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ox-texinfo: Include LaTeX in Texinfo exports

* lisp/ox-texinfo.el (org-texinfo-with-latex): New customize.
* lisp/ox-texinfo.el (org-texinfo-latex-environment): New function.
* lisp/ox-texinfo.el (org-texinfo-latex-fragment): New function.
* lisp/ox-texinfo.el (org-texinfo-supports-math-p): New function.
* lisp/ox-texinfo.el (org-texinfo-supports-math--cache): New variable.
* lisp/ox-texinfo.el (texinfo): Set latex-environment.
* lisp/ox-texinfo.el (texinfo): Set latex-fragment.
* testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el: Add basic tests.
Rudolf Adamkovič 3 years ago
3 changed files with 396 additions and 2 deletions
  1. 7 0
  2. 93 2
  3. 296 0

+ 7 - 0

@@ -489,6 +489,13 @@ support in LaTeX.  The new =babel= syntax for loading languages via
 =ini= files and the new command =\babelprovide= (see:
 are also supported.
+*** Texinfo exports include LaTeX
+With the new customization option ~org-texinfo-with-latex~ set to (its
+default value) ~'detect~, if the system runs Texinfo 6.8 (3 July 2021)
+or newer, Org will export all LaTeX fragments and environments using
+Texinfo ~@math~ and ~@displaymath~ commands respectively.
 * Version 9.5
 ** Important announcements and breaking changes

+ 93 - 2

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (require 'ox)
 (defvar orgtbl-exp-regexp)
+(defvar org-texinfo-supports-math--cache)
 ;;; Define Back-End
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
     (italic . org-texinfo-italic)
     (item . org-texinfo-item)
     (keyword . org-texinfo-keyword)
+    (latex-environment . org-texinfo-latex-environment)
+    (latex-fragment . org-texinfo-latex-fragment)
     (line-break . org-texinfo-line-break)
     (link . org-texinfo-link)
     (node-property . org-texinfo-node-property)
@@ -123,7 +125,9 @@
     (:texinfo-text-markup-alist nil nil org-texinfo-text-markup-alist)
     (:texinfo-format-drawer-function nil nil org-texinfo-format-drawer-function)
     (:texinfo-format-inlinetask-function nil nil org-texinfo-format-inlinetask-function)
-    (:texinfo-compact-itemx nil "compact-itemx" org-texinfo-compact-itemx)))
+    (:texinfo-compact-itemx nil "compact-itemx" org-texinfo-compact-itemx)
+    ;; Redefine regular options.
+    (:with-latex nil "tex" org-texinfo-with-latex)))
 ;;; User Configurable Variables
@@ -358,6 +362,22 @@ The function should return the string to be exported."
   :group 'org-export-texinfo
   :type 'function)
+;;;; LaTeX
+(defcustom org-texinfo-with-latex (and org-export-with-latex 'detect)
+  "When non-nil, the Texinfo exporter attempts to process LaTeX math.
+When set to t, the exporter will process LaTeX environments and
+fragments as Texinfo \"@displaymath\" and \"@math\" commands
+respectively.  Alternatively, when set to `detect', the exporter
+does so only if the installed version of Texinfo supports the
+necessary commands."
+  :group 'org-export-texinfo
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "Detect" detect)
+          (const :tag "Yes" t)
+          (const :tag "No" nil)))
 ;;;; Itemx
 (defcustom org-texinfo-compact-itemx nil
@@ -1215,6 +1235,52 @@ CONTENTS is nil.  INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
 	      (concat "@listoffloats "
 		      (org-export-translate "Listing" :utf-8 info))))))))
