Переглянути джерело

* mk/targets.mk (ORGVERSION): Prefer lisp/org.el version header

Do not use the latest Git tag.  Prefer the Version header in org.el.

The Git tag on main branch is only available for the latest release.
Before this commit, development Org version was indistinguishable from
the release version.

See https://orgmode.org/list/8735cfn44v.fsf@gnu.org
Ihor Radchenko 1 рік тому
1 змінених файлів з 4 додано та 10 видалено
  1. 4 10

+ 4 - 10

@@ -11,16 +11,10 @@ INSTSUB       = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%)
 ORG_MAKE_DOC ?= info html pdf
 ifneq ($(wildcard .git),)
-  ORGVERSION ?= $(subst release_,,$(shell git describe --match release\* --abbrev=0 HEAD))
-  ifeq ($(ORGVERSION),)
-    # In elpa.git, there are no tags available.  Fall back to using
-    # the org.el header.
-    ORGVERSION := $(patsubst %-dev,%,$(shell $(BATCH) --eval "(require 'lisp-mnt)" \
-      --visit lisp/org.el --eval '(princ (lm-header "version"))'))
-    GITVERSION ?= $(ORGVERSION)-g$(shell git rev-parse --short=6 HEAD)
-  else
-    GITVERSION ?= $(shell git describe --match release\* --abbrev=6 HEAD)
-  endif
+  # Use the org.el header.
+  ORGVERSION := $(patsubst %-dev,%,$(shell $(BATCH) --eval "(require 'lisp-mnt)" \
+    --visit lisp/org.el --eval '(princ (lm-header "version"))'))
+  GITVERSION ?= $(shell git describe --match release\* --abbrev=6 HEAD)
   GITSTATUS  ?= $(shell git status -uno --porcelain)
  -include mk/version.mk