@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
;; `tempo' can also be used to define more sophisticated keywords
;; completions. See the section "Additional keywords" below for
-;; additional details.
+;; examples.
;;; Code:
@@ -65,7 +65,9 @@ and KEYWORD. The tempo snippet \"<KEY\" is expand to the KEYWORD
For example \"<l\" at the beginning of a line is expanded to
+Note: the tempo function for \"#+include\" is defined elsewhere."
:group 'org-tempo
:type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Key")
(string :tag "Keyword")))
@@ -76,23 +78,35 @@ For example \"<l\" at the beginning of a line is expanded to
;;; Org Tempo functions and setup.
(defun org-tempo-setup ()
- (org-tempo-add-templates)
+ (org-tempo--update-maybe)
(tempo-use-tag-list 'org-tempo-tags)
(setq-local tempo-match-finder "^ *\\(<[[:word:]]+\\)\\="))
+(defun org-tempo--keys ()
+ "Return a list of all Org Tempo expansion strings, like \"<s\"."
+ (mapcar (lambda (pair) (format "<%s" (car pair)))
+ (append org-structure-template-alist
+ org-tempo-keywords-alist)))
+(defun org-tempo--update-maybe ()
+ "Check and add new Org Tempo templates if necessary.
+In particular, if new entries were added to
+`org-structure-template-alist' or `org-tempo-keywords-alist', new
+Tempo templates will be added."
+ (unless (cl-every (lambda (key) (assoc key org-tempo-tags))
+ (org-tempo--keys))
+ (org-tempo-add-templates)))
(defun org-tempo-add-templates ()
"Update all Org Tempo templates.
Goes through `org-structure-template-alist' and
- (let ((keys (mapcar (lambda (pair) (format "<%c" (car pair)))
- (append org-structure-template-alist
- org-tempo-keywords-alist))))
+ (let ((keys (org-tempo--keys)))
;; Check for duplicated snippet keys and warn if any are found.
(when (> (length keys) (length (delete-dups keys)))
"Duplicated keys in `org-structure-template-alist' and `org-tempo-keywords-alist'"))
;; Remove any keys already defined in case they have been updated.
(setq org-tempo-tags
(cl-remove-if (lambda (tag) (member (car tag) keys)) org-tempo-tags))
@@ -102,9 +116,11 @@ Goes through `org-structure-template-alist' and
(defun org-tempo-add-block (entry)
"Add block entry from `org-structure-template-alist'."
(let* ((key (format "<%s" (car entry)))
- (name (cdr entry)))
+ (name (cdr entry))
+ (special (member name '("src" "export"))))
(tempo-define-template (format "org-%s" (replace-regexp-in-string " " "-" name))
- `(,(format "#+begin_%s " name) p '> n n
+ `(,(format "#+begin_%s%s" name (if special " " ""))
+ ,(when special 'p) '> n '> ,(unless special 'p) n
,(format "#+end_%s" (car (split-string name " ")))
@@ -126,10 +142,12 @@ Goes through `org-structure-template-alist' and
Unlike to `tempo-complete-tag', do not give a signal if a partial
completion or no match at all is found. Return nil if expansion
didn't succeed."
+ (org-tempo--update-maybe)
;; `tempo-complete-tag' returns its SILENT argument when there is no
;; completion available at all.
(not (eq 'fail (tempo-complete-tag 'fail))))
;;; Additional keywords
(defun org-tempo--include-file ()
@@ -160,8 +178,6 @@ didn't succeed."
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-tempo-setup)
(add-hook 'org-tab-before-tab-emulation-hook 'org-tempo-complete-tag)
;; Enable Org Tempo in all open Org buffers.
(dolist (b (org-buffer-list 'files))
(with-current-buffer b (org-tempo-setup)))