+;;;; LaTeX Environment
+(defun org-texinfo-latex-environment (environment _contents info)
+  "Transcode a LaTeX ENVIRONMENT from Org to Texinfo.
+CONTENTS is ignored.  INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
+  (let ((with-latex (plist-get info :with-latex)))
+    (when (or (eq with-latex t)
+              (and (eq with-latex 'detect)
+                   (org-texinfo-supports-math-p)))
+      (let ((value (org-element-property :value environment)))
+        (string-join (list "@displaymath"
+                           (string-trim (org-remove-indentation value))
+                           "@end displaymath")
+                     "\n")))))
+;;;; LaTeX Fragment
+(defun org-texinfo-latex-fragment (fragment _contents info)
+  "Transcode a LaTeX FRAGMENT from Org to Texinfo.
+INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
+  (let ((with-latex (plist-get info :with-latex)))
+    (when (or (eq with-latex t)
+              (and (eq with-latex 'detect)
+                   (org-texinfo-supports-math-p)))
+      (let ((value (org-remove-indentation
+                    (org-element-property :value fragment))))
+        (cond
+         ((or (string-match-p "^\\\\\\[" value)
+              (string-match-p "^\\$\\$" value))
+          (concat "\n"
+                  "@displaymath"
+                  "\n"
+                  (string-trim (substring value 2 -2))
+                  "\n"
+                  "@end displaymath"
+                  "\n"))
+         ((string-match-p "^\\$" value)
+          (concat "@math{"
+                  (string-trim (substring value 1 -1))
+                  "}"))
+         ((string-match-p "^\\\\(" value)
+          (concat "@math{"
+                  (string-trim (substring value 2 -2))
+                  "}"))
+         (t value))))))
 ;;;; Line Break
 (defun org-texinfo-line-break (_line-break _contents _info)
@@ -1951,6 +2017,31 @@ Return INFO file name or an error if it couldn't be produced."
     (message "Process completed.")
+(defun org-texinfo-supports-math-p ()
+  "Return t if the installed version of Texinfo supports \"@math\".
+Once computed, the results remain cached."
+  (unless (boundp 'org-texinfo-supports-math--cache)
+    (setq org-texinfo-supports-math--cache
+          (let ((math-example "1 + 1 = 2"))
+            (let* ((input-file
+                    (make-temp-file "test" nil ".info"))
+                   (input-content
+                    (concat (format "@setfilename %s" input-file) "\n"
+                            "@node Top" "\n"
+                            (format "@displaymath{%s}" math-example) "\n")))
+              (with-temp-file input-file
+                (insert input-content))
+              (let* ((output-file (org-texinfo-compile input-file))
+                     (output-content (with-temp-buffer
+                                       (insert-file-contents output-file)
+                                       (buffer-string))))
+                (let ((result (string-match-p (regexp-quote math-example)
+                                              output-content)))
+                  (delete-file input-file)
+                  (delete-file output-file)
+                  (if result t nil)))))))
+  org-texinfo-supports-math--cache)
 (provide 'ox-texinfo)

