@@ -0,0 +1,1232 @@
+;;; org-export-generic.el --- Export frameworg with custom backends
+;; Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Wes Hardaker <hardaker at users dot sourceforge dot net>
+;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp, export
+;; Homepage: http://orgmode.org
+;; Version: 6.25trans
+;; Acks: Much of this code was stolen form the ascii export from Carsten
+;; This file is not yet part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; org-export-generic is basically a simple translation system that
+;; knows how to parse at least most of a .org buffer and then add
+;; various formatting prefixes before and after each section type. It
+;; does this by examining a property list stored in org-generic-alist.
+;; You can dynamically add propety lists of your own using the
+;; org-set-generic-type function:
+;; (org-set-generic-type
+;; "really-basic-text"
+;; '(:file-suffix ".txt"
+;; :key-binding ?R
+;; :title-format "=== %s ===\n"
+;; :body-header-section-numbers t
+;; :body-header-section-number-format "%s) "
+;; :body-section-header-prefix "\n"
+;; :body-section-header-suffix "\n"
+;; :body-line-format " %s\n"
+;; :body-line-wrap 75
+;; ))
+;; Note: Upper case key-bindings are reserved for your use. Lower
+;; case key bindings may conflict with future export-generic
+;; publications.
+;; Then run org-export (ctrl-c ctrl-e) and select generic or run
+;; org-export-generic. You'll then be prompted with a list of export
+;; types to choose from which will include your new type assigned to
+;; the key "r".
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; TODO (non-ordered)
+;; * handle function references
+;; * handle other types of multi-complex-listy-things to do
+;; ideas: (t ?- "%s" ?-)
+;; * handle indent specifiers better
+;; ideas: (4 ?\ "%s")
+;; * need flag to remove indents from body text
+;; * handle links
+;; * handle internationalization strings better
+;; * date/author/etc needs improvment (internationalization too)
+;; * allow specifying of section ordering
+;; ideas: :ordering ("header" "toc" "body" "footer")
+;; ^ matches current hard coded ordering
+;; * err, actually *do* a footer
+;; * deal with usage of org globals
+;; *** should we even consider them, or let the per-section specifiers do it
+;; *** answer: remove; mostly removed now
+;; * deal with interactive support for picking a export specifier label
+;; * char specifiers that need extra length because of formatting
+;; idea: (?- 4) for 4-longer
+;; * centering specifier
+;; idea: ('center " -- %s -- ")
+;; * remove more of the unneeded export-to-ascii copy code
+;; * tags
+;; *** supported now, but need separate format per tag
+;; *** allow different open/closing prefixes
+;; * properties
+;; * drawers
+;; * oh my
+;; * optmization (many plist extracts should be in (let) vars
+;; * define defcustom spec for the specifier list
+;;; Commentary:
+(require 'org-exp)
+(defgroup org-export-generic nil
+ "Options specific for ASCII export of Org-mode files."
+ :tag "Org Export ASCII"
+ :group 'org-export)
+(defcustom org-export-generic-links-to-notes t
+ "Non-nil means, convert links to notes before the next headline.
+When nil, the link will be exported in place. If the line becomes long
+in this way, it will be wrapped."
+ :group 'org-export-generic
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defvar org-generic-current-indentation nil) ; For communication
+(defvar org-generic-alist
+ '(
+ ;;
+ ;; generic DEMO exporter
+ ;;
+ ;; (this tries to use every specifier for demo purposes)
+ ;;
+ ("demo"
+ :file-suffix ".txt"
+ :key-binding ?d
+ :header-prefix "<header>\n"
+ :header-suffix "</header>\n"
+ :author-export t
+ :tags-export t
+ :drawers-export t
+ :title-prefix ?=
+ :title-format "<h1>%s</h1>\n"
+ :title-suffix ?=
+ :date-export t
+ :date-prefix "<date>"
+ :date-format "<br /><b>Date:</b> <i>%s</i><br />"
+ :date-suffix "</date>\n\n"
+ :toc-export t
+ :toc-header-prefix "<tocname>\n"
