mk: Rename utils to make throughout.

* mk/server.mk: Rename utils to make throughout.  Only put those files
  from mk/ into the archives that are needed outside the server:
  default.mk targets.mk version.mk and org-fixup.el.

* lisp/org-compat.el: Rename utils to make throughout.

* .gitignore:  Rename utils to make throughout.
Achim Gratz 12 yıl önce

+ 1 - 1

@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ org_dual_license.texi
 # texi2pdf --tidy
@@ -64,7 +65,6 @@ TODO
 # Local variables:

+ 2 - 2

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # This file is not part of GNU Emacs
 # set up environment
- include default.mk	# defaults, customizable via "local.mk"
+ include mk/default.mk	# defaults, customizable via "local.mk"
 -include local.mk	# optional local customization, use default.mk as template
 # default target is "all" unless overridden in local.mk
@@ -93,4 +93,4 @@ help helpall::
 	$(info http://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-build-system.html)
 	@echo ""
- include targets.mk	# toplevel make machinery
+ include mk/targets.mk	# toplevel make machinery

+ 5 - 5

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ accepting it.
 I have found that the best workflow for this is using the pw script by
 Nate Case, with the modifications for Org-mode made by John Wiegley
 and Carsten Dominik.  The correct version of this script that should
-be used with Org mode is distributed in the =utils/= directory of the
+be used with Org mode is distributed in the =mk/= directory of the
 Org mode distribution.  Here is the basic workflow for this.
 ** Access to the patchwork server
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ org-version= will spit ut complete version infor related to git, with
 the nearest commit and tag.  I you ever need to set a special version
 number, use this:
-: utils/set_version 7.02trans
+: mk/set_version 7.02trans
 and commit the result.  Note that the above command does not change
 the version string in the file from which Org's homepage is generated.
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
    For this, I do in the org-mode git repository
-   : utils/make_emacs_changelog release_7.02.05..release_7.03.02
+   : mk/make_emacs_changelog release_7.02.05..release_7.03.02
    This will spit out ChangeLog entries (for the given commit range)
    that need to go into the ChangeLog files in Emacs.  Org-mode
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
    second and third command line arguments to =make_emacs_changelog=,
    for example
-   : utils/make_emacs_changelog release_7.02.05..release_7.03.02 2010-12-11 lisp
+   : mk/make_emacs_changelog release_7.02.05..release_7.03.02 2010-12-11 lisp
    These entries need to be added to the ChangeLog files in Emacs.
    You should, in the ChangeLog file, select the inserted region of
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
   The file /org-configs/org-hooks.org/ contains a list of all hooks in
   Org.  This list has to be updated after hooks have been added or
-  removed.  The perl script /utils/list-hooks.pl/ creates the
+  removed.  The perl script =mk/list-hooks.pl= creates the
   entire section "Hooks and Function variables", including its
   level-one headline.  I guess babel code could be used to update this
   automatically, but I have not implemented this - I have been doing

+ 5 - 5

@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ manual guide::
 	$(MKDIR) $@
 manual::	org.texi org-version.inc
 	$(TEXI2HTML) -o $@ $<
-	../utils/mansplit.pl $@/*
+	../mk/mansplit.pl $@/*
 guide::		orgguide.texi org-version.inc
 	$(TEXI2HTML) -o $@ $<
-	../utils/guidesplit.pl $@/*
+	../mk/guidesplit.pl $@/*
 org-version.inc:	org.texi
@@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ clean-install:
 %.html:		%.texi org-version.inc
 	$(TEXI2HTML) --no-split -o $@ $<
 ifneq ($(SERVERMK),)
-	../utils/manfull.pl $@
+	../mk/manfull.pl $@
 %.txt:		%.tex
-	perl ../utils/orgcard2txt.pl $< > $@
+	perl ../mk/orgcard2txt.pl $< > $@
 %_letter.tex:	%.tex
 	$(BATCH) \
 	  --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path "../lisp")' \
 	  --eval '(load "org-compat.el")' \
-	  --eval '(load "../utils/org-fixup.el")' \
+	  --eval '(load "../mk/org-fixup.el")' \
 	  --eval '(org-make-letterformat "$(<F)" "$(@F)")'

