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cleanup in lisp/Makefile, targets; create org-fixup.el, remove version definition

* UTILITIES/org-fixup.el: new file, has functions to create
  org-version.el and org-install.el, now use by the build system.

* lisp/Makefile: delete said definitions, now sourced from toplevel
  make.  "clean" and "cleanall" should do the same thing here, make
  them aliases, ditto for "all" and "compile".  Both autoload files
  must be .PHONY and depend only on each other for correct ordering.
  Make "compile-dirty" actually do that again (i.e. no implied
  "clean", but "cleanauto").  Remove autoload files directly after
  install, so that they will only be present when explicitly requested
  by "autoloads".  Create "org-version.el" before compilation as it is
  mandatory.  Remove $(ORG_MAKE_INSTALL) and $(ORG_MAKE_VERSION),
  source from

* move definitions for $(ORG_MAKE_INSTALL) and
  $(ORG_MAKE_VERSION) here so that they can be more easily configured.
  Remove definition of "org-release" from $(BATCH) and $(BTEST), now
  sourced from "org-version.el".

* target reorganization, introduce "stop" targets to
  prevent cleaning of org-version.el.  Use new targets for "oldorg" to
  make it more robust in case of errors.  New target "cleanutils" to
  remove any "*.elc" files that may have been produced there and add
  this target to "cleanall". Do the same in cleancontrib.
Achim Gratz 13 years ago
4 changed files with 143 additions and 84 deletions
  1. 74 0
  2. 24 10
  3. 27 56
  4. 18 18

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+;;; org-fixup.el - to make life easier for folks without GNU make
+;; Author: Achim Gratz
+;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
+;; Homepage:
+;; This file is not yet part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+(require 'find-func)
+(require 'org-compat)
+(require 'autoload)
+(defun org-make-org-version (org-release org-git-version odt-dir)
+  (find-file "org-version.el")
+  (erase-buffer)
+  (insert ";;; org-version.el --- autogenerated file, do not edit\n;;\n;;; Code:\n")
+  (insert ";;;\#\#\#autoload\n")
+  (insert "(defconst org-release \"" org-release "\"\n")
+  (insert "  \"The release version of org-mode.\n")
+  (insert "  Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.\")\n")
+  (insert ";;;\#\#\#autoload\n")
+  (insert "(defconst org-git-version \"" org-git-version "\"\n")
+  (insert "  \"The Git version of org-mode.\n")
+  (insert "  Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.\")\n")
+  (insert ";;;\#\#\#autoload\n")
+  (insert "(defconst org-odt-data-dir \"" odt-dir "\"\n")
+  (insert "  \"The location of ODT styles.\")\n")
+  (insert "\f\n;; Local Variables:\n;; version-control: never\n")
+  (insert ";; no-byte-compile: t\n")
+  (insert ";; coding: utf-8\n;; End:\n;;; org-version.el ends here\n")
+  (save-buffer))
+(defun org-make-org-install (absfile)
+  (find-file absfile)
+  (erase-buffer)
+  (insert ";;; org-install.el --- autogenerated file, do not edit\n;;\n;;; Code:\n")
+  (let ((files (directory-files (file-name-directory absfile) 'full "^[^.#~]*\\.el$")))
+    (mapc (lambda (f) (generate-file-autoloads f)) files))
+  (insert "\f\n(provide 'org-install)\n")
+  (insert "\f\n;; Local Variables:\n;; version-control: never\n")
+  (insert ";; no-byte-compile: t\n;; no-update-autoloads: t\n")
+  (insert ";; coding: utf-8\n;; End:\n;;; org-install.el ends here\n")
+  (save-buffer))
+(defun org-fixup ()
+  (message "might as well do something, but not now")
+(provide 'org-fixup)
+;; Local Variables:
+;; no-byte-compile: t
+;; coding: utf-8
+;; End:
+;;; org-fixup.el ends here