+ :toc-header-format "__%s__\n"
+ :toc-header-suffix "</tocname>\n"
+ :toc-prefix "<toc>\n"
+ :toc-suffix "</toc>\n"
+ :toc-section-numbers t
+ :toc-section-number-format "\#(%s) "
+ :toc-format "--%s--"
+ :toc-format-with-todo "!!%s!!\n"
+ :toc-indent-char ?\
+ :toc-indent-depth 4
+ :toc-tags-export t
+ :toc-tags-prefix " <tags>"
+ :toc-tags-format "*%s*"
+ :toc-tags-suffix "</tags>\n"
+ :toc-tags-none-string "\n"
+ :body-header-section-numbers 3 ; t = all, nil = none
+ ; lists indicate different things per level
+ ; list contents or straight value can either be a
+ ; ?x char reference for printing strings that match the header len
+ ; "" string to print directly
+ :body-section-header-prefix ("<h1>" "<h2>" "<h3>"
+ "<h4>" "<h5>" "<h6>")
+ :body-section-header-format "%s"
+ :body-section-header-suffix ("</h1>\n" "</h2>\n" "</h3>\n"
+ "</h4>\n" "</h5>\n" "</h6>\n")
+ :timestamps-export t
+ :priorities-export t
+ :todo-keywords-export t
+ :body-tags-export t
+ :body-tags-prefix " <tags>"
+ :body-tags-suffix "</tags>\n"
+ ; section prefixes/suffixes can be direct strings or lists as well
+ :body-section-prefix "<secprefix>\n"
+ :body-section-suffix "</secsuffix>\n"
+; :body-section-prefix ("<sec1>\n" "<sec2>\n" "<sec3>\n")
+; :body-section-suffix ("</sec1>\n" "</sec2>\n" "</sec3>\n")
+ ; if preformated text should be included (eg, : prefixed)
+ :body-line-export-preformated t
+ :body-line-fixed-prefix "<pre>\n"
+ :body-line-fixed-suffix "\n</pre>\n"
+ :body-line-fixed-format "%s\n"
+ :body-list-prefix "<list>\n"
+ :body-list-suffix "</list>\n"
+ :body-list-format "<li>%s</li>\n"
+ :body-number-list-prefix "<ol>\n"
+ :body-number-list-suffix "</ol>\n"
+ :body-number-list-format "<li>%s</li>\n"
+ :body-number-list-leave-number t
+ :body-list-checkbox-todo "<checkbox type=\"todo\">"
+ :body-list-checkbox-todo-end "</checkbox (todo)>"
+ :body-list-checkbox-done "<checkbox type=\"done\">"
+ :body-list-checkbox-done-end "</checkbox (done)>"
+ :body-list-checkbox-half "<checkbox type=\"half\">"
+ :body-list-checkbox-half-end "</checkbox (half)>"
+ ; other body lines
+ :body-line-format "%s"
+ :body-line-wrap 60 ; wrap at 60 chars
+ ; print above and below all body parts
+ :body-text-prefix "<p>\n"
+ :body-text-suffix "</p>\n"
+ )
+ ;;
+ ;; ascii exporter
+ ;;
+ ;; (close to the original ascii specifier)
+ ;;
+ ("ascii"
+ :file-suffix ".txt"
+ :key-binding ?a
+ :header-prefix ""
+ :header-suffix ""
+ :title-prefix ?=
+ :title-format "%s\n"
+ :title-suffix ?=
+ :date-export t
+ :date-prefix ""
+ :date-format "Date: %s\n"
+ :date-suffix ""
+ :toc-header-prefix ""
+ :toc-header-format "%s\n"
+ :toc-header-suffix ?=
+ :toc-export t
+ :toc-section-numbers t
+ :toc-section-number-format "%s "
+ :toc-format "%s\n"
+ :toc-format-with-todo "%s (*)\n"
+ :toc-indent-char ?\
+ :toc-indent-depth 4
+ :body-header-section-numbers 3
+ :body-section-prefix "\n"
+; :body-section-header-prefix "\n"
+; :body-section-header-format "%s\n"
+; :body-section-header-suffix (?\$ ?\# ?^ ?\~ ?\= ?\-)
+ :body-section-header-prefix ("" "" "" "* " " + " " - ")
+ :body-section-header-format "%s\n"
+ :body-section-header-suffix (?~ ?= ?- "\n" "\n" "\n")
+; :body-section-marker-prefix ""
+; :body-section-marker-chars (?\$ ?\# ?^ ?\~ ?\= ?\-)
+; :body-section-marker-suffix "\n"
+ :body-line-export-preformated t
+ :body-line-format "%s\n"
+ :body-line-wrap 75
+; :body-text-prefix "<t>\n"
+; :body-text-suffix "</t>\n"
+ :body-bullet-list-prefix (?* ?+ ?-)
+; :body-bullet-list-suffix (?* ?+ ?-)
+ )
+ ;;
+ ;; wikipedia
+ ;;
+ ("wikipedia"
+ :file-suffix ".txt"
+ :key-binding ?w
+ :header-prefix ""
+ :header-suffix ""
+ :title-format "= %s =\n"
+ :date-export nil
+ :toc-export nil
+ :body-header-section-numbers nil
+ :body-section-prefix "\n"
+ :body-section-header-prefix ("= " "== " "=== "
+ "==== " "===== " "====== ")
+ :body-section-header-suffix (" =\n\n" " ==\n\n" " ===\n\n"
+ " ====\n\n" " =====\n\n" " ======\n\n")
+ :body-line-export-preformated t ;; yes/no/maybe???
