@@ -44,24 +44,24 @@
(defvar org-babel-C-compiler "gcc"
"Command used to compile a C source code file into an
- executable.")
(defvar org-babel-C++-compiler "g++"
"Command used to compile a C++ source code file into an
- executable.")
(defvar org-babel-c-variant nil
"Internal variable used to hold which type of C (e.g. C or C++)
is currently being evaluated.")
(defun org-babel-execute:cpp (body params)
- "Execute BODY according to PARAMS. This function calls
+ "Execute BODY according to PARAMS.
+This function calls `org-babel-execute:C++'."
(org-babel-execute:C++ body params))
(defun org-babel-execute:C++ (body params)
- "Execute a block of C++ code with org-babel. This function is
-called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
+ "Execute a block of C++ code with org-babel.
+This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
(let ((org-babel-c-variant 'cpp)) (org-babel-C-execute body params)))
(defun org-babel-expand-body:C++ (body params)
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ header arguments (calls `org-babel-C-expand')."
(let ((org-babel-c-variant 'cpp)) (org-babel-C-expand body params)))
(defun org-babel-execute:C (body params)
- "Execute a block of C code with org-babel. This function is
-called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
+ "Execute a block of C code with org-babel.
+This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
(let ((org-babel-c-variant 'c)) (org-babel-C-execute body params)))
(defun org-babel-expand-body:c (body params)
@@ -146,10 +146,10 @@ it's header arguments."
body) "\n") "\n")))
(defun org-babel-C-ensure-main-wrap (body)
- "Wrap body in a \"main\" function call if none exists."
+ "Wrap BODY in a \"main\" function call if none exists."
(if (string-match "^[ \t]*[intvod]+[ \t\n\r]*main[ \t]*(.*)" body)
- (format "int main() {\n%s\nreturn(0);\n}\n" body)))
+ (format "int main() {\n%s\nreturn 0;\n}\n" body)))
(defun org-babel-prep-session:C (session params)
"This function does nothing as C is a compiled language with no
@@ -163,6 +163,59 @@ support for sessions"
;; helper functions
+(defun org-babel-C-format-val (type val)
+ "Handle the FORMAT part of TYPE with the data from VAL."
+ (let ((format-data (cadr type)))
+ (if (stringp format-data)
+ (cons "" (format format-data val))
+ (funcall format-data val))))
+(defun org-babel-C-val-to-C-type (val)
+ "Determine the type of VAL.
+Return a list (TYPE-NAME FORMAT). TYPE-NAME should be the name of the type.
+FORMAT can be either a format string or a function which is called with VAL."
+ (cond
+ ((integerp val) '("int" "%d"))
+ ((floatp val) '("double" "%f"))
+ ((or (listp val) (vectorp val))
+ (lexical-let ((type (org-babel-C-val-to-C-list-type val)))
+ (list (car type)
+ (lambda (val)
+ (cons
+ (format "[%d]%s"
+ (length val)
+ (car (org-babel-C-format-val type (elt val 0))))
+ (concat "{ "
+ (mapconcat (lambda (v)
+ (cdr (org-babel-C-format-val type v)))
+ val
+ ", ")
+ " }"))))))
+ (t ;; treat unknown types as string
+ '("char" (lambda (val)
+ (let ((s (format "%s" val))) ;; convert to string for unknown types
+ (cons (format "[%d]" (1+ (length s)))
+ (concat "\"" s "\""))))))))
+(defun org-babel-C-val-to-C-list-type (val)
+ "Determine the C array type of a VAL."
+ (let (type)
+ (mapc
+ #'(lambda (i)
+ (let* ((tmp-type (org-babel-C-val-to-C-type i))
+ (type-name (car type))
+ (tmp-type-name (car tmp-type)))
+ (when (and type (not (string= type-name tmp-type-name)))
+ (if (and (member type-name '("int" "double" "int32_t"))
+ (member tmp-type-name '("int" "double" "int32_t")))
+ (setq tmp-type '("double" "" "%f"))
+ (error "Only homogeneous lists are supported by C. You can not mix %s and %s"
+ type-name
+ tmp-type-name)))
+ (setq type tmp-type)))
+ val)
+ type))
(defun org-babel-C-var-to-C (pair)
"Convert an elisp val into a string of C code specifying a var
of the same value."
@@ -173,22 +226,17 @@ of the same value."
(setq val (symbol-name val))
(when (= (length val) 1)
(setq val (string-to-char val))))
- (cond
- ((integerp val)
- (format "int %S = %S;" var val))
- ((floatp val)
- (format "double %S = %S;" var val))
- ((or (integerp val))
- (format "char %S = '%S';" var val))
- ((stringp val)
- (format "char %S[%d] = \"%s\";"
- var (+ 1 (length val)) val))
- (t
- (format "u32 %S = %S;" var val)))))
+ (let* ((type-data (org-babel-C-val-to-C-type val))
+ (type (car type-data))
+ (formated (org-babel-C-format-val type-data val))
+ (suffix (car formated))
+ (data (cdr formated)))
+ (format "%s %s%s = %s;"
+ type
+ var
+ suffix
+ data))))
(provide 'ob-C)
;;; ob-C.el ends here