+ 24 - 10

@@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ BTEST_EXTRA = # extra packages to require for testing
 # How to run tests
 req-ob-lang = --eval '(require '"'"'ob-$(ob-lang))'
 req-extra   = --eval '(require '"'"'$(req))'
-BTEST	= $(EMACS) -batch -Q \
-	  $(BTEST_PRE) -L lisp/ -L testing/ $(BTEST_POST) \
-	  --eval '(defconst org-release "$(ORGVERSION)-Test")' \
+	  $(BTEST_PRE) \
+	  --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path "lisp")' \
+	  --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path "testing")' \
+	  $(BTEST_POST) \
+	  -l org-install.el \
 	  -l testing/org-test.el \
 	  $(foreach ob-lang,$(BTEST_OB_LANGUAGES),$(req-ob-lang)) \
 	  $(foreach req,$(BTEST_EXTRA),$(req-extra)) \
@@ -55,16 +58,13 @@ BTEST	= $(EMACS) -batch -Q \
 	  -f org-test-run-batch-tests
 # Using emacs in batch mode.
-BATCH	= $(EMACS) -batch -Q \
-	  -L . \
-	  --eval '(defconst org-release "$(ORGVERSION)-Make")' \
+BATCH	= $(EMACS) -batch -Q
+# BATCH = $(EMACS) -batch -vanilla # XEmacs
 # How to byte-compile the whole source directory
-	  --eval '(batch-byte-recompile-directory 0)'
-# How to byte-compile a single source file
-ELC	= $(BATCH) -f batch-byte-compile
+		--eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path ".")' \
+		--eval '(batch-byte-recompile-directory 0)'
 # How to make a pdf file from a texinfo file
 TEXI2PDF = texi2pdf --batch --clean
@@ -104,3 +104,17 @@ SUDO	= sudo
 # Name of the program to install info files
 # INSTALL_INFO = ginstall-info # Debian: avoid harmless warning message
 INSTALL_INFO = install-info
+# How to generate org-install.el
+	--eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path ".")' \
+	--eval '(load "org-compat.el")' \
+	--eval '(load "../UTILITIES/org-fixup.el")' \
+	--eval '(org-make-org-install "$(PWD)/lisp/org-install.el")'
+# How to generate org-version.el
+	--eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path ".")' \
+	--eval '(load "org-compat.el")' \
+	--eval '(load "../UTILITIES/org-fixup.el")' \
+	--eval '(org-make-org-version "$(ORGVERSION)" "$(GITVERSION)" "$(datadir)")'

+ 27 - 56

@@ -1,80 +1,51 @@
-	 --eval '(require '"'"'autoload)' \
-	 --eval '(find-file "org-install.el")' \
-	 --eval '(erase-buffer)' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";;; org-install.el --- autogenerated file, do not edit\n;;\n;;; Code:\n")' \
-	 --eval '(mapc (lambda (x) (generate-file-autoloads (symbol-name x)))\
-                   (quote ($(LISPF) org-version.el)))' \
-	 --eval '(insert "\f\n(provide '"'"'org-install)\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";; Local Variables:\n;; version-control: never\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";; no-byte-compile: t\n;; no-update-autoloads: t\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";; coding: utf-8\n;; End:\n;;; org-install.el ends here\n")' \
-	 --eval '(save-buffer)'
-	 --eval '(find-file "org-version.el")' \
-	 --eval '(erase-buffer)' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";;; org-version.el --- autogenerated file, do not edit\n;;\n;;; Code:\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";;;\#\#\#autoload\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert "(defconst org-release \"$(ORGVERSION)\"\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert "  \"The release version of org-mode.\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert "  Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.\")\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";;;\#\#\#autoload\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert "(defconst org-git-version \"$(GITVERSION)\"\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert "  \"The Git version of org-mode.\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert "  Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.\")\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";;;\#\#\#autoload\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert "(defconst org-odt-data-dir \"$(datadir)\"\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert "  \"The location of ODT styles.\")\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";; Local Variables:\n;; version-control: never\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";; no-byte-compile: t\n")' \
-	 --eval '(insert ";; coding: utf-8\n;; End:\n;;; org-version.el ends here\n")' \
-	 --eval '(save-buffer)'
--include	# optional local customization
 .NOTPARALLEL:	# always run this make serially
 .SUFFIXES:	# we don't need default suffix rules
 ifeq ($(MAKELEVEL), 0)
   $(error This make needs to be started as a sub-make from the toplevel directory.)
-LISPO = org-install.el org-version.el # autogenerated files
-LISPF = $(filter-out $(LISPO),$(wildcard *.el))
+LISPV = org-version.el
+LISPI = org-install.el
+LISPF = $(filter-out $(LISPA),$(wildcard *.el))
 LISPC = $(LISPF:%el=%elc)
-.PHONY:	all compile compile-dirty \
-	autoloads \
-	install clean cleanauto cleanall clean-install \
-	org-version.el
+NOSTOP = all compile compile-dirty
+DOSTOP = compile-stop compile-stop-dirty
+		autoloads $(LISPA) \
+		install clean cleanauto cleanall clean-install \
-all \
-compile \
-compile-dirty:	cleanauto org-version.el
+# do not clean here, done in toplevel make
+	$(MAKE) cleanauto
-autoloads:	$(LISPO)
+autoloads:	$(LISPA)
-org-version.el:	$(LISPF)
 	@echo "org-version: $(ORGVERSION) ($(GITVERSION))"
-org-install.el:	org-version.el
+	@echo "org-install: $(ORGVERSION) ($(GITVERSION))"
-install:	$(LISPF) compile autoloads
+install:	$(LISPF) compile
 	if [ ! -d $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir) ] ; then \
 	  $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir) ; \
 	fi ;
-	$(CP) $(LISPC) $(LISPF) $(LISPO) $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)
+	$(MAKE) autoloads
+	$(CP) $(LISPC) $(LISPF) $(LISPA) $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)
+	$(MAKE) cleanauto
+cleanauto clean cleanall::
+	$(RM) $(LISPA) $(LISPA:%el=%elc)
+clean cleanall::
 	$(RM) *.elc
-cleanauto:	# internal target
-	$(RM) $(LISPO) $(LISPO:%el=%elc)
-	$(RM) *.elc $(LISPO)
 	if [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir) ] ; then \
 	  $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)/org*.el* $(DESTDIR)$(lispdir)/ob*.el* ; \