+ :body-line-format "%s\n"
+ :body-line-wrap 75
+ :body-line-fixed-format " %s\n"
+ :body-list-format "* %s\n"
+ :body-number-list-format "# %s\n"
+ :body-bullet-list-prefix ("* " "** " "*** " "**** " "***** ")
+ )
+ ;;
+ ;; minimal html exporter
+ ;;
+ ("html"
+ ;; simple html output
+ :file-suffix ".html"
+ :key-binding ?h
+ :header-prefix "<body>"
+ :title-format "<h1>%s</h1>\n\n"
+ :date-export t
+ :date-format "<br /><b>Date:</b> <i>%s</i><br />\n\n"
+ :toc-export nil
+ :body-header-section-numbers 3
+ :body-section-header-prefix ("<h1>" "<h2>" "<h3>"
+ "<h4>" "<h5>" "<h6>")
+ :body-section-header-format "%s"
+ :body-section-header-suffix ("</h1>\n" "</h2>\n" "</h3>\n"
+ "</h4>\n" "</h5>\n" "</h6>\n")
+ :body-section-prefix "<secprefix>\n"
+ :body-section-suffix "</secsuffix>\n"
+; :body-section-prefix ("<sec1>\n" "<sec2>\n" "<sec3>\n")
+; :body-section-suffix ("</sec1>\n" "</sec2>\n" "</sec3>\n")
+ :body-line-export-preformated t
+ :body-line-format "%s\n"
+ :body-text-prefix "<p>\n"
+ :body-text-suffix "</p>\n"
+ :body-bullet-list-prefix (?* ?+ ?-)
+; :body-bullet-list-suffix (?* ?+ ?-)
+ )
+ ;;
+ ;; internet-draft .xml for xml2rfc exporter
+ ;;
+ ("ietfid"
+ ;; this tries to use every specifier for demo purposes
+ :file-suffix ".xml"
+ :key-binding ?i
+ :title-prefix "<?xml version=\"1.0\"\?>
+<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM \"rfc2629.dtd\" [
+<!ENTITY rfcs PUBLIC '' 'blah'>
+<?rfc strict=\"yes\" ?>
+<?rfc toc=\"yes\" ?>
+<?rfc tocdepth=\"4\" ?>
+<?rfc symrefs=\"yes\" ?>
+<?rfc compact=\"yes\" ?>
+<?rfc subcompact=\"no\" ?>
+<rfc category=\"std\" ipr=\"pre5378Trust200902\" docName=\"FILLME.txt\">
+ <front>
+ :title-format "<title abbrev=\"ABBREV HERE\">\n%s\n</title>\n"
+ :title-suffix "<author initials=\"A.A\" surname=\"LASTNAME\" fullname=\"FULL NAME\">
+ <organization>Comany, Inc..</organization>
+ <address>
+ <postal>
+ <street></street>
+ <city></city>
+ <region></region>
+ <code></code>
+ <country></country>
+ </postal>
+ <phone></phone>
+ <email></email>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+ <date month=\"FILLMONTH\" year=\"FILLYEAR\"/>
+ <area>Operations and Management</area>
+ <workgroup>FIXME</workgroup>
+ :date-export nil
+ :toc-export nil
+ :body-header-section-numbers nil
+ :body-section-header-format "<section title=\"%s\">\n"
+ :body-section-suffix "</section>\n"
+ ; if preformated text should be included (eg, : prefixed)
+ :body-line-export-preformated t
+ :body-line-fixed-prefix "<figure>\n<artwork>\n"
+ :body-line-fixed-suffix "\n</artwork>\n</figure>\n"
+ ; other body lines
+ :body-line-format "%s"
+ :body-line-wrap 75
+ ; print above and below all body parts
+ :body-text-prefix "<t>\n"
+ :body-text-suffix "</t>\n"
+ :body-list-prefix "<list style=\"symbols\">\n"
+ :body-list-suffix "</list>\n"
+ :body-list-format "<t>%s</t>\n"
+ )
+ )
+ "A assoc list of property lists to specify export definitions"
+(setq org-generic-export-type "demo")
+(defvar org-export-generic-section-type "")
+(defvar org-export-generic-section-suffix "")
+(defun org-set-generic-type (type definition)
+ "Adds a TYPE and DEFINITION to the existing list of defined generic
+export definitions."
+ (set-alist 'org-generic-alist type definition))
+(defun org-export-generic-remember-section (type suffix &optional prefix)
+ (setq org-export-generic-section-type type)
+ (setq org-export-generic-section-suffix suffix)
+ (if prefix
+ (insert prefix))
+(defun org-export-generic-check-section (type &optional prefix suffix)
+ "checks to see if type is already in use, or we're switching parts
+If we're switching, then insert a potentially previously remembered
+suffix, and insert the current prefix immediately and then save the
+suffix a later change time."
+ (when (not (equal type org-export-generic-section-type))
+ (if org-export-generic-section-suffix
+ (insert org-export-generic-section-suffix))
+ (setq org-export-generic-section-type type)
+ (setq org-export-generic-section-suffix suffix)
+ (if prefix
+ (insert prefix))))
+(defun org-export-generic (arg)
+ "Export the outline as generic output.
+If there is an active region, export only the region.
