Quellcode durchsuchen

Added org-export.el to experimental, fixed a few bugs.

Carsten Dominik vor 16 Jahren
3 geänderte Dateien mit 207 neuen und 0 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 186 0
  2. 5 0
  3. 16 0

+ 186 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+;;; org-export.el --- Export engine for Org
+;; Copyright 2008 Bastien Guerry
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive Entry
+;; Filename: org-export.el
+;; Version: 0.1a
+;; Author: Bastien <bzg AT altern DOT org>
+;; Maintainer: Bastien <bzg AT altern DOT org>
+;; Keywords: 
+;; Description: 
+;; URL: [Not distributed yet]
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is the export engine for Org.
+;; Put this file into your load-path and the following into your ~/.emacs:
+;;   (require 'org-export)
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'cl))
+;;; Parsing functions:
+(defun org-export-parse (&optional level)
+  "Parse the current buffer.
+Return a nested list reflecting the sectioning structure of the
+file and containing all information about each section, including
+its content."
+  (let (output eos)
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (re-search-forward org-complex-heading-regexp nil t)
+	(let ((heading (match-string 4))
+	      (properties (org-entry-properties)))
+	  (save-restriction
+	    (narrow-to-region (if (looking-at "\n") (1+ (point)) (point))
+			      (save-excursion 
+				(setq eos (org-end-of-subtree t t))))
+	    (setq output
+		  (append output
+			  (list 
+			   (list :level (or level 1)
+				 :heading heading
+				 :properties properties
+				 :content (org-export-parse-clean-content-string
+					   (org-export-parse-content))
+				 :subtree (org-export-parse 
+					   (if level (1+ level) 2)))))))
+	  (goto-char (1- eos)))))
+    output))
+(defun org-export-parse-content ()
+  "Extract the content of a section.
+The content of a section is the part before a subtree."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (buffer-substring
+     (point)
+     (if (re-search-forward org-complex-heading-regexp nil t)
+	 (match-beginning 0) (point-max)))))
+(defun org-export-parse-clean-content-string (s)
+  "From the content string S, remove stuff also captured by get-properties.
+So this will remove the clock drawer, the property drawer, and the lines
+with planning info (DEADLINE, SCHEDULED, CLOSED)."
+  (if (string-match org-property-drawer-re s)
+      (setq s (replace-match "" t t s)))
+  (if (string-match org-clock-drawer-re s)
+      (setq s (replace-match "" t t s)))
+  (while (string-match (concat org-keyword-time-regexp ".*\n?") s)
+    (setq s (replace-match "" t t s)))
+  s)
+;;; Rendering functions:
+(defun org-export-buffer (filter struct-backend content-backend)
+  "Render the current buffer.
+It first parses the current buffer into a list.  Then it filters
+this list with FILTER.  Finally it uses STRUCT-BACKEND and
+CONTENT-BACKEND to render the structure of the buffer and the
+content of each section."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let* ((props (org-combine-plists 
+		   (org-default-export-plist)
+		   (org-infile-export-plist)))
+	   (first-lines (org-export-parse-content))
+	   (parsed-buffer (org-export-parse)))
+      (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Org export*"))
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (funcall (cdr (assoc 'header struct-backend)) props)
+      (funcall (cdr (assoc 'first-lines struct-backend)) 
+	       first-lines props)
+      (org-export-render-structure parsed-buffer props filter
+				   struct-backend content-backend)
+      (funcall (cdr (assoc 'footer struct-backend)) props))))
+(defun org-export-render-structure
+  (parsed-buffer props filter struct-backend content-backend)
+The optional argument FILTER specifies a filter to pass to the
+rendering engine."
+  (mapc (lambda(s)
+	  (funcall (cdr (assoc 'section-beginning struct-backend)) s)
+	  (funcall (cdr (assoc 'heading struct-backend)) s)
+	  (insert (org-export-render-content s props content-backend) "\n\n")
+	  (org-export-render-structure (plist-get s :subtree) props
+				       filter struct-backend content-backend)
+	  (funcall (cdr (assoc 'section-end struct-backend)) s))
+	(org-export-filter parsed-buffer filter)))
+(defun org-export-render-content (section props content-backend)
+  "Render SECTION with PROPS.  SECTION is the property list
+defining the information for the section.  PROPS is the property
+list defining information for the current export.
+CONTENT-BACKEND is an association list defining possible
+exporting directive the content of this section."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert (plist-get section :content))
+    (if (not (plist-get props :with-comment))
+	(funcall (cdr (assoc 'comment content-backend))))
+    (buffer-string)))
+(defun org-export-strip-drawer ()
+  "Strip DRAWERS in the current buffer.
+Stripped drawers are those matched by `org-drawer-regexp'."
+  (save-excursion 
+    (while (re-search-forward org-drawer-regexp nil t)
+      (let ((beg (match-beginning 0))
+	    (end (and (search-forward ":END:" nil t)
+		      (match-end 0))))
+	(delete-region beg end)))))
+;;; Filtering functions:
+(defun org-export-filter (parsed-buffer filter)
+  "Filter out PARSED-BUFFER with FILTER.
+PARSED-BUFFER is a nested list a sections and subsections, as
+produced by `org-export-parse'.  FILTER is an alist of rules to
+apply to PARSED-BUFFER.  For the syntax of a filter, please check
+the docstring of `org-export-latex-filter'."
+  (delete 
+   nil    
+   (mapcar 
+    (lambda(s)
+      (if (delete
+	   nil 
+	   (mapcar
+	    (lambda(f)
+	      (let ((cnd (car f)) (re (cadr f)) prop-cnd)
+		(or (and (eq cnd 'heading)
+			 (string-match re (plist-get s :heading)))
+		    (and (eq cnd 'content)
+			 (string-match re (plist-get s :content)))
+		    (and (setq prop-cnd 
+			       (assoc cnd (plist-get s :properties)))
+			 (string-match re (cadr prop-cnd))))))
+	    filter))
+	  nil  ;; return nil if the section is filtered out
+	(progn (plist-put s :subtree 
+			  (org-export-filter (plist-get s :subtree) filter))
+	       s))) ;; return the section if it isn't filtered out
+    parsed-buffer)))
+(provide 'org-export)
+;;;  User Options, Variables
+;;; org-export.el ends here