+ 18 - 18

@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 # Additional distribution files
 DISTFILES_extra=  Makefile request-assign-future.txt contrib etc
 LISPDIRS      = lisp
-SUBDIRS       = doc etc $(LISPDIRS)
+OTHERDIRS     = doc etc
 INSTSUB       = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%)
 ORG_MAKE_DOC ?= info html pdf
@@ -23,11 +24,11 @@ endif
 .PHONY:	all oldorg update update2 up0 up1 up2 compile $(SUBDIRS) \
 	check test install info html pdf card doc docs $(INSTSUB) \
-	autoloads cleanall clean cleancontrib cleanrel clean-install \
+	autoloads cleanall clean cleancontrib cleanutils cleanrel clean-install \
 	cleanelc cleandirs cleanlisp cleandoc cleandocs cleantest \
-	compile compile-dirty uncompiled
+	compile compile-stop compile-dirty compile-stop-dirty uncompiled
-oldorg:	compile autoloads info	# what the old makefile did when no target was specified
+oldorg:	compile-stop info	# what the old makefile did when no target was specified
 uncompiled:	cleanlisp autoloads	# for developing
 refcard:	card
 update update2::	up0 all
@@ -47,24 +48,20 @@
 		-e '$$ i ## See for further configuration options.' \ > $@
-all \
-compile::	lisp
+all compile-stop compile::	lisp
 	$(MAKE) -C $< clean
-compile \
-compile-dirty::	lisp
+compile compile-stop compile-dirty compile-stop-dirty::	lisp
 	$(MAKE) -C $< $@
-all \
+all clean-install::
 	$(foreach dir, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(dir) $@;)
 check test::	all
-check test \
+check test test-dirty::
 	-$(MKDIR) $(testdir)
+	$(MAKE) autoloads
 	TMPDIR=$(testdir) $(BTEST)
+	$(MAKE) -C lisp cleanauto
 ifeq ($(TEST_NO_AUTOCLEAN),) # define this variable to leave $(testdir) around for inspection
 	$(MAKE) cleantest
@@ -75,7 +72,7 @@ up0 up1 up2::
 up1 up2::	all
 	$(MAKE) test-dirty
 up2 update2::
-	$(SUDO) $(MAKE) install
+	$(SUDO) $(MAKE) install-dirty
 install:	$(INSTSUB)
@@ -99,11 +96,14 @@ clean:	cleanrel
 	$(MAKE) -C lisp clean
 	$(MAKE) -C doc clean
-cleanall: cleandirs cleantest cleancontrib
+cleanall: cleandirs cleantest cleancontrib cleanutils
 	-$(FIND) . -name \*~ -exec $(RM) {} \;
-	-$(FIND) contrib -name \*~ -exec $(RM) {} \;
+	-$(FIND) contrib -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc -exec $(RM) {} \;
+	-$(FIND) UTILITIES -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc -exec $(RM) {} \;