+The prefix ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
+underlined headlines. The default is 3."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (setq-default org-todo-line-regexp org-todo-line-regexp)
+ (let* ((opt-plist (org-combine-plists (org-default-export-plist)
+ (org-infile-export-plist)))
+ (region-p (org-region-active-p))
+ (rbeg (and region-p (region-beginning)))
+ (rend (and region-p (region-end)))
+ (subtree-p
+ (when region-p
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char rbeg)
+ (and (org-at-heading-p)
+ (>= (org-end-of-subtree t t) rend)))))
+ (level-offset (if subtree-p
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char rbeg)
+ (+ (funcall outline-level)
+ (if org-odd-levels-only 1 0)))
+ 0))
+ (opt-plist (setq org-export-opt-plist
+ (if subtree-p
+ (org-export-add-subtree-options opt-plist rbeg)
+ opt-plist)))
+ helpstart
+ (bogus (mapc (lambda (x)
+ (setq helpstart
+ (concat helpstart "\["
+ (char-to-string
+ (plist-get (cdr x) :key-binding))
+ "] " (car x) "\n")))
+ org-generic-alist))
+ (help (concat helpstart "
+\[ ] the current setting of the org-generic-export-type variable
+ (cmds
+ (append
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (list
+ (plist-get (cdr x) :key-binding)
+ (car x)))
+ org-generic-alist)
+ (list (list ? "default"))))
+ r1 r2 ass
+ ;; read in the type to use
+ (export-plist
+ (progn
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (delete-other-windows)
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Org Export/Generic Styles Help*"
+ (princ help))
+ (org-fit-window-to-buffer (get-buffer-window
+ "*Org Export/Generic Styles Help*"))
+ (message "Select command: ")
+ (setq r1 (read-char-exclusive))))
+ (setq r2 (if (< r1 27) (+ r1 96) r1))
+ (unless (setq ass (cadr (assq r2 cmds)))
+ (error "No command associated with key %c" r1))
+ (cdr (assoc
+ (if (equal ass "default") org-generic-export-type ass)
+ org-generic-alist))))
+ (custom-times org-display-custom-times)
+ (org-generic-current-indentation '(0 . 0))
+ (level 0) (old-level 0) line txt lastwastext
+ (umax nil)
+ (umax-toc nil)
+ (case-fold-search nil)
+ (bfname (buffer-file-name (or (buffer-base-buffer) (current-buffer))))
+ (filesuffix (or (plist-get export-plist :file-suffix) ".foo"))
+ (filename (concat (file-name-as-directory
+ (org-export-directory :ascii opt-plist))
+ (file-name-sans-extension
+ (or (and subtree-p
+ (org-entry-get (region-beginning)
+ (file-name-nondirectory bfname)))
+ filesuffix))
+ (filename (if (equal (file-truename filename)
+ (file-truename bfname))
+ (concat filename filesuffix)
+ filename))
+ (buffer (find-file-noselect filename))
+ (org-levels-open (make-vector org-level-max nil))
+ (odd org-odd-levels-only)
+ (date (plist-get opt-plist :date))
+ (author (plist-get opt-plist :author))
+ (title (or (and subtree-p (org-export-get-title-from-subtree))
+ (plist-get opt-plist :title)
+ (and (not
+ (plist-get opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading))
+ (org-export-grab-title-from-buffer))
+ (file-name-sans-extension
+ (file-name-nondirectory bfname))))
+ (email (plist-get opt-plist :email))
+ (language (plist-get opt-plist :language))
+ (quote-re0 (concat "^[ \t]*" org-quote-string "\\>"))
+; (quote-re (concat "^\\(\\*+\\)\\([ \t]*" org-quote-string "\\>\\)"))
+ (todo nil)
+ (lang-words nil)
+ (region
+ (buffer-substring
+ (if (org-region-active-p) (region-beginning) (point-min))
+ (if (org-region-active-p) (region-end) (point-max))))
+ (lines (org-split-string
+ (org-export-preprocess-string
+ region
+ :for-ascii t
+ :skip-before-1st-heading
+ (plist-get opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading)
+ :drawers (plist-get export-plist :drawers-export)
+ :tags (plist-get export-plist :tags-export)
+ :priority (plist-get export-plist :priority-export)
+ :footnotes (plist-get export-plist :footnotes-export)
+ :timestamps (plist-get export-plist :timestamps-export)
+ :todo-keywords (plist-get export-plist :todo-keywords-export)
+ :verbatim-multiline t
+ :select-tags (plist-get export-plist :select-tags-export)
+ :exclude-tags (plist-get export-plist :exclude-tags-export)
+ :archived-trees
+ (plist-get export-plist :archived-trees-export)
+ :add-text (plist-get opt-plist :text))
+ "\n"))
+ ;; export-generic plist variables
+ (withtags (plist-get export-plist :tags-export))
+ (tagsintoc (plist-get export-plist :toc-tags-export))
+ (tocnotagsstr (or (plist-get export-plist :toc-tags-none-string) ""))
+ (tocdepth (plist-get export-plist :toc-indent-depth))
+ (tocindentchar (plist-get export-plist :toc-indent-char))
+ (tocsecnums (plist-get export-plist :toc-section-numbers))
+ (tocsecnumform (plist-get export-plist :toc-section-number-format))
+ (tocformat (plist-get export-plist :toc-format))
+ (tocformtodo (plist-get export-plist :toc-format-with-todo))
+ (tocprefix (plist-get export-plist :toc-prefix))
+ (tocsuffix (plist-get export-plist :toc-suffix))
+ (bodyfixedpre (plist-get export-plist :body-line-fixed-prefix))
+ (bodyfixedsuf (plist-get export-plist :body-line-fixed-suffix))
+ (bodyfixedform (or (plist-get export-plist :body-line-fixed-format)
+ "%s"))
+ (listprefix (plist-get export-plist :body-list-prefix))