+ 5 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2008-06-25  Carsten Dominik  <dominik@science.uva.nl>
+	* org.el (org-clock-drawer-start-re, org-clock-drawer-end-re)
+	(org-property-drawer-re, org-clock-drawer-re): New constants.
 2008-06-23  Carsten Dominik  <dominik@science.uva.nl>
 	* org-exp.el (org-icalendar-use-deadline)

+ 16 - 0

@@ -10091,6 +10091,22 @@ Being in this list makes sure that they are offered for completion.")
 (defconst org-property-end-re "^[ \t]*:END:[ \t]*$"
   "Regular expression matching the first line of a property drawer.")
+(defconst org-clock-drawer-start-re "^[ \t]*:CLOCK:[ \t]*$"
+  "Regular expression matching the first line of a property drawer.")
+(defconst org-clock-drawer-end-re "^[ \t]*:END:[ \t]*$"
+  "Regular expression matching the first line of a property drawer.")
+(defconst org-property-drawer-re
+  (concat "\\(" org-property-start-re "\\)[^\000]*\\("
+	  org-property-end-re "\\)\n?")
+  "Matches an entire property drawer.")
+(defconst org-clock-drawer-re
+  (concat "\\(" org-clock-drawer-start-re "\\)[^\000]*\\("
+	  org-property-end-re "\\)\n?")
+  "Matches an entire clock drawer.")
 (defun org-property-action ()
   "Do an action on properties."