@@ -11,11 +11,34 @@
#+LINK_HOME: http://orgmode.org
#+LINK_HOME: http://orgmode.org
-* Version 6.12
+* Version 6.13
:VISIBILITY: content
:VISIBILITY: content
+** Overview
+** Details
+*** Keybinding in Remember buffers can be configured
+ Remember buffers are normally in Org-mode, which makes it
+ hard to configure key bindings without modifying the Org-mode
+ keymap. There is now a minor mode active in these buffers,
+ `org-remember-mode', and its keymap org-remember-mode-map can
+ be used for key bindings. By default, this map only contains
+ the bindings for =C-c C-c= to store the note, and =C-c C-k=
+ to abort it. Use `org-remember-mode-hook' to define your own
+ bindings like
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ 'org-remember-mode-hook
+ (lambda ()
+ (define-key org-remember-mode-map "\C-x\C-s" 'org-remember-finalize)))
+* Version 6.12
** Overview
** Overview
- A region of entries can now be refiled with a single command
- A region of entries can now be refiled with a single command