+ (listsuffix (plist-get export-plist :body-list-suffix))
+ (listformat (or (plist-get export-plist :body-list-format) "%s\n"))
+ (numlistleavenum
+ (plist-get export-plist :body-number-list-leave-number))
+ (numlistprefix (plist-get export-plist :body-number-list-prefix))
+ (numlistsuffix (plist-get export-plist :body-number-list-suffix))
+ (numlistformat
+ (or (plist-get export-plist :body-number-list-format) "%s\n"))
+ (listchecktodo
+ (or (plist-get export-plist :body-list-checkbox-todo) "\\1"))
+ (listcheckdone
+ (or (plist-get export-plist :body-list-checkbox-done) "\\1"))
+ (listcheckhalf
+ (or (plist-get export-plist :body-list-checkbox-half) "\\1"))
+ (listchecktodoend
+ (or (plist-get export-plist :body-list-checkbox-todo-end) ""))
+ (listcheckdoneend
+ (or (plist-get export-plist :body-list-checkbox-done-end) ""))
+ (listcheckhalfend
+ (or (plist-get export-plist :body-list-checkbox-half-end) ""))
+ (bodytextpre (plist-get export-plist :body-text-prefix))
+ (bodytextsuf (plist-get export-plist :body-text-suffix))
+ (bodylinewrap (plist-get export-plist :body-line-wrap))
+ (bodylineform (or (plist-get export-plist :body-line-format) "%s"))
+ thetoc toctags have-headings first-heading-pos
+ table-open table-buffer link-buffer link desc desc0 rpl wrap)
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+ (org-unmodified
+ (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
+ '(:org-license-to-kill t))))
+ (setq org-min-level (org-get-min-level lines level-offset))
+ (setq org-last-level org-min-level)
+ (org-init-section-numbers)
+ (find-file-noselect filename)
+ (setq lang-words (or (assoc language org-export-language-setup)
+ (assoc "en" org-export-language-setup)))
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (fundamental-mode)
+ ;; create local variables for all options, to make sure all called
+ ;; functions get the correct information
+ (mapc (lambda (x)
+ (set (make-local-variable (nth 2 x))
+ (plist-get opt-plist (car x))))
+ org-export-plist-vars)
+ (org-set-local 'org-odd-levels-only odd)
+ (setq umax (if arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)
+ org-export-headline-levels))
+ (setq umax-toc umax)
+ ;; File header
+ (if title
+ (insert
+ (org-export-generic-header title export-plist
+ :title-prefix
+ :title-format
+ :title-suffix)))
+ (if (and (or author email)
+ (plist-get export-plist :author-export))
+ (insert (concat (nth 1 lang-words) ": " (or author "")
+ (if email (concat " <" email ">") "")
+ "\n")))
+ (cond
+ ((and date (string-match "%" date))
+ (setq date (format-time-string date)))
+ (date)
+ (t (setq date (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T %Z"))))
+ (if (and date (plist-get export-plist :date-export))
+ (insert
+ (org-export-generic-header date export-plist
+ :date-prefix
+ :date-format
+ :date-suffix)))
+ ;; export the table of contents first
+ (if (plist-get export-plist :toc-export)
+ (progn
+ (push
+ (org-export-generic-header (nth 3 lang-words) export-plist
+ :toc-header-prefix
+ :toc-header-format
+ :toc-header-suffix)
+ thetoc)
+ (if tocprefix
+ (push tocprefix thetoc))
+ (mapc '(lambda (line)
+ (if (string-match org-todo-line-regexp line)
+ ;; This is a headline
+ (progn
+ (setq have-headings t)
+ (setq level (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)
+ level-offset)
+ level (org-tr-level level)
+ txt (match-string 3 line)
+ todo
+ (or (and org-export-mark-todo-in-toc
+ (match-beginning 2)
+ (not (member (match-string 2 line)
+ org-done-keywords)))
+ ; TODO, not DONE
+ (and org-export-mark-todo-in-toc
+ (= level umax-toc)
+ (org-search-todo-below
+ line lines level))))
+ (setq txt (org-html-expand-for-generic txt))
+ (while (string-match org-bracket-link-regexp txt)
+ (setq txt
+ (replace-match
+ (match-string (if (match-end 2) 3 1) txt)
+ t t txt)))
+ (if (and (not tagsintoc)
+ (string-match
+ (org-re "[ \t]+:[[:alnum:]_@:]+:[ \t]*$")
+ txt))
+ (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt))
+ ; include tags but formated
+ (if (string-match
+ (org-re "[ \t]+:\\([[:alnum:]_@:]+\\):[ \t]*$")
+ txt)
+ (progn
+ (setq
+ toctags
+ (org-export-generic-header
+ (match-string 1 txt)
+ export-plist :toc-tags-prefix
+ :toc-tags-format :toc-tags-suffix))
+ (string-match
+ (org-re "[ \t]+:[[:alnum:]_@:]+:[ \t]*$")
+ txt)
+ (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
+ (setq toctags tocnotagsstr)))
+ (if (string-match quote-re0 txt)
+ (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
+ (if (<= level umax-toc)
+ (progn
+ (push
+ (concat
+ (make-string
+ (* (max 0 (- level org-min-level)) tocdepth)
+ tocindentchar)
+ (if tocsecnums
+ (format tocsecnumform
+ (org-section-number level))
+ "")
+ (format
+ (if todo tocformtodo tocformat)
+ txt)
+ toctags)
+ thetoc)
+ (setq org-last-level level))
+ ))))
+ lines)
+ (if tocsuffix
+ (push tocsuffix thetoc))
+ (setq thetoc (if have-headings (nreverse thetoc) nil))))
+ (org-init-section-numbers)
+ (org-export-generic-check-section "top")
+ (while (setq line (pop lines))
+ (when (and link-buffer (string-match "^\\*+ " line))
+ (org-export-generic-push-links (nreverse link-buffer))
+ (setq link-buffer nil))
+ (setq wrap nil)
+ ;; Remove the quoted HTML tags.
