@@ -33,15 +33,28 @@
;;; Requirements:
-;; node.js | http://nodejs.org/
+;; - a non-browser javascript engine such as node.js http://nodejs.org/
+;; or mozrepl http://wiki.github.com/bard/mozrepl/
+;; - for session based evaluation mozrepl and moz.el are required see
+;; http://wiki.github.com/bard/mozrepl/emacs-integration for
+;; configuration instructions
;;; Code:
(require 'ob)
+(require 'ob-ref)
+(require 'ob-comint)
(require 'ob-eval)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(declare-function run-mozilla "ext:moz" (arg))
(defvar org-babel-default-header-args:js '()
"Default header arguments for js code blocks.")
+(defvar org-babel-js-eoe "org-babel-js-eoe"
+ "String to indicate that evaluation has completed.")
(defcustom org-babel-js-cmd "node"
"Name of command used to evaluate js blocks."
:group 'org-babel
@@ -64,12 +77,22 @@
"Execute a block of Javascript code with org-babel.
This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'"
(let* ((processed-params (org-babel-process-params params))
- (session (not (string= (nth 0 processed-params) "none")))
+ (org-babel-js-cmd (or (cdr (assoc :cmd params)) org-babel-js-cmd))
(result-type (nth 3 processed-params))
(full-body (org-babel-expand-body:js body params processed-params)))
- (if session
- (error "javascript sessions are not yet supported.")
+ (if (not (string= (nth 0 processed-params) "none"))
+ ;; session evaluation
+ (let ((session (org-babel-prep-session:js
+ (nth 0 processed-params) params)))
+ (nth 1
+ (org-babel-comint-with-output
+ (session (format "%S" org-babel-js-eoe) t body)
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (line)
+ (insert (org-babel-chomp line)) (comint-send-input nil t))
+ (list body (format "%S" org-babel-js-eoe))))))
+ ;; external evaluation
(let ((script-file (org-babel-temp-file "js-script-")))
(with-temp-file script-file
@@ -104,12 +127,41 @@ specifying a variable of the same value."
(defun org-babel-prep-session:js (session params)
"Prepare SESSION according to the header arguments specified in PARAMS."
- (error "not yet implemented"))
+ (let* ((session (org-babel-js-initiate-session session))
+ (vars (org-babel-ref-variables params))
+ (var-lines
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (pair) (format "var %s=%s;"
+ (car pair) (org-babel-js-var-to-js (cdr pair))))
+ vars)))
+ (when session
+ (org-babel-comint-in-buffer session
+ (sit-for .5) (goto-char (point-max))
+ (mapc (lambda (var)
+ (insert var) (comint-send-input nil t)
+ (org-babel-comint-wait-for-output session)
+ (sit-for .1) (goto-char (point-max))) var-lines)))
+ session))
(defun org-babel-js-initiate-session (&optional session)
"If there is not a current inferior-process-buffer in SESSION
then create. Return the initialized session."
- (error "Javascript sessions are not yet supported."))
+ (unless (string= session "none")
+ (cond
+ ((string= "mozrepl" org-babel-js-cmd)
+ (require 'moz)
+ (let ((session-buffer (save-window-excursion
+ (run-mozilla nil)
+ (rename-buffer session)
+ (current-buffer))))
+ (if (org-babel-comint-buffer-livep session-buffer)
+ (progn (sit-for .25) session-buffer)
+ (sit-for .5)
+ (org-babel-js-initiate-session session))))
+ ((string= "node" org-babel-js-cmd )
+ (error "session evaluation with node.js is not supported"))
+ (t
+ (error "sessions are only supported with mozrepl add \":cmd mozrepl\"")))))
(provide 'ob-js)