+ 296 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+;;; test-ox-texinfo.el --- Tests for ox-texinfo.el
+;; Copyright (C) 2022  Rudolf Adamkovič
+;; Author: Rudolf Adamkovič <>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'ox-texinfo)
+(unless (featurep 'ox-texinfo)
+  (signal 'missing-test-dependency "org-export-texinfo"))
+;;; TeX fragments
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/tex-fragment-inline ()
+  "Test inline TeX fragment."
+  (should
+   (equal "@math{a^2 = b}"
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                 '(:value "$a^2 = b$"))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/tex-fragment-inline-padded ()
+  "Test inline TeX fragment padded with whitespace."
+  (should
+   (equal "@math{a^2 = b}"
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                 '(:value "$ a^2 = b $"))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/tex-fragment-displayed ()
+  "Test displayed TeX fragment."
+   (should
+    (equal (string-join
+            (list ""
+                  "@displaymath"
+                  "a ^ 2 = b"
+                  "@end displaymath"
+                  "")
+            "\n")
+           (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+             (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+              (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                  (list :value "$$a ^ 2 = b$$"))
+              nil
+              '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/tex-fragment-displayed-padded ()
+  "Test displayed TeX fragment padded with whitespace."
+  (should
+   (equal (string-join
+           (list ""
+                 "@displaymath"
+                 "a ^ 2 = b"
+                 "@end displaymath"
+                 "")
+           "\n")
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                 (list :value "$$ a ^ 2 = b $$"))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/tex-fragment-displayed-multi-line ()
+  "Test displayed TeX fragment with multiple lines."
+  (should
+   (equal (string-join
+           (list ""
+                 "@displaymath"
+                 "a ^ 2 = b"
+                 "b ^ 2 = c"
+                 "@end displaymath"
+                 "")
+           "\n")
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                 (list :value
+                                       (string-join
+                                        (list "$$"
+                                              "a ^ 2 = b"
+                                              "b ^ 2 = c"
+                                              "$$")
+                                        "\n")))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/tex-fragment-displayed-indented ()
+  "Test displayed TeX fragment with indentation."
+  (should
+   (equal (string-join
+           (list ""
+                 "@displaymath"
+                 "a ^ 2 = b"
+                 "b ^ 2 = c"
+                 "@end displaymath"
+                 "")
+           "\n")
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                 (list :value
+                                       (string-join
+                                        (list "  $$"
+                                              "  a ^ 2 = b"
+                                              "  b ^ 2 = c"
+                                              "  $$")
+                                        "\n")))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+;;; LaTeX fragments
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/latex-fragment-inline ()
+  "Test inline LaTeX fragment."
+  (should
+   (equal "@math{a^2 = b}"
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                 '(:value "\\(a^2 = b\\)"))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/latex-fragment-inline-padded ()
+  "Test inline LaTeX fragment padded with whitespace."
+   (should
+    (equal "@math{a^2 = b}"
+           (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+             (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+              (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                  '(:value "\\( a^2 = b \\)"))
+              nil
+              '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/latex-fragment-displayed ()
+  "Test displayed LaTeX fragment."
+  (should
+   (equal (string-join
+           (list ""
+                 "@displaymath"
+                 "a ^ 2 = b"
+                 "@end displaymath"
+                 "")
+           "\n")
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                 (list :value "\\[a ^ 2 = b\\]"))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/latex-fragment-displayed-padded ()
+  "Test displayed LaTeX fragment with multiple lines."
+  (should
+   (equal (string-join
+           (list ""
+                 "@displaymath"
+                 "a ^ 2 = b"
+                 "@end displaymath"
+                 "")
+           "\n")
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                 (list :value "\\[ a ^ 2 = b \\]"))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/latex-fragment-displayed-multi-line ()
+  "Test displayed LaTeX fragment with multiple lines."
+  (should
+   (equal (string-join
+           (list ""
+                 "@displaymath"
+                 "a ^ 2 = b"
+                 "b ^ 2 = c"
+                 "@end displaymath"
+                 "")
+           "\n")
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                 (list :value
+                                       (string-join
+                                        (list "\\["
+                                              "a ^ 2 = b"
+                                              "b ^ 2 = c"
+                                              "\\]")
+                                        "\n")))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/latex-fragment-displayed-indented ()
+  "Test displayed LaTeX fragment with indentation."
+  (should
+   (equal (string-join
+           (list ""
+                 "@displaymath"
+                 "a ^ 2 = b"
+                 "b ^ 2 = c"
+                 "@end displaymath"
+                 "")
+           "\n")
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-fragment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-fragment
+                                 (list :value
+                                       (string-join
+                                        (list "  \\["
+                                              "  a ^ 2 = b"
+                                              "  b ^ 2 = c"
+                                              "  \\]")
+                                        "\n")))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+;;; LaTeX environments
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/latex-environment ()
+  "Test LaTeX environment."
+  (should
+   (equal (string-join
+           (list "@displaymath"
+                 "\\begin{equation}"
+                 "a ^ 2 = b"
+                 "b ^ 2 = c"
+                 "\\end{equation}"
+                 "@end displaymath")
+           "\n")
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-environment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-environment
+                                 (list :value
+                                       (string-join
+                                        (list "\\begin{equation}"
+                                              "a ^ 2 = b"
+                                              "b ^ 2 = c"
+                                              "\\end{equation}")
+                                        "\n")))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/latex-environment-indented ()
+  "Test LaTeX environment with indentation."
+  (should
+   (equal (string-join
+           (list "@displaymath"
+                 "\\begin{equation}"
+                 "a ^ 2 = b"
+                 "b ^ 2 = c"
+                 "\\end{equation}"
+                 "@end displaymath")
+           "\n")
+          (let ((org-texinfo-with-latex t))
+            (org-texinfo-latex-environment
+             (org-element-create 'latex-environment
+                                 (list :value
+                                       (string-join
+                                        (list "  \\begin{equation}"
+                                              "  a ^ 2 = b"
+                                              "  b ^ 2 = c"
+                                              "  \\end{equation}")
+                                        "\n")))
+             nil
+             '(:with-latex t))))))
+(provide 'test-ox-texinfo)
+;;; test-ox-texinfo.el end here