+ ;; XXX
+ (setq line (org-html-expand-for-generic line))
+ ;; Replace links with the description when possible
+ ;; XXX
+ (while (string-match org-bracket-link-regexp line)
+ (setq link (match-string 1 line)
+ desc0 (match-string 3 line)
+ desc (or desc0 (match-string 1 line)))
+ (if (and (> (length link) 8)
+ (equal (substring link 0 8) "coderef:"))
+ (setq line (replace-match
+ (format (org-export-get-coderef-format (substring link 8) desc)
+ (cdr (assoc
+ (substring link 8)
+ org-export-code-refs)))
+ t t line))
+ (setq rpl (concat "["
+ (or (match-string 3 line) (match-string 1 line))
+ "]"))
+ (when (and desc0 (not (equal desc0 link)))
+ (if org-export-generic-links-to-notes
+ (push (cons desc0 link) link-buffer)
+ (setq rpl (concat rpl " (" link ")")
+ wrap (+ (length line) (- (length (match-string 0)))
+ (length desc)))))
+ (setq line (replace-match rpl t t line))))
+ (when custom-times
+ (setq line (org-translate-time line)))
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "^\\(\\*+\\)[ \t]+\\(.*\\)" line)
+ ;;
+ ;; a Headline
+ ;;
+ (org-export-generic-check-section "headline")
+ (setq first-heading-pos (or first-heading-pos (point)))
+ (setq level (org-tr-level (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)
+ level-offset))
+ txt (match-string 2 line))
+ (org-generic-level-start level old-level txt umax export-plist lines)
+ (setq old-level level))
+ ((and org-export-with-tables
+ (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)" line))
+ ;;
+ ;; a Table
+ ;;
+ (org-export-generic-check-section "table")
+ (if (not table-open)
+ ;; New table starts
+ (setq table-open t table-buffer nil))
+ ;; Accumulate table lines
+ (setq table-buffer (cons line table-buffer))
+ (when (or (not lines)
+ (not (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)"
+ (car lines))))
+ (setq table-open nil
+ table-buffer (nreverse table-buffer))
+ (insert (mapconcat
+ (lambda (x)
+ (org-fix-indentation x org-generic-current-indentation))
+ (org-format-table-generic table-buffer)
+ "\n") "\n")))
+ ((string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(:\\( \\|$\\)\\)" line)
+ ;;
+ ;; pre-formated text
+ ;;
+ (setq line (replace-match "\\1" nil nil line))
+ (org-export-generic-check-section "preformat" bodyfixedpre bodyfixedsuf)
+ (insert (format bodyfixedform line)))
+ ((string-match "^\\([ \t]+\\)\\([-+*][ \t]*\\)" line)
+ ;;
+ ;; plain list item
+ ;;
+ ;; TODO: nested lists
+ ;;
+ (setq line (replace-match "" nil nil line))
+ (org-export-generic-check-section "liststart" listprefix listsuffix)
+ ;; deal with checkboxes
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "^\\(\\[ \\]\\)[ \t]*" line)
+ (setq line (concat (replace-match listchecktodo nil nil line)
+ listchecktodoend)))
+ ((string-match "^\\(\\[X\\]\\)[ \t]*" line)
+ (setq line (concat (replace-match listcheckdone nil nil line)
+ listcheckdoneend)))
+ ((string-match "^\\(\\[/\\]\\)[ \t]*" line)
+ (setq line (concat (replace-match listcheckhalf nil nil line)
+ listcheckhalfend)))
+ )
+ (insert (format listformat line)))
+ ((string-match "^\\([ \t]+\\)\\([0-9]+\\.[ \t]*\\)" line)
+ ;;
+ ;; numbered list item
+ ;;
+ ;; TODO: nested lists
+ ;;
+ (setq line (replace-match (if numlistleavenum "\\2" "") nil nil line))
+ (org-export-generic-check-section "numliststart"
+ numlistprefix numlistsuffix)
+ ;; deal with checkboxes
+ ;; TODO: whoops; leaving the numbers is a problem for ^ matching
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "\\(\\[ \\]\\)[ \t]*" line)
+ (setq line (concat (replace-match listchecktodo nil nil line)
+ listchecktodoend)))
+ ((string-match "\\(\\[X\\]\\)[ \t]*" line)
+ (setq line (concat (replace-match listcheckdone nil nil line)
+ listcheckdoneend)))
+ ((string-match "\\(\\[/\\]\\)[ \t]*" line)
+ (setq line (concat (replace-match listcheckhalf nil nil line)
+ listcheckhalfend)))
+ )
+ (insert (format numlistformat line)))
+ (t
+ ;;
+ ;; body
+ ;;
+ (org-export-generic-check-section "body" bodytextpre bodytextsuf)
+ ;; XXX: properties? list?