+ 6 - 6

@@ -6276,12 +6276,12 @@ as 10 or 15, Emacs can alert you when you get back to your computer after
 being idle for that many minutes@footnote{On computers using Mac OS X,
 idleness is based on actual user idleness, not just Emacs' idle time.  For
 X11, you can install a utility program @file{x11idle.c}, available in the
-@code{utils} directory of the Org git distribution, to get the same general
-treatment of idleness.  On other systems, idle time refers to Emacs idle time
-only.}, and ask what you want to do with the idle time.  There will be a
-question waiting for you when you get back, indicating how much idle time has
-passed (constantly updated with the current amount), as well as a set of
-choices to correct the discrepancy:
+@code{contrib/scripts} directory of the Org git distribution, to get the same
+general treatment of idleness.  On other systems, idle time refers to Emacs
+idle time only.}, and ask what you want to do with the idle time.  There will
+be a question waiting for you when you get back, indicating how much idle
+time has passed (constantly updated with the current amount), as well as a
+set of choices to correct the discrepancy:
 @table @kbd
 @item k

+ 1 - 1

@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ With two arguments, return floor and remainder of their quotient."
   "Try very hard to provide sensible version strings."
   (let* ((org-dir        (org-find-library-dir "org"))
 	 (org-version.el (concat org-dir "org-version.el"))
-	 (org-fixup.el   (concat org-dir "../utils/org-fixup.el")))
+	 (org-fixup.el   (concat org-dir "../mk/org-fixup.el")))
     (if (require 'org-version org-version.el 'noerror)
 	   (autoload 'org-release     "org-version.el")

+ 3 - 3
default.mk → mk/default.mk

@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ BATCH	= $(EMACS) -batch -Q
 	  --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path "./lisp")' \
 	  --eval '(load "org-compat.el")' \
-	  --eval '(load "../utils/org-fixup.el")' \
+	  --eval '(load "../mk/org-fixup.el")' \
 	  --eval '(org-make-local-mk)'
 # Emacs must be started in lisp directory
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ BATCHL	= $(BATCH) \
 # How to generate org-install.el
 	  --eval '(load "org-compat.el")' \
-	  --eval '(load "../utils/org-fixup.el")' \
+	  --eval '(load "../mk/org-fixup.el")' \
 	  --eval '(org-make-org-install)'
 # How to generate org-version.el
 	  --eval '(load "org-compat.el")' \
-	  --eval '(load "../utils/org-fixup.el")' \
+	  --eval '(load "../mk/org-fixup.el")' \
 	  --eval '(org-make-org-version "$(ORGVERSION)" "$(GITVERSION)" "$(datadir)")'
 # How to byte-compile the whole source directory

+ 0 - 0
utils/eldo.el → mk/eldo.el

+ 0 - 0
utils/fake_change_log.pl → mk/fake_change_log.pl

+ 0 - 0
utils/git-changelog → mk/git-changelog

+ 0 - 0
utils/gplmanual.pl → mk/gplmanual.pl

+ 0 - 0
utils/guidesplit.pl → mk/guidesplit.pl

+ 0 - 0
utils/list-hooks.pl → mk/list-hooks.pl

+ 4 - 2
utils/make_emacs_changelog → mk/make_emacs_changelog

@@ -66,8 +66,10 @@ foreach my $commit (@commits) {
     # remove stuff which is not for this output
     if ($kind =~ /\S/) { 
-      remove_parts("contrib/","testing/","xemacs/","utils/","etc/");
-      remove_parts(".*Makefile","README",".+\.mk");
+      # do not delete or rename directories from the list as long as
+      # Changelog entries referring to them exist!
+      remove_parts(qw( contrib/ testing/ xemacs/ UTILITIES/ utils/ mk/ etc/ ));
+      remove_parts(qw( .*Makefile README .+\.mk ));
     if ($kind eq "lisp") { remove_parts("doc/")                               }
     if ($kind eq "texi") { remove_parts("lisp/","doc/orgcard","doc/orgguide") }