+ (if (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\([-+*][ \t]+\\)\\(.*?\\)\\( ::\\)" line)
+ (setq line (replace-match "\\1\\3:" t nil line)))
+ (setq line (org-fix-indentation line org-generic-current-indentation))
+ ;; Remove forced line breaks
+ (if (string-match "\\\\\\\\[ \t]*$" line)
+ (setq line (replace-match "" t t line)))
+ (if bodylinewrap
+ ;; XXX: was dependent on wrap var which was calculated by???
+ (if (> (length line) bodylinewrap)
+ (setq line
+ (org-export-generic-wrap line bodylinewrap))
+ (setq line line)))
+ (insert (format bodylineform line)))))
+ (org-export-generic-check-section "bottom")
+ (org-export-generic-push-links (nreverse link-buffer))
+ (normal-mode)
+ ;; insert the table of contents
+ (when thetoc
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*\\[TABLE-OF-CONTENTS\\][ \t]*$" nil t)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+ (replace-match ""))
+ (goto-char first-heading-pos))
+ (mapc 'insert thetoc)
+ (or (looking-at "[ \t]*\n[ \t]*\n")
+ (insert "\n\n")))
+ ;; Convert whitespace place holders
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let (beg end)
+ (while (setq beg (next-single-property-change (point) 'org-whitespace))
+ (setq end (next-single-property-change beg 'org-whitespace))
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (insert (make-string (- end beg) ?\ ))))
+ (save-buffer)
+ ;; remove display and invisible chars
+ (let (beg end)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (setq beg (next-single-property-change (point) 'display))
+ (setq end (next-single-property-change beg 'display))
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (insert "=>"))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (setq beg (next-single-property-change (point) 'org-cwidth))
+ (setq end (next-single-property-change beg 'org-cwidth))
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ (goto-char beg)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))))
+(defun org-export-generic-format (export-plist prop &optional len n reverse)
+ "converts a property specification to a string given types of properties
+The EXPORT-PLIST should be defined as the lookup plist.
+The PROP should be the property name to search for in it.
+LEN is set to the length of multi-characters strings to generate (or 0)
+N is the tree depth
+REVERSE means to reverse the list if the plist match is a list
+ "
+ (let* ((prefixtype (plist-get export-plist prop))
+ subtype)
+ (cond
+ ((null prefixtype) "")
+ ((and len (characterp prefixtype))
+ ;; sequence of chars
+ (concat (make-string len prefixtype) "\n"))
+ ((stringp prefixtype)
+ prefixtype)
+ ((and n (listp prefixtype))
+ (if reverse
+ (setq prefixtype (reverse prefixtype)))
+ (setq subtype (if (> n (length prefixtype))
+ (car (last prefixtype))
+ (nth (1- n) prefixtype)))
+ (if (stringp subtype)
+ subtype
+ (concat (make-string len subtype) "\n")))
+ (t ""))
+ ))
+(defun org-export-generic-header (header export-plist
+ prefixprop formatprop postfixprop
+ &optional n reverse)
+ "convert a header to an output string given formatting property names"
+ (let* ((formatspec (plist-get export-plist formatprop))
+ (len (length header)))
+ (concat
+ (org-export-generic-format export-plist prefixprop len n reverse)
+ (format (or formatspec "%s") header)
+ (org-export-generic-format export-plist postfixprop len n reverse))
+ ))
+(defun org-export-generic-preprocess (parameters)
+ "Do extra work for ASCII export"
+ ;; Put quotes around verbatim text
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward org-verbatim-re nil t)
+ (goto-char (match-end 2))
+ (backward-delete-char 1) (insert "'")
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 2))
+ (delete-char 1) (insert "`")
+ (goto-char (match-end 2)))
+ ;; Remove target markers
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "<<<?\\([^<>]*\\)>>>?\\([ \t]*\\)" nil t)
+ (replace-match "\\1\\2")))
+(defun org-html-expand-for-generic (line)
+ "Handle quoted HTML for ASCII export."
+ (if org-export-html-expand
+ (while (string-match "@<[^<>\n]*>" line)
+ ;; We just remove the tags for now.
+ (setq line (replace-match "" nil nil line))))
+ line)
+(defun org-export-generic-wrap (line where)
+ "Wrap LINE at or before WHERE."
+ (let* ((ind (org-get-indentation line))
+ (indstr (make-string ind ?\ ))
+ (len (length line))
+ (result "")
+ pos didfirst)
+ (while (> len where)
+ (catch 'found
+ (loop for i from where downto (/ where 2) do
+ (and (equal (aref line i) ?\ )
+ (setq pos i)
+ (throw 'found t))))
+ (if pos
+ (progn
+ (setq result
+ (concat result
+ (if didfirst indstr "")
+ (substring line 0 pos)
+ "\n"))
+ (setq didfirst t)
+ (setq line (substring line (1+ pos)))
+ (setq len (length line)))
+ (setq result (concat result line))
+ (setq len 0)))
+ (concat result indstr line)))
+(defun org-export-generic-push-links (link-buffer)
+ "Push out links in the buffer."
+ (when link-buffer
+ ;; We still have links to push out.
+ (insert "\n")
+ (let ((ind ""))
+ (save-match-data
+ (if (save-excursion
+ (re-search-backward
+ "^\\(\\([ \t]*\\)\\|\\(\\*+ \\)\\)[^ \t\n]" nil t))
+ (setq ind (or (match-string 2)
+ (make-string (length (match-string 3)) ?\ )))))
+ (mapc (lambda (x) (insert ind "[" (car x) "]: " (cdr x) "\n"))
+ link-buffer))
+ (insert "\n")))
+(defun org-generic-level-start (level old-level title umax export-plist
+ &optional lines)
+ "Insert a new level in a generic export."
+ (let ((n (- level umax 1))
+ (ind 0)
+ (diff (- level old-level)) (counter 0)
+ (secnums (plist-get export-plist :body-header-section-numbers))
+ (secnumformat
+ (plist-get export-plist :body-header-section-number-format))
+ char tagstring)
+ (unless org-export-with-tags
+ (if (string-match (org-re "[ \t]+\\(:[[:alnum:]_@:]+:\\)[ \t]*$") title)
+ (setq title (replace-match "" t t title))))
+ (cond
+ ;; going deeper
+ ((> level old-level)
+ (while (< (+ old-level counter) (1- level))
+ (insert
+ (org-export-generic-format export-plist :body-section-prefix 0
+ (+ old-level counter)))
+ (setq counter (1+ counter))
+ ))
+ ;; going up
+ ((< level old-level)
+ (while (> (- old-level counter) (1- level))
+ (insert
+ (org-export-generic-format export-plist :body-section-suffix 0
+ (- old-level counter)))
+ (setq counter (1+ counter))
+ ))
+ ;; same level
+ ((= level old-level)
+ (insert
+ (org-export-generic-format export-plist :body-section-suffix 0 level))
+ )
+ )
+ (insert
+ (org-export-generic-format export-plist :body-section-prefix 0 level))
+ (if (and org-export-with-section-numbers
+ secnums
+ (or (not (numberp secnums))
+ (< level secnums)))
+ (setq title
+ (concat (format (or secnumformat "%s ")
+ (org-section-number level)) title)))
+ ;; handle tags and formatting
+ (if (string-match
+ (org-re "[ \t]+:\\([[:alnum:]_@:]+\\):[ \t]*$") title)
+ (progn
+ (if (plist-get export-plist :body-tags-export)
+ (setq tagstring (org-export-generic-header (match-string 1 title)
+ export-plist
+ :body-tags-prefix
+ :body-tags-format
+ :body-tags-suffix)))
+ (string-match (org-re "[ \t]+:[[:alnum:]_@:]+:[ \t]*$") title)
+ (setq title (replace-match "" t t title)))
+ (setq tagstring (plist-get export-plist :body-tags-none-string)))
+ (insert
+ (org-export-generic-header title export-plist
+ :body-section-header-prefix
+ :body-section-header-format
+ :body-section-header-suffix
+ level))
+ (if tagstring
+ (insert tagstring))
+ (setq org-generic-current-indentation '(0 . 0))))
+(defun org-insert-centered (s &optional underline)
+ "Insert the string S centered and underline it with character UNDERLINE."
+ (let ((ind (max (/ (- fill-column (string-width s)) 2) 0)))
+ (insert (make-string ind ?\ ) s "\n")
+ (if underline
+ (insert (make-string ind ?\ )
+ (make-string (string-width s) underline)
+ "\n"))))
+(defvar org-table-colgroup-info nil)
+(defun org-format-table-generic (lines)
+ "Format a table for ascii export."
+ (if (stringp lines)
+ (setq lines (org-split-string lines "\n")))
+ (if (not (string-match "^[ \t]*|" (car lines)))
+ ;; Table made by table.el - test for spanning
+ lines
+ ;; A normal org table
+ ;; Get rid of hlines at beginning and end
+ (if (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" (car lines)) (setq lines (cdr lines)))
+ (setq lines (nreverse lines))
+ (if (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" (car lines)) (setq lines (cdr lines)))
+ (setq lines (nreverse lines))
+ (when org-export-table-remove-special-lines
+ ;; Check if the table has a marking column. If yes remove the
+ ;; column and the special lines
+ (setq lines (org-table-clean-before-export lines)))
+ ;; Get rid of the vertical lines except for grouping
+ (let ((vl (org-colgroup-info-to-vline-list org-table-colgroup-info))
+ rtn line vl1 start)
+ (while (setq line (pop lines))
+ (if (string-match org-table-hline-regexp line)
+ (and (string-match "|\\(.*\\)|" line)
+ (setq line (replace-match " \\1" t nil line)))
+ (setq start 0 vl1 vl)
+ (while (string-match "|" line start)
+ (setq start (match-end 0))
+ (or (pop vl1) (setq line (replace-match " " t t line)))))
+ (push line rtn))
+ (nreverse rtn))))
+(defun org-colgroup-info-to-vline-list (info)
+ (let (vl new last)
+ (while info
+ (setq last new new (pop info))
+ (if (or (memq last '(:end :startend))
+ (memq new '(:start :startend)))
+ (push t vl)
+ (push nil vl)))
+ (setq vl (nreverse vl))
+ (and vl (setcar vl nil))
+ vl))
+(provide 'org-generic)
+;;; org-export-generic.el ends here