+ 0 - 0
utils/manfull.pl → mk/manfull.pl

+ 0 - 0
utils/mansplit.pl → mk/mansplit.pl

+ 0 - 0
utils/org-fixup.el → mk/org-fixup.el

+ 0 - 0
utils/orgcard2txt.pl → mk/orgcard2txt.pl

+ 0 - 0
utils/pw → mk/pw

+ 25 - 28
utils/server.mk → mk/server.mk

@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 	elpa elpa-dirty elpa-up \
 	doc-up \
 	upload-release upload-elpa upload-doc upload \
-	tagwarn version.mk
+	tagwarn version
 help helpall helpserver::
 	$(info )
 	$(info Maintenance)
 	$(info ===========)
-	$(info release               - clean up and create TAR/ZIP release archives)
-	$(info elpa                  - clean up and create ELPA TAR archive)
+	$(info release               - clean up and create distribution archives)
+	$(info elpa                  - clean up and create ELPA archive)
 	$(info upload                - clean up and populate server directories)
 	@echo ""
@@ -21,25 +21,24 @@ helpserver::
 ORGCOMM  = README request-assign-future.txt lisp/ doc/
-ORGFULL  = $(ORGCOMM) Makefile default.mk targets.mk version.mk \
-		      etc/ contrib/ utils/
+ORGFULL  = $(ORGCOMM) Makefile \
+		      mk/default.mk mk/targets.mk mk/version.mk \
+		      mk/org-fixup.el \
+		      etc/ contrib/
 ORGFULL := $(ORGFULL:%/=%/*)
 ORGELPA  = $(ORGCOMM) etc/styles/ org-pkg.el
 ORGELPA := $(ORGELPA:%/=%/*)
 release:	ORG_MAKE_DOC=info pdf card # do not make HTML documentation
-release:	cleanall doc rel-dirty
+release:	cleanall doc rel-dirty tagwarn
 rel-dirty rel-up:	ORGDIR=org-$(GITVERSION:release_%=%)
-rel-dirty rel-up:	ORGDIST=-dist
-rel-dirty:	 autoloads version.mk
+	@$(MAKE) GITVERSION=$(GITVERSION:release_%=%)-dist version autoloads
 	ln -s . $(ORGDIR)
 	tar -zcf $(ORGDIR).tar.gz $(foreach dist, $(ORGFULL), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
 	zip -r9  $(ORGDIR).zip    $(foreach dist, $(ORGFULL), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
 	-@$(RM) $(ORGDIR)
-	$(if $(filter-out $(ORGVERSION), $(GITVERSION)), \
-	    @$(MAKE) tagwarn)
 rel-up:	rel-dirty
 	$(CP) $(ORGDIR).tar.gz $(ORGDIR).zip $(SERVROOT)/
@@ -50,36 +49,34 @@ PKG_REQ = "nil"
 elpa:		ORG_MAKE_DOC=info pdf card # do not make HTML documentation
 elpa:		cleanall doc elpa-dirty
 elpa-dirty elpa-up:	ORGDIR=org-$(PKG_TAG)
-elpa-dirty elpa-up:	ORGDIST=-elpa
-elpa-dirty:	autoloads version.mk
+	@$(MAKE) GITVERSION=$(GITVERSION:release_%=%)-elpa version autoloads
 	ln -s . $(ORGDIR)
 	echo "(define-package \"org\" \"$(PKG_TAG)\" \"$(PKG_DOC)\" $(PKG_REQ))" >org-pkg.el
 	tar --exclude=Makefile --transform='s:\(lisp\|doc\)/::' -cf $(ORGDIR).tar \
 	  $(foreach dist, $(ORGELPA), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
 	-@$(RM) $(ORGDIR) org-pkg.el
-	$(if $(filter-out $(ORGVERSION), $(GITVERSION)), \
-	    @$(MAKE) tagwarn)
 elpa-up:	elpa-dirty
 	$(CP) $(ORGDIR).tar $(SERVROOT)/pkg/daily/
-	$(info  ======================================================)
-	$(info  =                                                    =)
-	$(info  = A release should only be made from a revision that =)
-	$(info  = has an annotated tag!                              =)
-	$(info  =                                                    =)
-	$(info  ======================================================)
-	@echo ""
+	$(if $(filter-out $(ORGVERSION), $(GITVERSION)), \
+	  $(info  ======================================================) \
+	  $(info  =                                                    =) \
+	  $(info  = A release should only be made from a revision that =) \
+	  $(info  = has an annotated tag!                              =) \
+	  $(info  =                                                    =) \
+	  $(info  ======================================================))
-	@echo "ORGVERSION	?= $(ORGVERSION)"            > $@
+	@echo "ORGVERSION	?= $(ORGVERSION)"  > mk/version.mk
+	@echo "GITVERSION	?= $(GITVERSION)" >> mk/version.mk
 cleanall clean:	cleanrel
-	-$(RM) org-*.zip org-*.tar* version.mk
+	-$(RM) org-$(PKG_TAG)* org-$(DISTVERSION)* org-*.zip org-*.tar* mk/version.mk
 	$(MAKE) -C doc html manual guide

+ 0 - 0
utils/set-version.pl → mk/set-version.pl

+ 2 - 2
targets.mk → mk/targets.mk

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ DISTFILES_extra=  Makefile request-assign-future.txt contrib etc
 LISPDIRS      = lisp
 OTHERDIRS     = doc etc
-CLEANDIRS     = contrib testing utils
+CLEANDIRS     = contrib testing mk
 INSTSUB       = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%)
 ORG_MAKE_DOC ?= info html pdf
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ ifneq ($(wildcard .git),)
   ORGVERSION ?= $(subst release_,,$(shell git describe --abbrev=0 HEAD))
   GITSTATUS  ?= $(shell git status -uno --porcelain)
- -include version.mk
+ -include mk/version.mk